How to Create Snow in After EffectsQuick View

How to Create Snow in After Effects

<p>This resource contains a easy to follow guide and a .png for students to follow that will teach them how to create falling snow in Adobe After Effects.</p> <p>It usually takes them between 30 minutes to an hour depending on the computers used.</p> <p>It’s a fun way to introduce CC Particle World as well as depth.</p>
Create a simple clock using JavaScript ProgrammingQuick View

Create a simple clock using JavaScript Programming

<p>This contains a step by step guide that will teach the students how to create a very simple clock using JavaSctipt programming.</p> <p>This activity usually takes the students about 5 - 10 minutes so works well as a starter activity.</p>
Simple programming countdown clockQuick View

Simple programming countdown clock

<p>A simple little guide for students to follow that will have them create a countdown clock using programming.</p> <p>Works well for a starter activity or introductionary task.</p> <p>Usually takes students 5 - 20 minutes to get completed depending on level.</p>
Create a fun 'Matrix' style effect with programming JavaScriptQuick View

Create a fun 'Matrix' style effect with programming JavaScript

<p>A step by step guide that will show the students how to make a fun ‘Matrix’ style effect with programming JavaScript.</p> <p>Takes the students between 5 - 20 minutes depending on the level so works well as a starter activity or introduction to the unit.</p>
HTML Lesson Mega Pack!Quick View

HTML Lesson Mega Pack!

<p>Level 2 / GCSE / 14+ content for learning HTML for BTEC.</p> <p>This pack was made for the BTEC Level 2 Computing course as part of the Web Development Unit.</p> <p>The mega pack contains 16 step by step guides as well as a task for the students to follow which will teach them everything they need about HTML for Level 2 / GCSE or even Level 3 and higher.</p> <p>Use this mega pack and most of your lessons are sorted. All you need to do is make the presentations, which won’t take much as the guides contain step by step instructions that the students can follow at their own pace.</p> <p>All you need to do is support!</p>
Create a game of naughts and crosses / tic tac toe with JavaScript programmingQuick View

Create a game of naughts and crosses / tic tac toe with JavaScript programming

<p>A fun task that contains a step by step guide for students to create a game of naughts and crosses / tic tac toe with JavaScript programming.</p> <p>Usually takes the students about 15 mins - 25 mins to complete. As they can play a game at the end it works well as a finishing activity rather than a starter task.</p>