A board game designed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee. Game board to be enlarged to A3. Children to roll a dice and each time they land on a square, pick up a Royal family card. If they land on a crown card, take a Queen card. Queen cards encourage children to take or give away money. To start with 5p in pennies. The winner is the person who ends up with all of the Royal family on their game card. If able, children to then add up how much money they have accrued. Could even extend by asking children to change their coins for the lowest equivalent coins.
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My Year 2 class loved playing this. We made up the rules about how much money they had to begin with and then gave a Jubilee crown to the one who had the most money at the end. They even asked if they could play it again later in the week. Thanks.
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i like this resource and think my class will enjoy it. just wondered if someone could explain how much money (if any) the children are supposed to start with??
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