EYFS- Geography comparing Kenya and UK.Quick View

EYFS- Geography comparing Kenya and UK.

<p>Work sheet linked to learning about Kenya and the UK allowing the children to draw picture of both places and space at the bottom for adults to scribe differences and similarities. Along with a planning sheet and link to age appropriate video about life in Kenya.</p>
The Hungry caterpillar EYFS writingQuick View

The Hungry caterpillar EYFS writing

<p>3 days of short sentence writing for EYFS linked to the story of the Hungry caterpillar with images. adaptable planning and stickers for books with success criteria.</p>
Handa's surprise Drawing club and wow writing.Quick View

Handa's surprise Drawing club and wow writing.

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 2 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Handas Suprises with editiable stickers for books.</p> <p>Then 4 lessons on Wow writing linked to the story.</p> <p>2 weeks of planning Monday to Wednesday.</p> <p>3 Wagoll examples as well.</p>
Drawing club Burglar Bill by Janet Ahlberg and written by Allan Ahlberg.Quick View

Drawing club Burglar Bill by Janet Ahlberg and written by Allan Ahlberg.

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 2 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on the story of Burglar Bill with editiable stickers for books. Along with 1 days Wow writing planning.</p>
Drawing club- Pink PantherQuick View

Drawing club- Pink Panther

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 4 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on the animation of Pink Panther with editiable stickers for books. As well as 1 day of wow spring related with CVC, CVCC, CCVC Writing sheet attached.</p>
Drawing club- Pink PantherQuick View

Drawing club- Pink Panther

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 4 days worth of planning linked to the animation story of the Pink Panther with editiable stickers for books. As well as 1 day Wow CVC, CCVC, CVCC Writing sheet attached.</p>
Drawing club- Lost and FoundQuick View

Drawing club- Lost and Found

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 3 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Lost and Found By Oliver Jeffers with editiable stickers for books.</p>
EYFS- Geography Antarctica work sheetQuick View

EYFS- Geography Antarctica work sheet

<p>Work sheet linked to learning about Antarctic with a map for the children to colour in when they have located Antarctica. Along with animal images for the to cut out and identify animals that live in the Antarctic.</p>
Drawing club/ T4W Luna New planningQuick View

Drawing club/ T4W Luna New planning

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 2 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Luna New Year with editiable stickers for books. As well as 1 days T4W with Writing cvc sheet attached.</p>
Drawing club- Three Billy goat gruffQuick View

Drawing club- Three Billy goat gruff

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 2 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Three Billy Goats with editiable stickers for books.</p>
Drawing club- Tiger who came to teaQuick View

Drawing club- Tiger who came to tea

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 3 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Tiger who came to tea with editiable stickers for books.</p>
drawing club Banana manQuick View

drawing club Banana man

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 3 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Bananaman with editiable stickers for books.</p>
Drawing club- Christopher PumpkinQuick View

Drawing club- Christopher Pumpkin

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 2 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Christopher with editiable stickers for books.</p>
Drawing club- Wacky racersQuick View

Drawing club- Wacky racers

<p>Drawing Club is the approach to teach Literacy. It was created by a practitioner called Greg Bottrill and it brings the magic of story into the classroom. It is a way to share skills including fine motor, maths, early writing, vocabulary and most importantly, imagination and excitement!</p> <p>This is 2 days worth of planning linked to the animation story on Wacky racers with editiable stickers for books.</p>
Visual timetable card for HomeQuick View

Visual timetable card for Home

<p>Ready made visual timetable perfect for Home, school and nurserys. All daily activities for all abilities of children. Easy to print and visually supportive for all.</p> <p>including-</p> <p>meal time, at home routines, tolieting and more.</p>
Growing labelsQuick View

Growing labels

<p>Picture/ written labels for growing plants, vegtables and more with children or just at home.</p>