Resources included (20)

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #20

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #19

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #17

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #11

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #10

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #9

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #8

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #7

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #6

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #5

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #4

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #12

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #3

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #2

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #1

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #18

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #15

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #14

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #13

Greek and Latin Roots Activities-Vocabulary List #16
The ultimate bundle of Greek and Latin roots! This SUPER MEGA bundle includes 500 of the most common roots to help your students build their vocabulary. It has plenty of roots for an entire year (or more) of word study. Over 60% of all English words are derived from Greek or Latin roots and students who study these roots score higher on standardized tests. Knowledge of these roots are an invaluable tool in learning new vocabulary not only for native English speakers, but for ESL students as well.
This resource includes a PowerPoint presentation and 4 sets for flashcards for every word part. Answer keys are provided for each list and the bonus file includes an alphabetical list of all the roots to easily find which list includes a certain root.
Use the presentations to introduce the vocabulary. Each slide includes 5 items: a word part, meaning of the word part, a picture to help remember the meaning, and a focus word with definition which shows the use of the part. You can easily convert the presentations to Google Slides.
The first two sets of flashcards include each of the 250 affixes and roots, the third set has the meanings of the word parts, and the fourth set has the meanings with a picture. The flashcards are perfect for individual practice and pair or group games. Games such as Concentration, Pictionary, Charades, and Go Fish will make learning new vocabulary fun and engage visual and kinesthetic learners!
Word parts included are: a-, acr, acro, ad, agog, alt, alter, amat, ambul, amphi, anim, ante, anthropo, anti, apt, aqua, -ar, archy, ard, astr, ate, audi, auto, bell, bene, bi, biblio, bio, brev, caco, cad, cap, capit, carn, cede, cent, centri, chron, cide, circum, cise, clam, cle, clud, co, cogn, con, contra, cor, corp, cred, crypt, culp, cum, cur, curr, curs, de, dec, demi, demo, derm, dia, dict, dign, dis, dorm, dox, duct, dyna, ecto, ego, endo, equi, ess, ethno, eu, ex, extra, fer, fid, fin, fort, fract, fug, fus, fy, gamy, gen, geo, germ, gest, graph, grat, greg, gyro, hedron, helio, hema, hetero, hexa, homo, hydro, hyper, hypo, ician, ics, il, in, ine, inter, intra, intro, ism, iso, itis, ject, junct, lat, leg, liber, lith, loco, logy, loqu, luc, luna, magn, mal, man, mar, matri, medi, mega, meta, meter, micro, migr, mir, mis, miss, mono, morph, mort, muta, nat, necro, neo, ness, neuro, nomy, non, nov, numer, nym, octa, ocul, oid, omni, ornith, ortho, osteo, ous, pac, paleo, pan, pater, path, ped, pend, penta, per, petr, phile, phobia, phon, photo, plasto, platy, plu, polis, poly, pond, pop, port, post, pre, prim, proto, pseudo, psych, pugn, punct, put, pyro, re, rect, retro, rid, rupt, sacro, sanct, sangui, sci, scope, scribe, se, sed, semi, sens, son, soph, spec, spir, stell, stereo, string, sub, super, sur, sym, syn, tact, tang, tele, tempor, tetra, theo, thermo, tion, tomy, topo, tort, tract, trans, tri, trib, ultra, un, uni, urb, ver, vert, vest, vid, vita, viv, voc, volv, zo, a, ab , act, aden, aer, ag, alb, algia, an-, andro, Anglo, ann, antho, apo, arthro, ase, atmo, atom, aur, austro, baro, bas, bath, be, blasto, bon, brachio, brachy, branchio, calli, cant, cardio, cata, caust, cephalo, chiro, chlor, chrom, cirr, clor, coron, cosmo, counter, cracy, cranio, cumu, cyan, cyclo, cyt, dactyl, dendr, dextro, di, dicho, digit, diplo, dom, dors, dys, eco, ef, emia, enter, epi, erg, err, erthro, exo, ferro, fic, fil, fiss, flect, flu, foli, fore, form, frat, gastro, glott, glyc, gno, gon, grade, gram, grav, gress, gymno, gyn, haplo, hemi, hemo, here, hibern, hippo, hist, holo, hum, -I, ichthy, ideo, idio, ign, im, infra, ish, ist, ium, ize, jur, jus, kilo, kin, labor, lachry, lent, lepsy, less, let, leuko, lign, lin, lingu, lite, liter, log, lum, lys, macro, mania, mel, mela, mem, mens, meso, meteor, milli, mob, moll, monger, mont, mony, mot, multi, mund, myo, myria, nano, narco, nav, nesia, nounce, nuc, ob, oligo, oma, oo, opthal, opia, orb, oscu, ose, osis, oss, ovi, par, para, parl, patho, peri, phag, phan, phasia, phen, phor, phos, phyll, phylo, phyt, pico, pithec, plasm, pleo, pneumo, pod, pos, pot, potent, pro, protero, pter, pulse, quadr, quasi, quin, radi, rat, reg, rhiz, rhodo, rogat, rub, sapro, sat, saur, schizo, sect, sen, sept, sequ, sess, sine, sis, socio, sol, sold, solv, som, somn, soror, spor, sta, strat, struct, surg, tachy, taxis, terr, tox, trich, troph, tropo, tude, ultima, und, vac, val, vas, vect, ven, ventri, vermi, via, vice, vol, vore, xeno, xylo, zygo and zym.
• 20 PowerPoint Presentations
• 4 Sets of Flashcards (2000 cards)
• Answer Keys
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