Sonríe in Spanish
Sonríe in Spanish
4.861604 reviews

A variety of original MFL resources for all ages and levels You can find full lessons, single activities, games, plenaries, etc. Find us on Instagram!

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pdf, 833.45 KB

The perfect resource to boost your French GCSE students’ grades. A learning mat including a range of over 60 complex structures and pieces of creative language to add variety to their writing and speaking. The utterances are organised around grammar. However, the categories are labelled in a student friendly language to motivate them to use them in their exams. The pack includes translation practice (with answers) to consolidate the use of the phrases. Perfect for both Higher and Foundation pupils.



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2 months ago

Some errors need to be corrected before it can be used by pupils eg. Seulement has an e in the middle and APRES + infinitive is misleading, as it must be followed by Avoir/Etre plus past participle.

TES Resource Team

2 months ago

We are pleased to let you know that your resource Complex structures GCSE French. Learning mat and translation practice. Answers included, has been hand-picked by the Tes resources content team to be featured in in January 2025 and in November 2024. Congratulations on your resource being chosen and thank you for your ongoing contributions to the Tes Resources marketplace.

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