French Olympics lessonsQuick View

French Olympics lessons

Set of powerpoints on Olympics. The attached lesson plans were used to help produce the powerpoints so thanks to the Australian Olympic Education site for these.
The crazy careers of Marielle's familyQuick View

The crazy careers of Marielle's family

<p>A reading worksheet all about Marielle’s family and their weird and wonderful jobs. Pupils have to find out essential information on each member of the family such as: job title, location, hours, likes &amp; dislikes, skills &amp; qualities &amp; opinion.</p> <p>There is a table at the bottom for pupils to complete and a bonus writing activity.</p>
Technology TrapDoorQuick View

Technology TrapDoor

<p>Pupils should work in pairs. Person A chooses one option from each of the coloured boxes &amp; makes a note of them without letting their partner see. Person B tries to work their way along the text choosing the correct option. For every mistake they make, they must go back to the start. When they have finished, the pupils swap over.</p> <p>An excellent tool for reinforcing vocabulary, building confidence in pronunciation and giving some healthy competition!</p>
Technology Narrow ReadingQuick View

Technology Narrow Reading

<p>Based on Gianfranco Conti’s Narrow Reading concept, this is a reading &amp; writing task based on technology.</p>
Au boulot folio prepQuick View

Au boulot folio prep

Reading and vocabulary list to help students prepare for a writing or speaking folio piece on work.
Christmas Comic Strip Daily Routine TaskQuick View

Christmas Comic Strip Daily Routine Task

Suitable for KS3/4 to keep them going in the last week of term! Pupils will need an understanding of daily routine &amp; time phrases to be able to access it. Groups must use the cut up daily routine paragraphs to sequence the correct order and show their understanding by drawing images to represent the information. Extension translation task included.