Hello. I've been teaching for 24 years and I'm still learning! I have become a primary maths specialist teacher (MaST) and NCETM accredited PD Lead, as well as long-time maths lead at my school. In September I started using the excellent White Rose Maths Small Steps and Guidance to plan maths for the Year 1 children at my school, along with the White Rose section on Craig Barton's brilliant Diagnostic Questions website. I share it in the hope that it will save you time. Thanks for looking.
Hello. This is my planning, resources and flipcharts to go with White Rose Maths Year 1 planning for block 2, Addition and Subtraction week 2. It’s been updated for 2018 and as always includes all documents in word so you can edit them, together with flipcharts in activinspire, smartboard and PDF flip charts. All resources are word documents so you can adapt them for your class. I hope you find it useful. I hope you and your children enjoy it and that it saves you some time. Thank you.
Fab resources! These have really helped staff to see the progression though CPA.
6 years ago
Thank you, I am pleased you and your team have found this useful. I do wonder why you have given me four and not five stars if you think they are 'fab' though.
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Another fantastic resource. Would it be possible for you to upload the resources for week 3 please? I have bought week 2 and didn't realise you had done a bundle. <br />
6 years ago
It's already on here, as is week 4. The link is https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/y1-planning-and-resources-for-white-rose-maths-autumn-block-1-place-value-within-10-week-3-11979041 . Thank you for your lovely review. I am pleased you're finding these useful.
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Thank you, this is excellent. Is the ladybird sheet the same as the butterfly one? I cant seem to find anything with ladybirds on? Many thanks for a huge amount of time saving!
6 years ago
Thank you for your lovely review. I am so sorry about the ladybirds being missing. Thanks for letting me know. I have now corrected this. I don't know how this happened as it had the same name on in my folder on my pc and was the correct folder. I have super slow internet at the moment and also made the mistake of trying to extract my documents from one drive - aggghhhh! - and lost most of my documents and photos for a while! I am having to retrieve them and they are a bit all over the place, so perhaps it's due to that. Anyway, thank you for you very useful feedback. Download it again when you get chance and it should be there, not quite hibernating yet....
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