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AQA A-level Sociology: Media Topic 1 Ownership and control Revision lesson

AQA A-level Sociology: Media Topic 1 Ownership and control Revision lesson

Detailed and diiferentiated (up and down), student led lesson that recaps: patterns of ownership the mainpulative, hegemonic and plurlaist approach to media ownerhsip and control formal and informal controls of media output or content. References the following concepts: Agenda-setting  Gate-keeping   News values  Marxism    Structuralism vs Interactionism     Ownership  Ideology  Capitalism   False consciousness   Neo-Marxism Lords of the Global Village  Formal and informal methods of control. ANSWERS INCLUDED FOR SOME MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED** RESOURCES FOR LESSON CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PTT Made for AQA A-level but can be easily used for other specs (just need a different source of information/ textbook) **Based on the content in 'SOCIOLOGY For AQA Volume 2 by Browne, Blundell & Law **
Introduction to the Mass Media (& informal and formal controls of output/ content)

Introduction to the Mass Media (& informal and formal controls of output/ content)

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that introduces students to the different forms of mass media and formal and informal methods used by the government to control media output formally and informally. Examines the following concepts:Mass media, Media technologies , Media institutions, Media products. **Made for AQA A-level **but can be easily used for other specs ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED RESOURCES FOR LESSON CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PTT **Based on content in textbook - 'SOCIOLOGY For AQA Volume 2 by Browne, Blundell & Law ** - BUT LESSON REQUIRES NO TEXTBOOK
AQA A-level Sociology: Theories of the Family Revision lesson -How to further develop exam answers?

AQA A-level Sociology: Theories of the Family Revision lesson -How to further develop exam answers?

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that: recaps the key sociologists students learn in this topic and what they say about the function(S) of the family. recaps the main umbrella theories that students learn in year 12 (structuralism vs interactionism, modernism vs postmodernism and conflict vs consensus theories), how they view society and how this influences functionalist, marxist, feminist and personal life perspective approaches to the family. how the knowledge above can be applied to exam questions to demonstrate both analysis and evaluation (AO3), e.g. by highlight the similarities and differences between the different theories of family or using knowledge of the umbrella theories to evaluate theories of the family. supports students with planning a 20 marker on theories of the family using the item. **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. *** **ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE ** INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family – Marxist functions of the family

AQA A-level Sociology Families: Theories of the family – Marxist functions of the family

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student-led lesson that examines, analyses and evaluates Marxists Althusser, Zaretsky and Engels’ views and functions of the family. Lesson explores the concepts: Marxist Warm Bath Theory, Monogamy , The monogamous nuclear family , Unit of consumption, Pester power, ideology, ideological function, false consciousness Lesson makes links to general Marxist key terms and other family key terms that students might have previously been taught. Main activities makes reference to AQA A-level Book 1 by Townsend Includes exam questions and guidance for answering them. ***** MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDE ANSWERS**** Starter assesses prior learning on Parson’s functions of the family ***** WORKSHEETS AT THE END OF THE PPT****
AQA A-level Sociology: How to further develop exam answers using the AOs? -  Couples Revision

AQA A-level Sociology: How to further develop exam answers using the AOs? - Couples Revision

Detailed and differentiated (up and down), student led lesson that teaches exam skills and recaps ‘Couples’ content of AQA specification; recaps the main sociologists and themes in the ‘Family’ unit, Topic 1 – Couples WHILST teaching students how to use the Assessment Objectives (AOs) -AO1, AO2, AO3- to further develop their answers using MODEL ANSWERS and examples.   NOTE – Students will need to have gone over or have a basic understanding of using a set success criteria or writing format for their paragraphs TO BE ABLE TO GAIN THE MOST OF OUT THIS LESSON – this lesson using set success criteria PEELE/A (for 20 markers) and PERD (for 10 markers).   **RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **  **ANSWERS FOR MOST OF THE ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE **
Education - The role of education (Marxist Bowles and Gintis)

Education - The role of education (Marxist Bowles and Gintis)

