Dynamo 1 Module 1 La rentrée - Point de départQuick View

Dynamo 1 Module 1 La rentrée - Point de départ

Three lessons that can turn to four covering initial topics of Dynamo Module 1 sections la rentrée and Point de départ with speaking activity games. Topics covered: Days of the week Months Alphabet Sounds Greeting and asking the name Numbers up to 31 Saying how old you are
Why William won the battle of HastingsQuick View

Why William won the battle of Hastings

Seven Lessons - two of which of revision Lesson 1 - Who should be King LO: to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the contenders Lesson 2- Battle of Stamford Bridge LO: To understand the events at Stamford Bridge Lesson 3 - To what extent is the Bayeaux Tapestry reliable LO: to evaluate the reliability of the Bayeux Tapestry Lesson 4 - Who won the Battle of Hastings and was it a game of luck -LO: To investigate the reasons for the outcome of the Battle of Hastings Lesson 5 - William of Normandy won the battle of Hastings due to luck -LO: To prepare and plan for the end of unit assessment Lesson 6 - Assessment Prep -LO: To prepare and plan for the end of unit assessment Lesson 7 - Revision -LO: To recognise what I am doing well and effectively respond to feedback to improve