Financial Awareness & Money Management Activity DayQuick View

Financial Awareness & Money Management Activity Day

As part of my role I have personally introduced a ‘Financial Awareness & Money Management Day’ which is aimed at educating students in the importance of managing their finances and teaching them the significance of budgeting and proactively managing their finances. I believe that is my responsibly as a teacher to introduce the students to the realities of life and educate them in more than just the curriculum so that when they leave our school they can become mature and responsible members of our society I have ran the event for the past six years and it involves year 9 students being broken down into mixed ability groups, given a budget and the task of planning their perfect school leavers prom. They are responsible for planning the venue, marketing, catering, entertainment and every other element of their school prom – with one important rule, they cannot go over budget. As with real life though there are ‘unexpected’ windfalls and setbacks that can affect their budget, meaning they either have to cut back and re-budget or can afford to buy that little extra luxury! The students can also earn their team some extra cash by winning quizzes and tasks that we have throughout the day – students are given problems to solve and also have to use the internet to research and answer questions related to the financial industry, including the different products and services they offer. Students are able to gain a further understanding of the world of finance and the types of services that are available, whilst competing to earn a reward for their group. At the end of the day we give out prizes to the winning group and also reward those students and groups who have worked particularly well throughout the day. this file contains venue booklet catering booklet decorations booklet entertainment booklet task information for pupils order forms expenses forms shop price list gain or loss slips bank card sticker template suggested structure of the day