Artist Analysis Step by Step
<p>I have made this powerpoint and learning mat after years of trying to teach analysis or setting it for students as homework etc. I have had many approaches but there is always too much of a focus from students on presentation and internet information copied and pasted. Therefore I have made this to get the artist analysis done in 3-4 lessons but filled with useful content as well as personal responses. Please look through the example slides as the analysis contains sections such as hear/ see/ feel/ smell and creative writing responses which may not be for you but certainly work for my students. The things they come up with are amazing but you have to be invested as a teacher and believe in the approach. FYI I am on Edexcel Fine Art but I’m sure this approach can be used/ adapted for most exam boards. I have tried to include examples of sculpture etc for those doing art, craft and design but again it is adaptable to your needs.</p>
<p>There are 2 resources.</p>
<p><strong>First Resource</strong></p>
<p>1 Powerpoint broken into 2 sections.</p>
<p>Section 1: Homework or PC lesson based tasks gathering imagery and basic artist information, key themes, process, materials. (This is based off using google slides but you can easily adapt to students using powerpoint). Students then have this printed off for the next lesson which is section 2.</p>
<p>Section 2: Step by step annotation of art work that covers:<br />
*- Basic artist information (writing up research from step 1)</p>
<li>Key themes and meaning (writing up research from step 1)</li>
<li>Process/ Materials/ Size (writing up research from step 1)*</li>
<li>Formal Elements (Line, Shape, Tone, Colour, Texture, Pattern)</li>
<li>Creative Writing or Own opinion response (using see/ hear/ feel/ smell</li>
<li>Moving Forward</li>
<p><strong>Second Resource</strong></p>
<p>Colour Coded Learning Mat</p>
<p>This learning mat corresponds with the step by step slides. The sections are all colour coded with matching keywords to extend vocabulary. It also enables students to understand the layout of the analysis.</p>
<p><strong>Teaching in Class</strong><br />
I have made the powerpoint so it is clearly discussion points with the class, then reading them my example based of a Delauney work of the Eiffel Tower. The students then apply this to their own artist or given artist by the teacher. I have found it extremely useful because:</p>
<p>-Slightly weaker students can match keywords and write using the sentence starters.</p>
<li>Middle students write in bullet points but provided clearer explanation with keywords.</li>
<li>Higher students extend their answers and are more active in the discussion. The top students feed off the teacher input and knowledge.</li>
<p>Most of the students stick to the layout and i do try and make sure they write small enough to do so. However the second supporting page of imagery provides them with further space to write round the edge as there is enough extra room. They can then add in for homework in spare spaces sections of drawing around the edges.</p>