Khrushchev - Opposition and Fall from OfficeQuick View

Khrushchev - Opposition and Fall from Office

Full powerpoint lesson looking at Khrushchev - Opposition and Fall from Office. Also includes a knowledge recall test (and answers) on related content. Opposition to Khrushchev…The Anti-Party group Opposition to Khrushchev…Cultural Dissidents x2 Opposition to Khrushchev…Cultural Dissidents to a ‘Democratic Movement’? Opposition to Khrushchev…Defectors Khrushchev’s fall from power…Political Factors Khrushchev’s fall from power…Economic Factors Khrushchev’s fall from power…Foreign Policy Factors…Cuba and the Military Khrushchev’s fall from power…Foreign Policy Factors…Relations with China Khrushchev’s fall from power x2
Impact of WWII on the USSRQuick View

Impact of WWII on the USSR

Full PowerPoint lesson looking at the effects of the Great patriotic War on the USSR. Also includes a knowledge test (and answers) on related content How ready was the USSR for the Great Patriotic War Soviet Military Actions between Nazi-Soviet Pact and Barbarossa The Great Patriotic War – An Overview - video link Effect of the Great Patriotic War – Stalin the war leader x5 slides Stalin during the Great Patriotic War x4 (Inc source activity x4) Opposition and Collaboration during the Great Patriotic War The Communist Party of the USSR and the Great Patriotic War x2
Operation BarbarossaQuick View

Operation Barbarossa

Full powerpoint lesson looking at Operation Barbarossa. Also includes a knowledge recall test (and answers) on related content. Background to Invasion – Nazi motives for invading the USSR Background to Invasion x2 Background to Invasion source task x2 Background to Invasion – Germany and the USSR invade Poland Background to Invasion – Germany and the USSR invade Poland source task x2 Russia on the eve of Invasion – The USSR in 1941 Background to Invasion – Stalin and the Invasion Background to Invasion – Details on the size of each army The Invasion Key Events x3 + Source activity
Khrushchev's Reforms - The Thaw - Agricultural and Industrial and Cultural ReformsQuick View

Khrushchev's Reforms - The Thaw - Agricultural and Industrial and Cultural Reforms

Full PP lesson looking at Khrushchev’s Reforms - The Thaw - Agricultural and Industrial and Cultural Reforms. Includes a starter knowledge recall test (and answers) on related content nand 2 extract questions. What changes did Khrushchev make - Reform Communism - the Thaw Agricultural Reforms…Virgin Lands x2 slides Agricultural Reforms. A Judgement Legal reforms Administrative Reforms Social Reform,Housing Industrial reforms Industrial reforms…Seven Years Plan Industrial Reforms. A Judgement Cultural Reforms x2 Education Reforms Judgement on the reforms Exam Practice 1 Exam Practice 2
Bolshevik Economic Policy - State Capitalism - War Communism New Economic PolicyQuick View

Bolshevik Economic Policy - State Capitalism - War Communism New Economic Policy

30 slide presentation looking at Bolshevik Economic Policy - State Capitalism - War Communism - New Economic Policy. Also includes a starter test and answers on related content. Overview of Bolshevik Economic policy 1917 - 1928 Economic situation in Russia after revolution + task State Capitalism Effects of state capitalism What was War Communism + task Red Terror as part of War Communism Terror - source activity War Communism production stats. source exercise. War communism - source exercise x2 Effects of War Communism - info Kronstadt - Info and task Tambov - info Introduction of NEP - info What was NEP Key features of NEP NEP - Ideology V Reality x3 slides - info and task Impact of the NEP - various sources and related tasks Overview of success of NEP Overview of faiulures of NEP
High Stalinism - A Level HistoryQuick View

High Stalinism - A Level History

Full PowerPoint lesson looking at What High Stalinism was and events during the period. Also includes a knowledge recall task of related content (and answers) Hope of Soviet citizens at the end of WW11 What are the elements that made up the period of High Stalinism deology and High Stalinism​ Ideology and High Stalinism – Examples of Socialist Realism x2 High Stalinism - NKVD High Stalinism – Return of the Purges – The Leningrad Affair High Stalinism – Return of the Purges - Mingrelian affair High Stalinism – Return of the Purges – The Doctors Plot High Stalinism – Government and Party x2
USSR - Social Impact of WWII....Role of women, Soldiers, Partisans, Religion, Workforce, PropagandaQuick View

