pptx, 133.68 MB
pptx, 133.68 MB
pdf, 2.44 MB
pdf, 2.44 MB
pdf, 4.09 MB
pdf, 4.09 MB
Staying Safe Online is an education resource created by Into Film in partnership with Childnet International to support Safer Internet Day.

The resource uses film to ignite pupils’ imagination and bring important messages to life, providing them the information they need to be safe citizens in an increasingly digital world.
In this resource, pupils will explore the key themes of:
• Online addictions and behavioural habits
• Grooming and the dangers of meeting people whom we speak to online
• Being safe digital citizens.

A version of the PowerPoint presentation with subtitled videos can be accessed from the Into Film website: https://www.intofilm.org/resources/37

Mae’r gwaith Bod yn Ddiogel Ar-lein yn adnodd addysgiadol sydd wedi ei greu gan Into Film mewn partneriaeth gyda Chilnet International i gefnogi Diwrnod Diogel y We. Mae’r adnodd yn defnyddio’r ffilmiau Trust a InRealLife i danio dychymyg disgyblion a thrafod negeseuon pwysig, gan roi wybodaeth ar sut i fod yn ddinasyddion diogel mewn byd digidol cynyddol. Yn yr adnodd yma, mi fydd y disgyblion yn dysgu am y brif themau:

• Bod yn gaeth ar-lein ac arferion ymddygiad
• Peryglon meithrin perthynas amhriodol chyfarfod bobl ar lein a
• Bod yn ddinasyddion digidol diogel
Creative Commons "NoDerivatives"



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