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Edexcel A Level Duchess of Malfi Quotes

Edexcel A Level Duchess of Malfi Quotes

Edexcel A Level Duchess of Malfi Quotes Analysed Thorough analysis of a range of quotes from ‘The Duchess of Malfi’. On my shop, see also my Edexcel A Level Duchess of Malfi Essays and Edexcel A Level Duchess of Malfi Revision Guide.
AQA GCSE English. Merchant of Venice

AQA GCSE English. Merchant of Venice

3 Resources
Bundles together all my resources for AQA ‘The Merchant of Venice’. AQA. Merchant of Venice. Themes AQA. Merchant of Venice. Storyboard activity AQA Merchant of Venice Crib Sheet
AQA A Level Politics UK, US & Ideology

AQA A Level Politics UK, US & Ideology

AQA A Level Politics UK, US & Ideology Factor Paragraph Plans Tailored to the new exam, sat 2019. 3-4 factor paragraphs per topic which help to form the basis of a Section A and Section C response. Where possible, I have tried to create paragraphs which can be used as a point of comparison (for the US Paper 2) which can also be applicable to a non-comparative question. My parenthesis gives more specific detail as to points of debate which would be included in paragraphs. On my shop, see also: AQA A Level Politics Essays AQA A Level Ideologies Thinkers AQA A Level UK Politics PPTs AQA A Level Politics Ideologies Traits AQA A Level US Politics Handouts & PPTs
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I

AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I

A Level AQA Component 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 Revision Guide on Elizabeth I -What were the biggest challenges facing the new Queen? -How well did Elizabeth’s coronation help her consolidate power? -Religious settlement -E1’s Marriage -Economy -E1’s Image -Government -Threats to the ‘Middle Way’ -E1’s foreign policy -MoS -E1’s later years Includes extra research. On my shop, see also: AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts & PPTs AQA A Level Tudors Essays AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Mid-Tudors Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII

AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII

A Level AQA Component 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 Revision Guide on Henry VII -Tudor background -Outline to Henry VII -Foreign policy -Government -Pretenders and rebellions -Finances -Was the Tudor dynasty left hanging by a thread? Includes extra research. On my shop, see also: AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts & PPTs AQA A Level Tudors Essays AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Mid-Tudors Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I Revision Guide
AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII

AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII

A Level AQA The Tudors Revision Guide Component 1C The Tudors: England, 1485–1603 Revision Guide on Henry VIII -How much was Henry VIII like his dad? -Wolsey -Effective reformer of the church? -Foreign Policy (1512-1529) -How effectively did Wolsey govern the country? -Solving the Great Matter? -Did More help or hinder the Great Matter? -How was the Great Matter resolved by H8? -Monasteries -Was there a revolution in gov? -Foreign Policy (1529-1546) -Did H8 meet his foreign policy aims (1529-1546)? -Did Cromwell deserve his fate? -What happened after H8 died? Includes extra research. On my shop, see also: AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts & PPTs AQA A Level Tudors Essays AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Mid-Tudors Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I Revision Guide
Edexcel A Level Dracula Quotes

Edexcel A Level Dracula Quotes

Edexcel A Level Dracula Quotes Thorough analysis of a range of quotes from ‘Dracula’. Edexcel A Level Gray & Dracula Carmilla Edexcel A Level Gray & Dracula A Rebours Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula Decadence Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray Quotes Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula Revision Guide
Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray Quotes

Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray Quotes

Edexcel A Level The Picture of Dorian Gray Quotes Thorough analysis of a range of quotes from ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’. Also includes comparisons to ‘Dracula’ Edexcel A Level Gray & Dracula Carmilla Edexcel A Level Gray & Dracula A Rebours Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula Decadence Edexcel A Level Dracula Quotes Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula Revision Guide
Edexcel A Level John Donne Essays

Edexcel A Level John Donne Essays

A Level Edexcel John Donne Essays -Explore the ways in which Donne presents death in ‘A Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness’ and ‘A Hymn to God the Father’. (A*) -Explore the ways in which Donne presents love in ‘The Sun Rising’ and ‘The Good Morrow’. (A*) This one is sampled. -Explore the ways in which John Donne’s poetry presents sin and forgiveness in ‘Batter my Heart’ and ‘At the round earth’s imagin’d corners’. (A*) -Explore the ways in which Donne presents women in ‘Woman’s Constancy’ and ‘Song’. (A) includes WWW and EBI comments. Includes extra research. On my shop, see also my Edexcel A Level John Donne Anthology for a thoroughly analysed anthology.
AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Guide

AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Guide

AQA A Level History Stalin Revision Guide Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953 Covers: Power Struggle. This is sampled. Collectivisation Industrialisation Culture & society The Terror Stalin’s Foreign Policy 1919-1939 Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 High Stalinism & renewed terror Superpower + Cold War Includes extra research. *updated 29.07.2020 with refined format On my shop, see also: AQA A Level Russia Factor plans AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA AQA A Level History Socialist Realism AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide
AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts

AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts

AQA A Level History Tudor Handouts & Presentations Handout with co-ordinating presentation exploring how influential Christopher Hatton was within Elizabeth I’s court as a suitor and key figure in the Golden Age. Handout exploring Cranmer’s influence and rise to power, along with a Powerpoint presentation. On my shop, see also: AQA A Level Tudors Essays AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VII Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Henry VIII Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Mid-Tudors Revision Guide AQA A Level Tudors Guide Elizabeth I Revision Guide
AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA

AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA

AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953, covering Section A of the exam. NOPTEA stands for Nature, Origin, Purpose, Tone, Emphasis and Audience, used to analyse the sources. Includes: -a list of sources from all AQA Paper 2s to familiarise students with the sorts of sources they could face, how this would affect NOPTEA and provides possible questions they could consider -separating the sources into different levels of secrecy -pros, cons and questions to consider with posthumous sources -how post-1953 sources could influence validity -a detailed list of adjectives to describe the type of tone -words to describe how the source ‘argues’ -detailed advice on how to tackle Section B -an example paragraph On my shop, see also: AQA A Level Russia Factor plans AQA A Level History Socialist Realism AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Revision Guide
AQA A Level History Civil Rights

AQA A Level History Civil Rights

AQA A Level History Civil Rights Movement Includes handouts and presentations to inspire lessons. Ella Fitzgerald handout exploring impact on the Civil Rights Movement Ella Fitzgerald presentation Harriet Beecher Stowe handout exploring her role in the Civil Rights Movement Harriet Beecher Stowe presentation Civil Rights Act 1964 PPT, exploring its legislative and symbolic significance List of influential female figures in the Civil Rights Movement to research Sheet discussing how to explore and measure the influence of historical figures
AQA A Level Ideologies Thinkers

AQA A Level Ideologies Thinkers

AQA A Level Ideologies Thinkers Handouts which can be reused in class or inspire presentation activities: Rosa Luxemburg (Communism) Sheila Rowbotham (Feminism) John Locke (Liberalism) On my shop, see also: AQA A Level Politics Essays AQA A Level UK Politics PPTs AQA A Level Politics UK, US & Ideology Factor Paragraph Plans AQA A Level Politics Ideologies Traits AQA A Level US Politics Handouts & PPTs
AQA An Inspector Calls Crib Sheet

AQA An Inspector Calls Crib Sheet

GCSE AQA English Literature. An Inspector Calls. Crib Sheet. -Context -Plot outline by act + scene -Timeline of Eva Smith by month. -Character descriptions with key quotes and analysis. -Key quotes (analysed) divided by themes -Top tips for the exam -Form and structure Achieved a level 9 in 2017 exam. On my shop, see also GCSE AQA An Inspector Calls Context Table and GCSE AQA An Inspector Calls Activities. This is also available in a bundle.
OCR Sparta Activities

OCR Sparta Activities

GCSE OCR Classics. Sparta. Activities you can re-create: comic on the Battle of Thermopylae and labelling of Spartan uniform. On my shop, see also: OCR GCSE Sparta Revision Guide OCR GCSE Athens Revision Guide OCR Odyssey Revision Guide There is also a bundle available.
AQA GCSE English. An Inspector Calls

AQA GCSE English. An Inspector Calls

3 Resources
Bundles together all my resources for AQA GCSE English on ‘An Inspector Calls’. AQA. An Inspector Calls. Context Table. AQA English. Inspector Calls Activities AQA An Inspector Calls Cheat Sheet
AQA Poetry Power and Conflict Flashcards

AQA Poetry Power and Conflict Flashcards

GCSE AQA English Literature Poetry Power and Conflict. Flashcards Covers all poems from Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ to Garland’s ‘Kamikaze’ in brief flashcards. Highlights comparative themes they fit into. Flags up the key context, form, structure and the message of the poem. Each has various quotes analysed succinctly. Achieved a level 9 in 2017 exam.
Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula

Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula

Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula Revision Guide -includes critic quotes -insight into the roles and personalities of characters. -key quotes which broadly cover all themes -the significance and reasoning behind Oscar Wilde and Stoker’s settings. -context of the novel On my shop, see also: Edexcel A Level Gray & Dracula Carmilla Edexcel A Level Gray & Dracula A Rebours Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray & Dracula Decadence Edexcel A Level Dorian Gray Quotes Edexcel A Level English Dracula Quotes
AQA A Level History Socialist Realism

AQA A Level History Socialist Realism

AQA A Level History Socialist Realism Handouts Component 2N Revolution and dictatorship: Russia, 1917–1953 Includes handouts to reuse in lesson or inspire presentations from: Handout on Gladkov’s ‘Cement’ Handout on the formation of the Stalinist cult of personality Presentation on the Stalinist cult On my shop, see also: AQA A Level Russia Factor plans AQA A Level History Russia NOPTEA AQA A Level History Russia Lenin Revision Guide AQA A Level History Russia Stalin Revision Guide