Las vacaciones - revisionQuick View

Las vacaciones - revision

<p>I used this as a revision session for holidays with my year 9. It is a full lesson which starts with a recalling of relevant topic vocab, then uses a parallel text to introduce key structures, then finishes with a writing challenge to apply new learning.</p>
Mi familia y mis animalesQuick View

Mi familia y mis animales

Blooms independent lesson to either consolidate learning on family, animals and personal descriptions or use after assessments to capitalise on mistakes. Requires minimal teacher input. Ideal for year 7.
Future tense - holidaysQuick View

Future tense - holidays

This is a Blooms lesson designed to target higher level thinking. It recaps all vocabulary from the STUDIO textbook on holidays and free time and includes translation and comprehension exercises.
La Navidad/Christmas - full lessonQuick View

La Navidad/Christmas - full lesson

<p>Full lesson on Christmas for high ability year 9/KS4. Follows on from previous lesson on festivals.</p> <p>Lesson comes with full worksheet plus powerpoint with embedded games.<br /> Activities include;</p> <ul> <li>vocabulary recall</li> <li>comprehensions</li> <li>translations</li> <li>listening (questions included but class teacher to talk about their own personal experiences)</li> <li>BEAT THE BOSS</li> <li>WHITEBOARD GAMES</li> <li>BINGO</li> </ul> <p>DISCLAIMER: ALL IMAGES ARE DOWNLOADED FROM GOOGLE IMAGES. ALL OTHER WORK IS MY OWN.</p>
Las redes socialesQuick View

Las redes sociales

Worksheet used as a whole lesson including match up activities, gap fills, translations, writing skills and a listening activity based on a youtube video, link included. Excellent for mid/high level KS4 classes. Differentiated according to outcomes. Colour coded activities. Covers most of the topic of las redes sociales.
Los deportesQuick View

Los deportes

Worksheet that can be used to form a whole lesson on 'los deportes', containing gap fill, comprehension, match ups and writing activities. Activities are clour-coded and differentiated by outcome. Used with top set year 8 but would work well with lower ability KS4.
Los peligros de las redes socialesQuick View

Los peligros de las redes sociales

Second lesson in unit of work based on las redes sociales. This worksheet moves on from broadly talking about las redes sociales and starts to think about the dangers of them. Includes translation, comprehension and writing activities. Can be used as a full lesson. Used with mid/high ability year 11.
Ser y estarQuick View

Ser y estar

Worksheet/full lesson colour coded according to BLOOMS designed to teach and recap the rules of Ser and Estar. Tied in with the theme of 'mi pueblo'. Ideal for full lesson and also ideal for cover work. Very challenging GCSE level.
Las vacaciones - an introductionQuick View

Las vacaciones - an introduction

<p>This worksheet forms a full lesson based on holidays. It focuses on translation, photo cards and builds up to a writing task. Ideal for use with KS4 - mid/high ability.</p>
Mi pueblo - GCSEQuick View

Mi pueblo - GCSE

Extremely high level colour-coded BLOOMS 'mi pueblo' lesson that I used over a double lesson with my year ten. Class contains native speakers and they found the higher level activities fairly challenging. Lesson is focused on introducing new vocabulary through independent learning and then practising such learning through written activities and also whiteboard activities.
Las vacaciones - beginning to compare to holidays in the past tenseQuick View

Las vacaciones - beginning to compare to holidays in the past tense

<p>This lesson follows on from the resource entitled ‘las vacaciones - lo que hago durante el verano’ and focuses on comparing two holidays in the past. The resource includes a match up activity, a parallel translation activity, a translation activity and a writing activity. Mid/high ability KS4.</p>
Past weekends/ El fin de semana pasado full lessonQuick View

Past weekends/ El fin de semana pasado full lesson

<p>Full lesson on past weekends including powerpoint and worksheet. End aim is to be able to create a storyboard like the WAGOLL provided detailing what we did last weekend.</p> <p>Lesson contains basic recall, translation, comprehension and writing production activities. Could be edited by class teacher to include games to suit the level of the class.</p> <p>Used with top set year 9. Could also be used with low/mid ability KS4. Easy to adapt.</p>
De compras/shopping for souvenirs - full lessonQuick View

