Personal budgeting and managing moneyQuick View

Personal budgeting and managing money

<p>A workbook created for students aged 14 and over in an alternative provision setting.<br /> Covers sources of income, expenditure, financial transactions and there purpose, payment methods, pay slips and a case study on budgeting.</p>
The basic structure of the hair.Quick View

The basic structure of the hair.

<p>This was designed for students learning hairdressing at entry level but canalso be used for level 1 .<br /> It includes the names within the structure of the hair and where hair colour sits on and within the hair.</p>
Contra-indications In HairdressingQuick View

Contra-indications In Hairdressing

<p>This power point presentation covers contra-indications in hairdressing and restrictions to the services.<br /> Please take a moment to follow me and look at my other resources<br /> New added - Worksheet</p>
Prepare for hairdressing servicesQuick View

Prepare for hairdressing services

<p>A short power point presentation on the importance of preparing for hairdressing services.<br /> Includes preparing your self, your client and the salon work station .</p>
COSHH in a hairdressing salonQuick View

COSHH in a hairdressing salon

<p>The control of substances hazardous to health is very important in hairdressing with it being the second highest occupation at risk. Up to 70% of haidressers have reported cases of dermatitis at some point in their career. This power point presentation will talk your students through the risks and how to minimize those risks. There is also a short quiz to complete after the power point.<br /> Thank you for viewing<br /> Please take the time to follow me as I will be adding lots more on hairdressing once they have been completed.</p>
Time management and responsible work practice workbookQuick View

Time management and responsible work practice workbook

<p>Describe three things that motivate people in the workplace.<br /> Describe why punctuality and reliability are important in the work place.<br /> Describe strategies for maintaining punctuality.<br /> Describe strategies for maintaining punctuality.<br /> Describe the advantages to yourself and others of managing own time effectively in the workplace.<br /> Assess own time management.<br /> Describe strategies that can be used to manage time in order to deal with pressure and meet deadlines.<br /> Identify three examples of time-wasting behavior and describe how they can impact on other people.<br /> Tutor notes</p>
HairdressingQuick View


6 Resources
<p>All these great resources at a fantastic offer price. Save your self 60% off the individual prices.</p>
Plaiting and twisting hairQuick View

Plaiting and twisting hair

<p>Created for use within an alternative provision setting for OCNWM<br /> Includes worksheets for -<br /> preparing for plaiting services<br /> influencing factors<br /> products, tools and equipment<br /> home care advice<br /> also includes short power points on -<br /> influencing factors<br /> growth patterns<br /> aftercare advice</p>
Styling women's hairQuick View

Styling women's hair

<p>This was created for use in an alternative provision setting using OCNWM framework.<br /> Includes worksheets and answer sheets</p>
Colour hair using temporary colour ocnwmQuick View

Colour hair using temporary colour ocnwm

<p>This resource was created for use in an alternative provision setting for students learning hairdressing from the ocnwm coursework<br /> Some sheets include answers for you to be able to use that knowledge to teach learners.</p>
Job seeking workbook including C.VQuick View

Job seeking workbook including C.V

<p>A workbook designed for learners to find out about C.V writing, the skills needed for job hunting and where to look.</p> <p>Suitable for learners aged 14 onwards as an introduction to the world of job seeking.</p>
Building a personal career portfolioQuick View

Building a personal career portfolio

<p>A workbook designed for learners aged 14+ in an alternative provision setting.</p> <p>Includes reflecting on your own skills, abilities and personal qualities.<br /> Includes goal setting</p>
Tube torch, electrical circuit with a switchQuick View

Tube torch, electrical circuit with a switch

<p>This Tube torch is fantastic for young ones learning about electrical circuits and adding a switch.<br /> I have used this activity with children at different ages between 8 and 15 and all enjoyed the task.</p>
Personal budgetingQuick View

Personal budgeting

<p>Personal budgeting, focusing on essential, non-essential spending and prioritizing.<br /> Power point presentation and activity sheets designed for entry level 3 OCN</p>
Creative writing ocnwmQuick View

Creative writing ocnwm

<p>A workbook in creative writing<br /> . Describe a variety of literary styles and genres.<br /> Describe how styles may be adapted for different audiences.<br /> Record material from personal experience or anecdotes, including details of language and vocabulary.<br /> Record material from personal experience or anecdotes, including details of language and vocabulary.<br /> Write a short piece based on recorded material.<br /> Identify appropriate audiences for a piece of creative writing.<br /> Outline why a particular reading audience has been targeted.<br /> Produce a plan for a piece of creative writing.<br /> Identify strengths and areas for improvement in own work.</p> <p>Including some tutor notes.</p>
Eco systemsQuick View

Eco systems

<p>A workbook created for learners in an alternative provision setting ages 11+</p> <p>Includes creating art work, capturing evidence for characteristics of a living organism, what seeds need in order to germinate, how information about the weather is collected, 7.1. Use equipment to collect information about the weather,<br /> what is meant by ‘carbon emissions’ and ‘carbon footprint’<br /> and links to find information in the tutor notes at the end of the work book.</p>
Introduction to Drug AwarenessQuick View

Introduction to Drug Awareness

<p>This workbook was made for students currently not in mainstream education and most at risk of coming in to contact with illigal drugs.<br /> This resource has full tutor notes to assist you in teaching.</p>
Where in the world - BrazilQuick View

Where in the world - Brazil

<p>A little workbook with activities on Brazil.<br /> Could be used as homework handouts for the learner to find out about Brazil.</p>