Teaching grammar can be a little bit scary if we don't know where to start. To get you started with the challenging French grammar here's a bundle with 5 tenses:
1. The simple present
2. The perfect tense (passé-composé)
3. The imperfect tense (imparfait)
4. The future (near future tense and simple future)
5. The conditional present
For each tense you will find a powerpoint (between 16/22 slides) with clear explanations and corrections to save you time.
Each powerpoint comes with its booklet (about 5 pages) so that students can keep track of their learning with exercises and explanations. The powerpoint is fully editable so that you can adapt it to your class. The advantage of the booklet is that students can work at their own pace and most able students can move on to the next activity easily.
Each lesson follows a similar pattern:
1. Introduction to the grammar point through a real context (reading, song or video)
2. Questions to guide students in their discovery of the grammar
3. Explanations of the tense (use and formation)
4. Exercises (progressive ones from easy ones to more difficult ones: filling-gap, matching-up, speaking activities, games, writing...)
Any Question Mail me at carolinemusserotte@teacherlocker.com