Booklet with a range of activities (including context videos, comprehension questions and character study worksheets) as well as aids to assist study and teaching of Markus Zusak's The Book Thief.
Useful resources for teacher use in the classroom as well as student use for revision.<br />
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VCE English Text resources.<br />
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Included:<br />
- Summary- summarises each chapter, the characters, the events, the themes, the symbols and key quotes.<br />
- Burial Rites 4Cs Making Thinking Visible strategy. I used this by having students write individual responses, then share their responses in small group discussions, each group then made a poster summarising their ideas.<br />
- Australian Story 'No More Than a Ghost' comprehension questions to accompany the documentary.<br />
- Dreams Summary Sheet- jigsaw activity. Instructions on page 1.<br />
- Integrating Quotes- a good worksheet for students who need scaffolding with the skill of quote integration.<br />
- RED Worksheet- a very effective character summary worksheet, to be used at the end of character study.<br />
- What's in a name? Worksheet- studies and questions author choice in how Agnes is described by other characters.<br />
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VCE English Resources.<br />
<br />
Hannah Kent Burial Rites<br />
<br />
8 files in total.
Context PowerPoint and related documents.<br />
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Powerpoint includes a range of images and links to videos to assist student learning and understanding.<br />
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Whole lesson or two part lesson.<br />
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VCE English<br />
The Golden Age<br />
Joan London
What's Eating Gilbert Grape by Lasse Hallstrom<br />
<br />
A range of activities and worksheets to assist teaching. <br />
Contains the following:<br />
Essay Questions<br />
PowerPoint presentation on the theme of family<br />
A worksheet to assist students in writing paragraphs on themes using symbols as evidence<br />
A Making Thinking Visible 4C's activity<br />
A quote worksheet for revision<br />
Character Cards and lesson idea<br />
A PowerPoint on the characters<br />
A context worksheet to begin the unit with<br />
A Making Thinking Visible CSI Activity on the characters<br />
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These were created and used with a Year 9 English class but can be used at Year 8 or 10 depending on your class.
Resources for teaching First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung at Year 11 VCE English.<br />
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Study booklet with range of activities and questions.<br />
Powerpoint on the background of the text.
Maybe Tomorrow by Boori Monty Pryor and Meme McDonald <br />
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Resources:<br />
Comprehension Questions for each chapter<br />
Theme tasks and questions<br />
Two jigsaw activities<br />
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These were used for Year 9 English but could be adapted for older or younger students.
Character studies resources to assist teaching of The Book Thief.<br />
Good to implement at various stages of the teaching process. The Liesel's Mountain worksheet is good to use at the end of text study when preparing students for an essay task. <br />
The characters list is useful to give students to refer to as you study the novel to assist their comprehension. <br />
This was used at Year 9 (ages 15-16) level but could be adapted to be used at a higher or lower level.
Character and theme resources based on the novel Pharaoh by Jackie French.<br />
Designed for Year 7 and 8 English. (Could also be modified and used at Year 5 or 6).<br />
Joan London in conversation at the Adelaide Writer's Festival. Video of interview and comprehension questions.<br />
This would be useful as part of summer holiday homework. Can be done as a whole class or at home. Answers are attached.<br />
Video can be accessed at : <br />
VCE English The Golden Age by Joan London.
A PowerPoint presentation that works well for an early lesson for an insight for students into the text and life in Iceland.<br />
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VCE English Studies Burial Rites Hannah Kent