Emmeline PankhurstQuick View

Emmeline Pankhurst

<p>A 2-page A Level worksheet about Emmeline Pankhurst. It covers:</p> <ul> <li>Her background</li> <li>Her role in the WSPU</li> <li>Her contributions to the suffrage movement</li> <li>Limitations to her contribution.</li> </ul> <p>It includes a gap fill exercise, some knowledge recall questions and a ‘thinking deeply’ set of activities.</p>
Early Nazi PartyQuick View

Early Nazi Party

<p>A 2-page GCSE worksheet about the features of the early Nazi Party. It covers:</p> <ol> <li>The beliefs of the Nazi Party</li> <li>The role of Hitler</li> <li>The organisation and leadership of the Nazi Party</li> <li>The SA</li> </ol> <p>It contains key information, a gap fill summary activity, some knowledge check questions and some activities. It would be suitable for a cover lesson.</p>
Golden Years in Germany: CultureQuick View

Golden Years in Germany: Culture

<p>A 2 page worksheet, complete with questions and activities. It covers:</p> <ul> <li>Changes in art and architecture</li> <li>Cinema</li> <li>Other cultural changes</li> <li>Opposition to cultural changes</li> </ul>
1923: A crisis yearQuick View

1923: A crisis year

<p>A worksheet designed for GCSE students. It covers:</p> <ul> <li>The causes of the invasion</li> <li>The events of the 1923 crisis, including hyperinflation</li> <li>The effects of the crisis and hyperinflation</li> </ul>
World War One: GasQuick View

World War One: Gas

<p>A 2-page worksheet about the use of gas during the First World War. It covers:</p> <ul> <li>The types of gas used</li> <li>The effects on soldiers</li> <li>The treatments available</li> </ul> <p>It includes all the information you need, along with knowledge recall questions and activities to help understand the topic.</p>
Crusades c1095-1204 A Level Revision GuideQuick View

Crusades c1095-1204 A Level Revision Guide

<p>An A Level revision guide on the Crusades for Paper 1 of the Edexcel Conquest, control and resistance in the medieval world course. The guide contains everything a student needs to complete their revision and complements the Edexcel textbook.</p> <p>Each topic on the specification has a separate section, which includes:</p> <ul> <li>Revision notes</li> <li>Key facts for a revision mind map</li> <li>Advice on how to create revision cards</li> <li>An exam-style question opportunity</li> <li>Questions to further understanding</li> </ul> <p>It is designed to be used in lessons, but can also be used for independent revision.</p>
The Blue Mutiny, 1859-60Quick View

The Blue Mutiny, 1859-60

<p>An Outline Snapshot (worksheet) on the Blue Mutiny (Indigo Revolt) in India, 1859-60. It includes:</p> <ul> <li>key information about the topic</li> <li>some knowledge retrieval tasks</li> <li>an extension task with a thought-provoking statement</li> </ul> <p>Check out more worksheets, or make your own, at Snapshot History.</p>
Edward VIQuick View

Edward VI

<p>An Examine Snapshot (worksheet) about Edward VI. It includes:</p> <ul> <li>key information</li> <li>short answer questions</li> <li>long answer questions</li> <li>activities</li> </ul> <p>Check out more worksheets, or make your own, at Snapshot History.</p>
The Jacobite UprisingQuick View

The Jacobite Uprising

<p>An Explore Snapshot (worksheet) about the Jacobite Rebellion - perfect for a cover lesson, it includes:</p> <ul> <li>information about the uprising</li> <li>a note taking task</li> <li>some activities based on the Bloom’s taxonomy</li> </ul> <p>If you want to find similar worksheets, or create your own, check out Snapshot History.</p>
James Simpson and ChloroformQuick View

James Simpson and Chloroform

<p>An Outline Snapshot (worksheet) about James Simpson and the development of chloroform. It contains:</p> <ul> <li>key information</li> <li>knowledge retrieval exercise</li> <li>an extension task</li> </ul> <p>If you want to see other worksheets like this, or make your own, look at Snapshot History.</p>
The History of the Christmas CardQuick View

The History of the Christmas Card

<p>An Outline Snapshot (worksheet) about the history of the Chirstmas card. It contains:</p> <ul> <li>key information</li> <li>some questions</li> <li>other knowledge based activities</li> </ul> <p>If you want to check out more resources, or create your own, look on Snapshot History.</p>
Saratoga, 1777Quick View

Saratoga, 1777

<p>An Outline Snapshot (worksheet) about the Saratoga campaign in 1777 aimed at GCSE students studying British America. It includes:</p> <ul> <li>key information</li> <li>short answer questions</li> <li>other knowledge based activities</li> </ul> <p>Similar resources can be found (or made) at Snapshot History.</p>
Medieval QueensQuick View

Medieval Queens

<p>An Outline Snapshot (worksheet), which includes:</p> <ul> <li>key information about two medieval queens</li> <li>short exercises about the information</li> <li>an extension task to stretch student understanding</li> </ul> <p>Check out a range of resources, or make your own at Snapshot History.</p>
The Gunpowder PlotQuick View

The Gunpowder Plot

<p>An Explore Snapshot (worksheet) on the Gunpowder Plot. Good as a whole lesson activity, or as a cover lesson. It includes:</p> <ul> <li>key information</li> <li>a note taking tasks</li> <li>some activities styled around the Blooms hierarchy</li> </ul> <p>Check out similar resources (or make your own) at Snapshot History.</p>
Medieval MedicineQuick View

Medieval Medicine

<p>An Outline Snapshot (worksheet) about medieval medicine. It contains an information sheet with questions and other quick activities. Perfect for cover, or a quick recap.</p> <p>Check out Snapshot History for more worksheets and to make your own.</p>
The Nazi Party, 1920-32Quick View

The Nazi Party, 1920-32

<p>An Examine Snapshot (worksheet) on the Nazi Party 1920-32. It covers:</p> <ul> <li>The early Nazi Party</li> <li>The Twenty Five Point Programme</li> <li>Hitler’s character</li> <li>The Munich Putsch and Mein Kampf</li> <li>The lean years</li> </ul> <p>If you want to generate your own resource, check out Snapshot History.</p>
Women’s Suffrage: NUWSSQuick View

Women’s Suffrage: NUWSS

<p>A 2-page A Level History worksheet, helping students to understand the NUWSS. It covers:</p> <ul> <li>The origins of the NUWSS</li> <li>The campaigning methods used</li> <li>Key campaigners</li> <li>The impact of the NUWSS before 1914</li> </ul>