<p>PP with a range of badminton shots perfect to cover all lessons on the curriculum and any SOL. Specifically using Badminton England technical aspects to meet governing body requirements (ofsted)</p>
<p>Additionally some extra resources adapted for different abilities and ages.</p>
<p>Athletics lesson resource cards for either peer assessment or to support teacher.</p>
<p>All athletics events covered and even some additional resources adapted for different age ranges and abilities.</p>
<p>AQA GCSE PE lesson powerpoints covering full spec</p>
<p>Please note that AQA makes changes each year and you will need to swap and change aspects respective of this.</p>
<p>Heroes in sport<br />
Calendar of events<br />
Jobs in PE<br />
Stretch and challenge<br />
British Values<br />
Why is PE good for me</p>
<p>A range of fantastic posters for a display in PE</p>
<p>Dodgeball throw resource card with peer checklist</p>
<p>Dodgeball powerpoint with rules and variations of the game, great to keep students engaged but playing different versions of the game</p>
<p>Basic rules<br />
shooting cards<br />
Man to man marking<br />
Zonal defence<br />
PP - with all Basketball skills found on curriculum<br />
Rule cards<br />
Defending strategies</p>
<p>Sprinting refereeing official cards</p>
<p>Great for large classes to rotate round and understand the roles involved in umpiring an athletics event.</p>
<p>Scheme of Work specifically made for AQA GCSE PE</p>
<p>Adaptations would be needed to meet your specific schools requirements and updated accordingly to yearly changes by AQA.</p>
<p>Enjoy all athletics resource cards, including every event resource card, long jump circuit cards, long jump official circuit cards and sprinting circuit cards.</p>