Groundhog Day (1993) is a clever and comedic film about Phil Connors, a cynical weatherman stuck reliving the same day in Punxsutawney. Through his repetitive journey, Phil learns to embrace kindness, self-improvement, and the joy of life’s small moments, ultimately transforming his outlook on life.
- 30 Questions requiring full-sentence answers.
- 30 Multiple choice question.
- Word search puzzle.
- Crossword puzzle clues from the movie
- Students draw their favorite character from the movie, with four questions for that choice.
- Word Sudoku.
- Writing Prompt.
- Movie review with 5 stars.
You will receive:
- Size: 8.5 x11 In.
- Total pages 26 and Answers Included.
Grade Levels:
- 5th - 12th, Homeschool
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