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Bidh stòran acadaimigeach a’ leantainn na thachair don lòn cruinneachaidh drèanadh.

Rinn tuiltean gun spionnadh am fearann ​​neo-fhreagarrach airson togalaichean snog.

Mar chomharra air seo bha làr ìseal làn fungas tais.

Rinn an in-imrich spreadhaidh polarachadh air comann Manhattan.

Chaidh àite-fuirich Shanty a thogail air fearann ​​​​an lòn cruinneachaidh.

Chaidh na còig puingean ainmeachadh.

Bha anarchy agus suathadh ann; bacadh air comann-sòisealta modhail.

Chaidh fuasgladh cothromach a lorg.

Chaidh a h-uile càil a leagail agus chaidh taighean-cùirte a thogail ann.

Bidh stòran sgoilearach a’ leantainn na thachair don lòn cruinneachaidh drèanadh.

Rinn tuiltean flash am fearann ​​​​mì-fhreagarrach airson togalaichean snog.

Comharradh air seo bha làr ìseal làn fungas tais.

Roinn an in-imrich spreadhaidh comann Manhattan.

Chaidh teanamantan air an droch dhèanamh a thogail air fearann ​​an lòin cruinneachaidh.

Chaidh na còig puingean ainmeachadh.

Bha aingidheachd agus aingidheachd ann ; rud a tha a’ cur às don chomann mhodhail.

Chaidh fuasgladh cothromach a lorg.

Chaidh a h-uile càil a leagail agus chaidh taighean-cùirte a thogail ann.

Academic sources follow what happened to the drained collect pond land.

Spontaneous floods made the land incompatible for nice buildings.

Indicative of this were humid fungus filled basements.

The explosive immigration polarized Manhattan society.

Shanty accommonation were built on the collect pond land.

It was called the five points.

It had anarchy and friction; a deterent to polite society.

An equitable solution was found.

It was all knocked down and court houses were built there.

Scholarly sources follow what happened to the drained collect pond land.

Flash floods made the land unsuitable for nice buildings.

A sign of this were humid fungus filled basements.

The explosive immigration divided Manhattan society.

Poorly made tennaments were built on the collect pond land.

It was called the five points.

It had lawlessness and commotion; a thing driving out polite society.

An fair solution was found.

It was all knocked down and court houses were built there.

Creative Commons "Sharealike"


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