USSR - Social Impact of WWII....Role of women, Soldiers, Partisans, Religion, Workforce, Propaganda

Full powerpoint lesson looking at the social Impact of WWII on soviet groups…Role of women, Soldiers, Partisans, Religion, Workforce, Propaganda. Also includes a starter test (and answers) on associated content. The role of Soviet Women during WWII – The Military – The Airforce The role of Soviet Women during WWII – The Military – Snipers and Infantry The role of Soviet Women during WWII – Industry The role of Soviet Women during WWII – The Home Front Social Impact of WWII – Soldiers and Prisoners of War Social Impact of WWII - Partisans The impact of the Second World War on the USSR – The Workers & Families Social Impact of WWII - Religion Social Impact of WWII – Religion Continued The Social Impact of the Second World – Soviet Peasants Social Impact of the Second World War – Soviet Propaganda Social Impact of the Second World War – Soviet Propaganda – Example x2 The Social Impact of WWII – Soviet Propaganda - The impact Social Impact of the Second World War - Deaths The social impact of the Second World War - Conclusion
USSR - Economic Impact of WWII on the USSRQuick View

USSR - Economic Impact of WWII on the USSR

Full powerpoint lesson on the economic impact of the second world war on the USSR. Also includes a starter test (and answers) on related content. The Soviet Economy on the verge of Invasion x2 The Third Five Year Plan (1938-1941) Invasion and its immediate effects on the Soviet Economy Evacuation of Industry to the East Consequences of the Evacuation of Industry to the East - source task Consequences of the Evacuation of Industry to the East Consequences of the Evacuation – Soviet Scorched Earth Policy The Soviet War Time Economy is Launched The Soviet War Economy - Tanks The Soviet War Economy - Airplanes The Soviet War Economy - Weapons The Soviet War Economy – General Indicators Agriculture and Food Production during WWII The Economic Impact of WWII on the USSR - population lose
Impact of the Second World War on the USSR - Stalin and general political impactQuick View

Impact of the Second World War on the USSR - Stalin and general political impact

Full powerpoint lesson looking at Impact of the Second World War on the USSR - Stalin and general political impact. Also includes a starter test (and answers) on related content. How ready was the USSR for the Great Patriotic War Soviet Military Actions between Nazi-Soviet Pact and Barbarossa The Great Patriotic War – An Overview Effect of the Great Patriotic War – Stalin the war leader x6 info slides Effect of the Great Patriotic War – Stalin the war leader source activity x2 slides Effect of the Great Patriotic War – Stalin the war leader x2 further slides Effect of the Great Patriotic War – Stalin the war leader - view of Hitler source task Stalin as war leader chart task. Opposition and Collaboration during the Great Patriotic War The Communist Party of the USSR and the Great Patriotic War. x2 slides
Background to Operation Barbarossa and brief overview of Great Patriotic WarQuick View

Background to Operation Barbarossa and brief overview of Great Patriotic War

Full PP lesson looking at Background to Operation Barbarossa and brief overview of Great Patriotic War. Background to Invasion – Nazi motives for invading the USSR Background to Invasion - Europe in 1939 Background to Invasion - Hitler seeks a deal with the USSR Background to Invasion - source task Background to Invasion - Nazi Soviet Pact Background to Invasion - Nazi Soviet Pact - Stalins view Background to Invasion – Germany and the USSR invade Poland Background to Invasion – Germany and the USSR invade Poland - source task x2 Background to Invasion – Germany and Europe in 1941 Russia on the eve of Invasion – The USSR in 1941 Background to Invasion – Stalin and the Invasion Background to Invasion – Details on the size of each army The Invasion Key Events of Great Patriotic War x3 slides Key events - Source task
Russian Civil War - Very DetailedQuick View

Russian Civil War - Very Detailed

40 slide power point looking at the Russian Civil War What is a Civil War? Who was involved in Civil War - Source task Overview of the Russian Civil War - info slide The Whites The whites - map work The Greens - inc. task The Greens - map work The Reds - inc. task The Reds map work Source - Reds V Whites Causes of the Russian Civil War - overview Causes of the Russian Civil War - Constituent Assembly Causes of the Russian Civil War - Treaty of Brest Litivsk Causes of the Russian Civil War - intervention by great Powers Great powers - source task Events of the Civil War - overview Causes of the Russian Civil War - task (inc. worksheet) Key events from the Russian Civil War - Tsar’s murder Key events from the Russian Civil War - Polish - Soviet War - Inc video link Key events from the Russian Civil War - Kronstadt Rebellion Key events from the Russian Civil War - Kronstadt Rebellion source task Key events from the Russian Civil War - formation of the USSR Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War? - Overview Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - Foreign forces throughout Russia Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - Geography Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - Propaganda Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - role of Trotsky Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - Role of Trotsky - source task x2 Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - genuine support Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil War - Economic Policy (briefly) Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil Wa - Red Terror Why did the Reds win the Russian Civil Wa - Red Terror - source task
Stages in the struggle to Replace LeninQuick View

