docx, 7.36 MB
docx, 7.36 MB

This is a study guide for AQA A Level Media Studies Students. This is for the CSP Tomb Raider Anniversary.

I have adapted the points from the CSP booklet into a study guide to assist students. There are activities and questions that have been designed off of the CSP bullet points. The bullet points in the CSP booklet can at times be a little vague and ambiguous, so I have tried to create these booklets to ensure that all aspects have been covered

Feel free to alter the guide as you see fit or for those with tight printing budgets distribute it as en ebook.

Good luck and have fun!

#tombraider #mediastudies #studyguide #alevelmedia #laracroft #aqamedia



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6 years ago

Excellent and covers all the theory as well as details on the gameplay, media industries and audience reception. Really the best booklet for the latest Media A Level I have downloaded so far ! Would really recommend will keep the students engaged for a while and get them thinking and practising everything they will need for the exam question! Thank you!

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