Following the Pearson Edexcel GCSE SOW for Higher students. Unit 12 - Similarity & Congruence. Congruent Triangles, Geometric Proof, Similar Length, Similar Area, Similar Volume. Each PowerPoint is a full lesson including starter, examples, questions and plenary. The retrieval starter will link to the prior lessons here and in prior units I’ve uploaded. I’ll add to this as I teach the topics. Credits to Mr Barton, Corbett maths, drfrostmaths and others from whom i have sourced some questions and slides. Some are my own too.
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These are absolutely fantastic resources. Is there any chance you could post lesson 2 and 3 from this sequence of lessons please! I assume they cover Geometric Proof as this is the topic missing. Thank you
3 years ago
Hi there. Thank you for your comments. Lesson 2 and 3 actually coincided with me having COVID so I never actually planned or taught it, my colleague did, it is the geometric proof part though. I am not due to teach this unit again now until much later in the academic year, maybe even the summer term which will be when I'll plan this. If I do get chance to do it sooner I will, and I'll let you know.
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