Chan eil duine somalta mu chìsean.
Tha an còd cìse eas-chruthach a 'cur bacadh air tuigse.
Bidh e a’ lasadh fuath.
Feumaidh tu a h-uile clàr a chumail.
Chan urrainn dhut gluasad bho riaghailtean sam bith.
Bidh reataichean ag atharrachadh bho dhroch gu bhith a 'toirt fa-near idir - saor.
Tha e sa chòd!
Bidh rud sam bith a tha ri phàigheadh a 'fàs le riadh cumanta agus càin.
Chan eil dragh sam bith aig duine mu chìsean.
Tha an còd cìse neo-bheanailteach a’ cur bacadh air tuigse.
Bidh e a 'cruthachadh fuath.
Feumaidh tu a h-uile clàr a chumail.
Chan urrainn dhut a dhol air seacharan bho riaghailtean sam bith.
Bidh ìrean ag atharrachadh bhon phuing èiginn gu bhith a’ toirt fa-near idir - air an dùnadh a-mach.
Tha e sa chòd!
Bidh rud sam bith a tha ri phàigheadh a 'fàs le ùidh agus càin a bharrachd.
No one has complacency about taxes.
The abstract tax code hinders understanding.
It kindles hatred.
You have to retain all records.
You can’t deviate from any rules.
Rates fluctuate from the acute to noting at all - exempt.
It’s in the code!
Anything owed grows with compound interest and fines.
No one has noncaring about taxes.
The intangible tax code obstructs understanding.
It creates hatred.
You have to keep all records.
You can’t stray from any rules.
Rates vary from the crisis point to noting at all - exclused.
It’s in the code!
Anything owed grows with added interest and fines.
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