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Roll into the new term with this fundamental ball skills unit.

Used across 5 lessons, this unit comes with 5 detailed lesson plans that are easily adaptable for EYFS and KS1. There is differentiated success criteria for EYFS, Y1 and Y2.

Created by an experienced PE subject coordinator, these lessons have been rated Outstanding by PE professionals and leadership teams.

Files included:
✸ x4 lesson plans (spread across 5 lessons)
✸ Success criteria for throwing, catching and using a racket
✸ Bean game ideas

Lesson 1 Learning Objectives:
To perform basic catching skills
To follow instructions
To understand expectations in PE (R/Y1)

Basic Skills & Personal Development:
Catching a large ball. (EYFS)
Show good control and coordination (EYFS)
Throwing and catching skills (Yr 1 / 2 )

Lesson 2 Learning Objectives:
Send and receive a ball
To show an awareness of the immediate space around our bodies.
To practise different ways of sending and receiving a ball.

Basic Skills & Personal Development:
How to roll different equipment.
How to move and stop equipment safely. (Y1)
How to catch with both hands. (Y1/2)

Lesson 3 Learning Objectives:
To use a racket
To use space to move safely around others.
To use a racket safely to send and receive a ball.

Basic Skills & Personal Development:
EYFS: Experiments with different ways of moving.
Shows increasing control over an object in pushing, patting, throwing, catching or kicking it.
Year 1 / 2: Hit a ball with a racket.
Follow rules set e.g. Follow a line with a ball.

Lesson 4 / 5 Learning Objectives:
To perform basic actions using different body parts.
To use hands and feet to send and receive a ball.
To hit a target with a ball.

Basic Skills & Personal Development:
EYFS – Thawing an object with increasing control and accuracy
Year 1 – Throw an object in different ways
Year 2 – Use hitting, rolling and kicking during a game

Tags: Y1 Y2 subject lead leader physical education fitness athletics funs basketballs tennis

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