Atrophy agus fallas figurative an t-seann stèidhichte
rinn an comann-sòisealta san Roinn Eòrpa fanaticism follaiseach nan Nadsaidhean comasach.
Tha e meallta nach do rinn daoine math bhon dà thaobh gearan na aghaidh
iad gu cealgach, agus trèig iad.
Stèidhich ìomhaigh seann duine a tha a’ seargadh is a’ tuisleadh
rinn a’ chomann-shòisealta san Roinn Eòrpa droch chorruich nan Nadsaidhean comasach.
Tha e ceàrr a bhith a’ smaoineachadh nach robh daoine math bhon dà thaobh a’ sabaid na aghaidh
iad ann an dòigh meòrachail fèin-ghluasadach agus dìteadh iad.
The figurative atrophy and faltering of the old established
society in Europe made the flagrant fanaticism of the Nazies feasible.
It is fallacious that good people of both sides did not contend against
them in a perfunctory way and renounce them.
The image of a withering and stumbling old established
society in Europe made the openedly bad craziness of the Nazies possible.
It is wrong to think that good people of both sides did not fight against
them in a reflective automatic way and condemn them.
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