A Level Psychology Knowledge Organisers (P1)Quick View

A Level Psychology Knowledge Organisers (P1)

These knowledge organisers cover all content and evaluation points for AQA A Level Psychology Paper 1, to include the following topics: Memory: Atkinson & Shiffrin’s (1968) multi-store model Research into STM and LTM Baddeley & Hitch’s (1974) working memory model Types of LTM Explanations for forgetting - interference and retrieval failure Factors affecting the accuracy of EWT - misleading information and anxiety The cognitive interview Social Influence: Types of and explanations for conformity Variables affecting conformity Conformity to social roles Explanations for obedience - the agentic state, legitimacy of authority and the authoritarian personality Minority influence Explanations for resistance to social influence - social support and locus of control Social change Attachment: Caregiver-infant interaction Stages of attachment The role of the father Animal studies of attachment The learning theory of attachment Bowlby’s theory of attachment Ainsworth’s ‘strange situation’ Bowlby’s theory of maternal deprivation The effects of institutionalisation Psychopathology: Definitions of abnormality Phobias - definition and clinical characteristics, the behavioural explanation, behavioural treatments Depression - definition and clinical characteristics, the cognitive explanation, cognitive treatments OCD - definition and clinical characteristics, the biological explanation, biological treatments These knowledge organisers cover all key case studies in detail. I would recommend printing these knowledge organisers on A3 or A2 paper.
A Level English Language - Language ChangeQuick View

A Level English Language - Language Change

This knowledge organiser covers all content for AQA A Level English Language Language Change, to include: The origins and development of English, from Old English to Modern English Key words and definitions, including different forms of neology and neosemy and examples with each definition Detailed case studies of events, organisations and grammarians and extracts from key texts Timelines of orthographical and grammatical change Debates surrounding punctuation and Standard English (SE) Theories and models of language change, including functional theory, random fluctuation theory, innovation, diffusion and s-curve, the wave model and substratum theory Factors affecting language change, including internal and external factors Attitudes towards language change, including Aitchison’s (2013) metaphors