Fraction worksheetQuick View

Fraction worksheet

Children need to colour the fraction of each circle. Cut them out and put them in order from the biggest to smallest. Stick them into their maths book.
Year 1 - Repeated Addition PPTQuick View

Year 1 - Repeated Addition PPT

Resource to help children with repeated addition. The first few slides will ask the children to workout pairs of numbers. Then, the children will have to workout questions involving 5s and 10s.
Geography Worksheet - Continents, Countries and CitiesQuick View

Geography Worksheet - Continents, Countries and Cities

This resource can be used as a starter activity, plenary or activity during the lesson. <br /> <br /> Worksheet contains cutout name labels for the seven continents, three countries &amp; capital cities for each continent. For example, Europe has Germany, France and Spain to find as well as each capital city. <br /> <br /> All of the labels can be cut out before the lesson starts and mixed up on the floor. To start with, the children have to pick out the continents and place them away from the countries and cities. Secondly, the children then place the countries underneath the continent they are from and finally they will place the capital cities under their countries.
100 Square Number challengesQuick View

100 Square Number challenges

<p>14 pages of 100 square number challenges. Children have to a range of addition and subtraction problems to workout. Once they have worked out the questions they can then colour the correct number on the number square. Difficulty increases for each challenge.</p>
Speed TablesQuick View

Speed Tables

A range of differentiated times tables grids to be completed once a week. I like to test my class every week using these sheets. I give the class 15 minutes and in that time they try and complete as many times tables as they can. If they manage to complete the grid in the 15 minutes they write down their time and try and beat it next week. If they complete the grid three times in a row then I move them up to a more complicated grid.
Noun worksheetQuick View

Noun worksheet

A range of questions based nouns. Children have to identify nouns, find the odd noun out and complete the sentence by using the correct noun.
Fractions IntroQuick View

Fractions Intro

Introduction to basic fractions and then asks children to work out and identify different fractions.