Article Writing for KS 3 and 4
<p>Introduction to Article Writing: Explore the purpose, audience, and tone, using examples from newspapers and magazines.</p>
<p>Key Features: Teach structure (headline, introduction, body, conclusion) and stylistic elements (rhetorical devices, transitions).</p>
<p>Skill Building:</p>
<p>Craft engaging headlines and introductions.<br />
Write clear body paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting details.<br />
Conclude effectively with summaries or calls to action.<br />
Scaffolding Activities:</p>
<p>Modeling: Analyze example articles.<br />
Guided Practice: Co-write articles as a class.<br />
Independent Writing: Gradually release responsibility to students.<br />
Review and Feedback:</p>
<p>Peer reviews and teacher feedback.<br />
Editing and proofreading for coherence and grammar.<br />
Application: Assign real-world topics and assess using rubrics.</p>
<p>This approach ensures progressive skill development, fostering confidence and competence in article writing.</p>