AQA Psychology A-level: Social Influence
From specification 7181, 7182 - Paper 1: Introductory topics in Psychology (I achieved an A* in Psycholology A-level in 2018, across all three papers)
Includes a lot of evaluation! - AO3 needed for high marks!
**NOTES: **
Types of conformity - compliance, identification and internalisation
Explanations for conformity - normative and informational social influence
Factors affecting conformity - group size, unanimity, task difficulty and relevant studies
Evaluation of conformity (A03)
Conformity to social roles - Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment and evaluation
Explanations for obedience - Agentic state and legitimacy of authority
Situational variables: proximity, location and uniform
Dispositional explanations - the Authoritarian personality and evaluation
Resistance to social influence and social change
Explanations for resistance - locus of control, social support and evaluation
Role of minority influence - commitment, consistency and flexibility principles and evaluation
Role of social influence in social change, Civil Rights, snowballing effect**
Outline and evaluate explanations for conformity (16 marks)
Discuss research by Asch into conformity (16 marks)
Discuss research by Zimbardo into conformity (16 marks)
Discuss research by Milgram into obedience (16 marks)
Outline and evaluate the situational factors affecting obedience (16 marks)
Outline and evaluate legitimacy of authority and the agentic state (16 marks)
Outline and evaluate Adorno’s authoritarian personality (16 marks)
Discuss social support as an explanation for the resistance to social influence (8 marks)
Outline and evaluate Rotter’s LOC as an explanation for resistance to social influence (16 marks)
Discuss research into minority influence and its implications on resistance of social influence (16 marks)
Outline and evaluate social change and its implications on resistance to social influence (16 marks)