De compras/shopping for souvenirs - full lesson

<p>Full lesson on shopping for souvenirs. Lesson follows on from unit of work on home town and region/Spanish speaking regions. Contains a powerpoint with answers plus a corresponding worksheet. Used with year 9 top set but could easily be used with KS4.</p> <p>Lesson contains;</p> <ul> <li>starter activities</li> <li>match up activities</li> <li>comprehension activities</li> <li>translation activities</li> <li>writing activity</li> </ul> <p>Powerpoint is completely finished with answers appearing as animations. Worksheet contains all activities.</p> <p>DISCLAIMER: ALL IMAGES ARE TAKEN FROM GOOGLE IMAGES AND ARE NOT MY OWN. ALL OTHER WORK IS MY OWN. TEXTS ARE CREATED BY ME.</p>
Making plans in the future - full lessonQuick View

Making plans in the future - full lesson

<p>Full lesson on making plans in the future tense. Used with top set year 8 but could also be used with year 9 and low ability KS4<br /> Content covered;</p> <ul> <li>near future tense</li> <li>preopositions and locations</li> <li>time</li> <li>places in town</li> <li>questions</li> </ul> <p>Resource includes a powerpoint with all answers, as well as a corresponding worksheet.<br /> Activities include;</p> <ul> <li>starter activity</li> <li>image match ups</li> <li>comprehension activities (true/false, closed ended questions)</li> <li>translation activities</li> <li>writing activity</li> <li>bingo game</li> <li>exit ticket</li> </ul> <p>Would be enough for a single lesson or a double lesson with lots of consolidation and checking for understanding built in.</p> <p>DISCLAIMER: ALL IMAGES ARE TAKEN FROM GOOGLE IMAGES AND ARE NOT MY OWN. ALL OTHER WORK AND ACTIVITIES ARE MY OWN.</p>
My region/Spanish regions - revision bundleQuick View

My region/Spanish regions - revision bundle

<p>Revision bundle following on from my unit of work on town, region and Spanish regions (also available on my shop).</p> <p>Two full lessons (could be made into 3 by adding games) on home town and region versus Spanish regions.</p> <p>Includes;</p> <ul> <li>powerpoints for both lessons</li> <li>corresponding worksheets for both lessons</li> <li>starter activities</li> <li>math up activities</li> <li>WAGOLLs (what a good one looks like) for a 90 word question</li> <li>translation activities</li> <li>comprehension activities</li> <li>true/false activities</li> <li>listening activity with corresponding audio.</li> </ul> <p>DISCLAIMER: ALL IMAGES A RE DOWNLOADED FROM GOOGLE IMAGES AND WERE NOT CREATED OR TAKEN BY ME. ALL OTHER WORK IS MY OWN.</p>
Shopping in the past - worksht+ppt+audioQuick View

Shopping in the past - worksht+ppt+audio

<p>Full lesson on shopping in the past, follows on from previous lesson on shopping in the present.</p> <p>Full lesson containing;</p> <ul> <li>starter activities</li> <li>introduction of vocabulary</li> <li>true/false activity</li> <li>comprehension activity</li> <li>listening activity</li> <li>translation activity</li> <li>writing activity</li> </ul> <p>Full powerpoint and worksheet along with accompanying audio.</p> <p>For use with top set year 9/low+mid ability KS4.</p> <p>DISCLAIMER: ALL IMAGES USED IN THE POWERPOINT ARE NOT OWNED BY ME AND ARE TAKEN FROM GOOGLE IMAGES. ALL WORK IS MY OWN.</p>
Full unit on home region versus Spanish speaking regionsQuick View

Full unit on home region versus Spanish speaking regions

<p>This is a unit I recently put together for my top set year 9. Could also be used for year 10. Contains six different lessons with powerpoints plus answers and features;</p> <ul> <li>Starters</li> <li>Introduction of new vocabulary</li> <li>Summarising texts</li> <li>True or false activities</li> <li>Comprehension activities</li> <li>Translation activities</li> <li>Exam style writing activities</li> <li>Role-play style activities</li> </ul> <p>Lesson titles are the following;<br /> Lesson 1 - mi zona<br /> Lesson 2 - que se puede hacer<br /> Lesson 3 - mi zona en el pasado<br /> Lesson 4 - España ahora y en el pasado<br /> Lesson 5 - Havana y Londres<br /> Leson 6 - Una visita a una región españohablante</p> <p>Lessons are easily adaptable depending on teaching style. Easy to add in games, listening activities and plenaries etc.</p> <p>All work is my own, including writing, translation and reading exercises.</p> <p>DISCLAIMER: ALL IMAGES WERE SOURCED AND DOWNLOADED FROM GOOGLE IMAGES. ALL IMAGES HAVE PERMISSIONS TO BE USED AND SHARED. ALL OTHER WORK IS MY OWN.</p>