Writing Assessment Checklist KS2 - NEW Assessment Framework (2018) - Child Friendly Descriptors.Quick View

Writing Assessment Checklist KS2 - NEW Assessment Framework (2018) - Child Friendly Descriptors.

<p>2018 Friendly!</p> <p>UPDATED: Modelled on the new Teacher Assessment Framework for the end of KS2 ( published September 2017 - so this is the version for 2018).</p> <p>Written in a helpful child friendly language, this is an assessment guide / template for KS2 student writers to self (and peer) assess against their own work.</p> <p>Includes ALL Sept 17 Working Toward, Expected Standard and Greater Depth descriptors.</p> <p>Writing Checklist KS2, Child Friendly, New Teacher Assessment Framework for 2018.<br /> We do a double sided photocopy and laminate for each child - they use it all year.</p> <p>PDF and Word.doc versions.</p> <p>Steve</p> <p>P.s. If you happen to know of any teacher really feeling stressed, please direct them to my other program on sale, The StressFreeClassroom, right here on TES.</p> <p>Cheers.</p>
All  KS2 Expected Punctuation Explained for Greater Depth - with Examples - BookmarkQuick View

All KS2 Expected Punctuation Explained for Greater Depth - with Examples - Bookmark

All the expected KS2 - including Greater Depth - punctuation explained, in child friendly language on one page.<br /> Full of detailed easy-to-understand explanations, with tips and examples of each punctuation mark.<br /> For everyday reference you can fold page in half, laminate, and use as bookmark.<br /> Designed especially for young writers at KS2. Bookmark answers: <br /> <br /> What is punctuation? <br /> Why should I use it?<br /> When should I use it?<br /> How should I use it?<br /> <br /> Word doc and PDF versions. Enjoy.<br /> <br /> P.s. If you know of any teacher really feeling stressed, please direct them to my other program, The StressFreeClassroom, right here on TES.<br /> <br /> Cheers, Steve.
Sentence Starters - Sentence Types - Range of Clause Structures - Examples KS2Quick View

Sentence Starters - Sentence Types - Range of Clause Structures - Examples KS2

These example sentences are high-level models for grammatical structures and adverbials, also provides a huge range of clause structures and sentence starters. <br /> <br /> Children can use the structure but change the sentence content to suit their own topics.<br /> <br /> We do a double sided photocopy and laminate for each child - they use it all year.<br /> Word version.<br /> PDF version.<br /> <br /> Based on the fabulous work of Alan Peat!<br /> <br /> <br /> P.s. If you know of any teacher really feeling stressed, please direct them to my other program, The StressFreeClassroom, right here on TES.<br /> <br /> Cheers, Steve.
Top 10 Inspiring Quotes for Motivational  Learning!Quick View

Top 10 Inspiring Quotes for Motivational Learning!

Ten deceptively simple, but super powerful motivational thoughts - that if habitually applied - will turn any mind into an automatic learning machine!<br /> <br /> Modern design, clear, colourful and beautifully presented, the perfect posters for your inspirational display!<br /> <br /> Encourage these 10 inspirational, motivational thoughts to become new attitudes and cultivated habits.<br /> <br /> Refer to them often, enjoy.
Behaviour Management Strategy - The Learning Pyramid (producing a learning state of mind)Quick View

Behaviour Management Strategy - The Learning Pyramid (producing a learning state of mind)

Here's how the very simple, but powerful pyramid is used:<br /> <br /> 1. When you want to improve a student's behaviour, refer to the part of the pyramid that the student needs to change. E.g. If you notice a student sitting in a way that doesn't demonstrate that they have their full attention given to the lesson, then remind them of the importance of their posture and get them to correct it.<br /> 2. Regularly refer to these three aspects of learning, and encourage students to be aware of how they use each aspect, because they cover every base. <br /> <br /> As you know, no behaviour management strategy will ever truly work unless you 'own' it. Remember, in any argument, the person with the most certainty, will win.<br /> <br /> You need to have the certainty within, and lead from your awareness of what makes people behave the way they do in the first place, and it's always these three things:<br /> 1. What they are focussed on.<br /> 2. How they are using their body (posture), and<br /> 3. What thoughts (and questions) they are saying to themselves inside.<br /> <br /> I designed this 'Learning Pyramid' in this way because it will help you remember these three foundations of human behaviour; keep an eye out for each of these with the individuals in your class and when you see any or all of them drift off target, bring them back in.<br /> <br /> Try asking, &quot;Are you focussed on the task?&quot; &quot;How would you sit if you were?&quot; and &quot;What questions have you got about what we're doing now?&quot;<br /> Three deceptively simple questions, but aimed right at the behaviour centres in the brain. <br /> <br /> This technique is simple, immediate and easy to communicate -and it encourages - and teaches - how students can create a learning state of mind - try it for yourself, and then with your class.<br /> <br /> And because you've read to the end, if you want to know more about creating your own sense of certainty - and be in control of your behaviour management, without stress - have a look at my other program The StressFreeClassroom, it's the best of what took me 20 years to learn - condensed so you can learn it in under an hour.<br /> <br /> All the best. Steve.