Resources included (9)

AS Chemistry: Group 2 Compounds

AS Chemistry: Group 2 Elements

AS Chemistry: Ionisation Energy (Part 2)

AS Chemistry: Ionisation Energy (Part 1)

The Structure of The Periodic Table

Qualitative Analysis of Ions

Disproportionation & The Uses of Chlorine

The Halogens: Properties & Reactivity

Periodicity: Melting Points
9 Full Lesson Bundle covering Module 3.1 - The Periodic Table from OCR A Level Chemistry A specification. Please review the learning objectives below
Lesson 1: The Structure of The Periodic Table
- To know how the periodic table is arranged
- To describe the periodic trend in electron configurations across periods 2 and 3
- To classify elements into s, p and d blocks
Lesson 2: AS Chemistry: Ionisation Energy (Part 1)
- To define the term ‘first ionisation energy’ and successive ionisation energies
- To describe the factors affecting ionisation energy
- To explain the trend in successive ionisation energies of an element
Lesson 3: AS Chemistry: Ionisation Energy (Part 2)
- To explain the trend in first ionisation energies down a group
- To explain the trend in first ionisation energies across period 2
- To explain the trend in first ionisation energies across period 3
Lesson 4: Periodicity: Melting Points
To describe the trend in structure from giant metallic to giant covalent to simple molecular lattice
To explain the variation in melting points across period 2 & 3 in terms of structure and bonding
Lesson 5: AS Chemistry: Group 2 Elements
- To know group 2 elements lose their outer shell s2 electrons to form +2 ions
- To state and explain the trend in first and second ionisation energies of group 2 elements and how this links to their relative reactivities with oxygen, water and dilute acids
- To onstruct half equations of redox reactions of group 2 elements with oxygen, water and dilute acids and to identify what species have been oxidised and reduced using oxidation numbers
Lesson 6: AS Chemistry: Group 2 Compounds
- To know the reaction between group 2 metal oxides and water
- To state the trend in solubility and alkalinity of group 2 metal hydroxides
- To describe the uses of some group 2 compounds including their equations
Lesson 7: The Halogens: Properties & Reactivity
- To describe and explain the trend in boiling points of the halogens in terms of induced dipole-dipole interactions (London Forces)
- To describe and explain the trend in reactivity of the halogens illustrated by their displacement reaction with other halide ions
- To construct full and ionic equations of halogen-halide displacement reactions and to predict the colour changes of these reactions in aqueous and organic solutions
Lesson 8: Disproportionation & The Uses of Chlorine
- To explain the term disproportionation
- To explain how the reaction of chlorine with water or cold dilute sodium hydroxide are examples of disproportionation reactions
- To evaluate the uses of chlorine (How Science Works)
Lesson 9: Qualitative Analysis
- To carry out test tube reactions and record observations to determine the presence of the following anions : CO32- SO42- , Cl-, Br-, and I-
- To carry out test tube reactions and record observations to determine the presence of the following cations: NH4+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+
- To construct ionic equations to explain the qualitative analysis tests of cations and anions
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sequenced with retrieval practice - great resource!
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