Stages in the struggle to Replace Lenin

Stages in the struggle to Replace Lenin Stage 1 – Stalin V Trotsky​1923-1924 Stalin / Zinovieve / Bukharin V Trotsky The Left Opposition] Trotsky loses - Source activity Stage 2 – Stalin V Left (Kamenev and Zinoviev)​1924 - 1927 Stalin / Bukharin V Kamaneve / Zinoviev The United Opposition THE DEFEAT OF THE UNITED OPPOSITION Stage 3 – Stalin V Right (Bukharin)​1927 - 1929 THE RIGHT DEVIATION Stalin the Superman
Contenders to Replace LeninQuick View

Contenders to Replace Lenin

Contenders to Replace Lenin Assessment of Lenin - Source task Lenins death Overview of possible contendors to replace Lenin Overview of possible contendors to replace Lenin - Worksheet to be completed Leon Trotsky Lev Kamenev Gregory Zinoviev Joseph Stalin Alexi Rykov Mikail Tomsky Nikolai Bukharin Contenders hierarchy task Political spectrum in Politburo Views of the Left and Right on leadership Views of the Left and Right on Economic policy x2 Views of the Left and Right on revolution Lenins Testament The Ban on Factionalism The Party Machne
Stalin - Maintaining the Dictatorship - Terror and PurgesQuick View

Stalin - Maintaining the Dictatorship - Terror and Purges

Stalin - Maintaining the Dictatorship - Terror and Purges Purge – A Bolshevik tactic Differences between the use of terror in the 1930’s and previously. Introduction to Stalin and the terror Overview of the stages of the purges Stalin and the purges - source activity The early purges 1928-1934 – the chistka Trotsky - criticism Ryutin Platform Kirov assassination Kirov assassination - source task The Great Purges of 1934–38 x2 THE TRIAL OF THE SIXTEEN, AUGUST 1936 THE TRIAL OF THE SIXTEEN, AUGUST 1936 - Source Task Show Trial - source task Show Trail - definition Appointment of Yezhov Show Trials - Source task x2 THE TRIAL OF THE SEVENTEEN, JANUARY 1937 THE TRIAL OF THE TWENTY ONE, MARCH 1938 THE GREAT TERROR THE GREAT TERROR - Source Task x5 Soviet military trials Purge of the NKVD Purge of NKVD - Source task THE END OF THE GREAT TERROR The effects of the Great Terror x2
Bolshevik consolidation of power - immediate actions following RevolutionQuick View

Bolshevik consolidation of power - immediate actions following Revolution

A detailed presentation looking at the Bolshevik consolidation of power - immediate actions following Revolution What problems did the Bolshevik’s face? - Student task What problems did the Bolshevik’s face? - Source task Overview of problems faced by Bolshevik’s - info slide Problem 1: Structure of the Sovirt State Sovnarkrom Structure of Communist Party Bolshevik change of name, creation of Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, fist constitution Problem 2 – Workers and soldiers demand the Bolsheviks work with other left wing parties / Constituent Assembly: Source task Results of the Constituent Assembly elections - source task How Lenin dealt with Constituent Assembly election results - sources and information. The sources relating to the reaction to the closure of the Constituent Assembly. What was the reaction? Problem 3 – To gain the loyalty of the people Source task Passing of the Decrees Creation of the The Cheka (or secret police) Source task - priorities for the Cheka x3 Problem 4 – Dealing with Opposition - Press - Kadets - Other political parties - class warfare and purge of the Civil Service Problem 5 – How to achieve peace. - Background to Brest Litovsk Brest Litovsk - source activity x2 Map work - Brest Litovsk Problem 7 – Economic Stability - State Capitalsim x 2 information slides.
Stalin’s Economic Policies - 5 Year Plans - Great Turn - Second Revolution.Quick View

Stalin’s Economic Policies - 5 Year Plans - Great Turn - Second Revolution.

