Hello. I've been teaching for 24 years and I'm still learning! I have become a primary maths specialist teacher (MaST) and NCETM accredited PD Lead, as well as long-time maths lead at my school. In September I started using the excellent White Rose Maths Small Steps and Guidance to plan maths for the Year 1 children at my school, along with the White Rose section on Craig Barton's brilliant Diagnostic Questions website. I share it in the hope that it will save you time. Thanks for looking.
Here we go again! New children, new challenges. This is the planning and resources to go with the White Rose Maths scheme of learning for Year 1, Autumn Block 1, Place Value within 10, week 1. It is in my usual format with flipcharts in activprimary and smartboard and there is also a PDF version. I can’t upload the Common IWB flipchart so if you have trouble uploading the smart notebook file to your version please let me know . All the other resources are in word so that you can adapt them for your children, although I’ve also included a PDF version of the wallpaper in case it’s easier to work with. As always, I hope they save you some time, and that your children enjoy them. Thank you.
Have found this very useful. Do you have planning to purchase for other Y1 units in Autumn term?
6 years ago
Thank you for your review. I'm really pleased you found it useful. I've got planning for the whole of the year on here. Either have a look in my shop or google tes tg11 followed by the block you want planning for. Thanks again.
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Hello! Thank you so much for these plans! They are fantastic and are really helping me to get my head around White Rose! Just a quick question: there's a link in Session 4 of Wk 1's planning to pictures which I can't get to work. Also, they don't appear to be anywhere with the associated resources. Please could you help? Thanks so much xx
6 years ago
Hello. Thank you so much for your lovely review. I am pleased they are helping you out. I've just clicked on the link and it works for me, the link to mathlearningcentre.org/number frames: https://apps.mathlearningcenter.org/number-frames/ If the link isn't working for you then search for math learning centre number frames. Look on my plan for a snip of the button you need to click at the bottom of the set of options /tools to bring up the pictures. It isn't in my resources because of it being an online resource. I hope you get it to work for you.
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