Titanic (Data analysis project/investigation)Quick View

Titanic (Data analysis project/investigation)

This resource was found to be most enjoyable by many students as it gave them a realistic idea in the use of data to analyze what happened in a real world event, such as the sinking of the Titanic. Rubric plus answers included.
Exponents and Surds (Radicals)Quick View

Exponents and Surds (Radicals)

This is a great resource for getting students to understand what a 'surd' or 'radical' really means. It's an 'investigative approach', and so therefore no prior teaching is necessary, as students are led to discover the meaning of these concepts. Section C is based completely on the T1 Smartview Graphing Display Calculator. i.e. T1 84 is recommended.
Algebraic Manipulation TestQuick View

Algebraic Manipulation Test

A great test to check the understanding of students algebraic manipulation (could be used as a 'base-line check' to asses understanding of basic concepts).
Linear Equations TestQuick View

Linear Equations Test

This test is designed for students with a knowledge of linear equations solving. A varied amount of questions are asked to assess across different ability levels.
Exponential (e-Coli) InvestigationQuick View

Exponential (e-Coli) Investigation

This is a really great resource for getting students interested about how numbers increase exponentially, with a "futuristic' accent on it, quite appropriately given today's technology. A graphing display calculator is highly recommended !
Exponential Investigation (e-Coli)Quick View

Exponential Investigation (e-Coli)

This is a great way for "budding scientists" to investigate the power of numbers.........really gets physics students interested in how numbers can increase so rapidly.