'The Tell Tale Heart' Comprehension and Peer/Self Assessment MSQuick View

'The Tell Tale Heart' Comprehension and Peer/Self Assessment MS

<p>A set of comprehension and exam-style Qs doe the short story ‘The Tell Tale Heart’ by Edgar Allen Poe.</p> <p>The Qs focus on reading comprehension as well as understanding of literary devices.</p> <p>Included is a marking scheme which can be shared with students to allow them to self or peer assess answers to save time on corrections!</p>
Junior Cycle PoetryQuick View

Junior Cycle Poetry

<p>Three poems suitable to be studied at Junior Cycle with differentiated activities for both Ordinary and Higher Level.</p> <p>All poems can be interlinked as well to be compared and contrasted (Junior Cycle HL 2022 Q)</p>
Bundle: The Merchant of VeniceQuick View

Bundle: The Merchant of Venice

<p>A set of PPTs for each act which include notes to breakdown scenes, Qs to support students with comprehension and challenge them to breakdown Shakespearean language and activities, including retrieval practice Qs.</p> <p>Also included:</p> <p>A worksheet on key quotes in the form of a Thinking Quilt<br /> A sample exam Q for characters - can be adapted to any character<br /> A PPT with Q prompts for group work revision</p>
The Comparative: 'Small Things Like These' - Guided Reading Qs/AnalysisQuick View

The Comparative: 'Small Things Like These' - Guided Reading Qs/Analysis

<p>A PPT with guided reading prompts for students to help them analyse the novella ‘Small Things like These’ by Claire Keegan (Leaving Certificate text).</p> <p>I have divided the novella into different sections and the analysis focuses mainly on Cultural Context.</p> <p>I have included an exam Q for each section as well which would be completed in a scaffolded fashion in class for comparing with ‘Lady Bird’ by Greta Gerwig. However, this could be adapted for any other comparative text. Space for a third text to be added in has also been included.</p>
Hamlet WorkbookQuick View

Hamlet Workbook

<p>A basic workbook to use for guided reading or revision. Scene summaries with space for students to choose key quotes as well as specific spaces for students to enter in notes on key soliloquies.</p>
Hamlet Revision: Thinking Quilt on Characters and RelationshipsQuick View

Hamlet Revision: Thinking Quilt on Characters and Relationships

<p>Hamlet Revision: Thinking Quilt on Characters and Relationships</p> <p>Students explore how key quotes can be multi-functional for describing a character based on what they say or what is said about them as well as a relationship between different characters.</p> <p>By applying symbols/patterns and colours they can visulaise how quote can overlap. I’ve provided a sample answer as well to see how it’s done.</p>
Eavan Boland - PowerPointsQuick View

Eavan Boland - PowerPoints

<p>A collection of six PowerPoints analyzing six poems by Eavan Boland as are prescribed for the Leaving Certificate.<br /> Child of Our Time, This Moment, Love, The Famine Road, The Black Lace Fan my Mother Gave Me and the Pomegranate. Each lesson provides a PPT with an analysis of the poem as well as points on language and theme for each.</p>
OL Study Booklet for "Foster" by Claire KeeganQuick View

OL Study Booklet for "Foster" by Claire Keegan

<p>A collection of editable notes on “Foster” by Claire Keegan which are a compilation of my own and some found online. The booklet focuses on relationships and social setting with key quotes for each.</p> <p>Some information has been adapted from <a href="https://vinhanley.com/2017/12/19/study-notes-on-foster-by-claire-keegan/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://vinhanley.com/2017/12/19/study-notes-on-foster-by-claire-keegan/</a></p>
Class PPT: The Merchant of Venice (Act One)Quick View

Class PPT: The Merchant of Venice (Act One)

<p>Class PowerPoint: The Merchant of Venice (Act One)</p> <p>Prompt Qs for analysing scenes<br /> Retrieval Practice Qs<br /> Some creative tasks</p> <p>Used in conjunction with a portfolio and watching the play on Digital Theatre Plus</p>
Comparative: Novel vs FilmQuick View

Comparative: Novel vs Film

<p>A booklet to use as guided watching when viewing the film version of a studied novel. This integrates retrieval practice of the studied novel as well as film studies.</p>