The Science worksheets are suitable for KS3 and GCSE students. They have been used as cover worksheets, HOMEWORK SHEETS and GCSE Revision sheets. (especially useful for low and mid ability & students with additional needs)

These worksheets provide students with a range of tasks per topic. The tasks are clear and can be completed independently. All sheets include answers for the tasks - this enables self-marking at home or once back in the classroom. If these tasks are set as cover work or as part of a specialist lesson - then rest assured the cover teacher will be happy to see the answers to the questions too; resulting in a smooth lesson.

Each worksheet covers a 1 hour lesson.

If you have downloaded this resource then do not download the following two bundles linked below, as they contain the same worksheets.
Combined Science Cover Worksheets BUNDLE

Combined Science GCSE Revision Worksheets



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5 days ago

Good quality, reasonable price. Thanks.

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