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A set of worksheets and cards to help pupils plan a music festival given a set budget, they can gain money from stalls but they have to have security etc, they can also produce a lineup poster (an example one included) to say what they would have playing and decide how much they would charge for a ticket. This is a good budgeting porject and one that the pupils are quite enaged by, there is a selection of bands however it may need to be adapted to suit your pupils
Creative Commons "Sharealike"



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5 years ago


10 years ago

I have combined this work with a task from so students first use real weather data to decide when to hold their festival, and then used this for Budget Management. I have changed the costs for the different food stalls to make the choices a bit more difficult. Really great resource! Thanks!


11 years ago

Thank you so much for this, my Event management students loved this in their Functional Skills lesson, they were in small groups of 4 and took it very seriously, with great results.


13 years ago

An absolutely fantastic resource! Really well planned and organised. Is there any chance you could change a couple of the files to a different format please? Most people have Word but lots don't have Publisher. Is there any chance you could change them to pdf files?

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