Very detailed lesson lookig at Stalin’s Economic Policies - 5 Year Plans - Great Turn - Second Revolution. Also includes a starter test on connected content. What was the Great Turn - info slide Reasons for the ‘Great Turn’ - info and task Source task - Reasons fro the Great Turn x3 What was Collectivisation - info and task Definition of Collectivisation - task - also includes link to video Main types of Collective Farms The Kulaks - info slide - task and link to video The Kulaks - source task x2 The Famine - info slide The Famine source task x3 Was Collectivisation a success? Info and task What were the Five Year Plans - info slide How were the 5 year plans organised - Gosplan - Info slide Aims of the First Five Year Plan Was the First Five year plan a success - source task x3 The Second Five-Year Plan (1933 – 1937 - aims The Second Five-Year Plan (1933 – 1937 - successes and failures The Second Five-Year Plan (1933 – 1937 - successes and failures - source task x2 The Third Five-Year Plan (1938 - 1941) - aims - info slide The Third Five-Year Plan (1938 - 1941) - successes and failures Propaganda and the Five Year Plans Stakhanovites
Historiography - The Struggle to Replace LeninQuick View

Historiography - The Struggle to Replace Lenin

Historiography - The Struggle to Replace Lenin What is Historiography? Factors that effect opinions Trotskyist view INTENTIONALISTS view SOCIOCULTURALISTS View IDEOLOGICAL view Structuralists View Factors resulting in Stalin’s victory x2
Stalin's Cultural Revolution - The Great Turn?Quick View

Stalin's Cultural Revolution - The Great Turn?

Detailed lesson looking at Stalin’s Cultural Revolution - The Great Turn? What was the Cultural Revolution - Info and definition activity THE CULT OF PERSONALITY x2 slides - information and task Rewriting History - Spot the difference activity Examples of the Cult of Personality Changes to Education Youth Movements Youth movements - source activity Soviet Realism x3 Attack on religion -s ource activity Attack on religion - info x2 and task Role of women - info and task x2 Soviet man The Constitution of 1936
Stalin and the Power Struggle to succeed Lenin - factors contributing to Stalin's victoryQuick View

Stalin and the Power Struggle to succeed Lenin - factors contributing to Stalin's victory

Full lesson covering Stalin and the Power Struggle to replace Lenin - Factors contributing to victory Info - sheet (also a worksheet) on the structure of the Communist Party in the USSR Info - sheet (also a worksheet) on the structure of the Government in the USSR Who were the contenders for succession - info What happened to the contenders for succession - source activity Who was most likely to replace Lenin - source activity Info- who was most likely to replace Lenin Overview - Factors that allowed Stalin to win the power struggle What Lenin said about each of the main contenders for succession in his testament. What Lenin said about Stalin in his testament - source activity x2 How Stalin dealt with Lenin’s Testament - inc. video link View of Zionoviev on Stalins actions re: testament - source activity Stalin’s early positions – Powerbase Stalins position as General Secretary x2 slides of information Stalin as General Secretary - source activity Stalin as General Secretary - historian view - task Underestimation of Stalin bu other contenders - view of historian and task. Stalins character - source task x2 Stalin and ideology - historian view and task x2 Stalin and the cult of Lenin x2 (inc. source task) x3
1905 Russian Revolution - EventsQuick View

1905 Russian Revolution - Events

A full powerpoint lesson looking at the events of the 1905 Russian Revolution Video link giving overview of the1905 Revolution and overview of main event topics to be examined. Events of 1905 upto the Bulygin Rescript Events of 1905 upto October. The Soviet and the 1905 Russian Revolution The Soviet and the 1905 Russian Revolution - Role of Trotsky The Liberals and the 1905 Revolution Revolution amongst the National Minorities Rural Peasants and the 1905 Revolution The military and the 1905 Revolution x2 Consequences of 1905 Events - source activity Return of Witte
Russian Revolution October 1917Quick View

Russian Revolution October 1917

Full power point lesson looking at the October Revolution of 1917 Starter activity - define content related themes - then AFL with answers on next slide. Bolshevik thinking about revolution Lenin’s view of when a revolution should happen The Bolsheviks at the start of October 1917 The October Revolution Street view of key locations in Petrograd in October 1917 Pictures of key moments x4 Trotsky and the October Revolution How important was LENIN compared with the PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT in causing the Russian Revolution of October 1917?