Recaps the Marxist view of society ALL ANSWERS FOR ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes key term and definition sheet needed for the lesson Examines the criticisms for Bowles and Gintis’ study. Includes an activity that allows students to compare and contrast Bowles and Gintis’ correspondence principle to functionalist views of education.
AQA GCSE Sociology: Families - The domestic division of labour in contemporary families

AQA GCSE Sociology: Families - The domestic division of labour in contemporary families

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand what might be the domestic division of labour in contemporary families. Cover the following key terms: Contemporary society, The Symmetrical family, The New man, Double shift / dual burden, Triple shift, Dual-career family Covers the following sociologists: Functionalist Young and Wilmott, Feminist Oakley, Feminist Dunscombe and Marsden, Feminist Hochschild ANSWERS TO ALL ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes icons for visual learning Includes activity based on ‘teaching to all’ pedagogical technique Included a key term sheet and definitions for the lesson RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT REQUIRES OWENS AND WOODFIELD AQA GCSE TEXTBOOK FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES (OR ANY EQUIVALENT INFORMATION ON DECISION MAKING AND MONEY MANAGEMENT IN THE FAMILY) - for one actvitiy
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Functionalists' roles of education

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Functionalists' roles of education

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand ‘Education - Functionalists’ roles of education’ Covers the following key terms: Meritocracy, Particularistic standards, Universalistic standards, Ascribed status, Achieved status, Formal curriculum, Hidden curriculum, Social cohesion, Social mobility, Role allocation Covers the following sociologists:Durkheim, Parsons, Davis and Moore ANSWERS TO MAIN ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes a 4 marker with scaffolding to answer it Includes visual learning icons Includes a key term and definitions sheet needs for the lesson Students need access to a textbook to complete the main activity. Although this is a GCSE lesson, I use the A-level textbook ( AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend)
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: Questionnaires

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: Questionnaires

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how to use questionnaires when investigating sociological issues (e.g. the main features of questions and describe when its appropriate to use, the strengths and weaknesses of questionnaires based on their main features and how to apply our knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of questionnaires to different sociological research topic. Examines questionnaires in general and postal questionnaires. Makes links to practical ethical and theoretical issues. Covers the following key terms: Questionnaires, Postal questionnaires Key terms you should know that link: Quantitative data vs Qualitative data – Reliable vs Valid – Practical issues – Ethical issues – Theoretical issues – Positivism vs Interpretivist – Sample size – Representative sample – Generalise findings - Social surveys – Questionnaire - Pre-determined - Closed questions - Open questions - Postal questionnaires - Online questionnaire INCLUDES ANSWERS FOR ACTIVITIES Includes model answer, student friendly mark-scheme and example answers ranging from 1-4/ 4 for a research method 4 marker RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists collect their data?

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research Methods: How do sociologists collect their data?

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how sociologist collect data for sociological research (e.g. difference between primary and secondary methods, quantitative and qualitative data, the strengths and weaknesses of primary and secondary methods, standardisation and social process Covers the following key terms: research methods, sociological research, data, research process, Primary methods vs Secondary Methods, qualitative vs quantitative data, closed vs open questions, validity and reliability. Answers to all main activities included Resources can be found at the end of the PTT
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences Revision

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 3 Ethnic differences Revision

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson that: uses scaffolding to guide students in making a mind-map of the topic as a revision material -recaps the success criteria for 10 markers with item -provides a model paragraph for a 10 marker item on this topic -uses scaffolding to help students write their own 10 mark (item) paragraphs or full answers. -includes 4 different 10 markers (with item). for this topic NOTES -RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT.
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic3 Ethnic differences -Material factors and racism

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic3 Ethnic differences -Material factors and racism

Detailed and differentiated (up and down) student led lesson on how a. material deprivation and b. racism in wider society might cause ethnic differences in achievement. Makes reference to key terms material vs cultural factors, external vs internal factors, the meaning/ patterns of ethnic differences in achievement. Uses and refers to ’ AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend ’ textbook RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT. **Teaching to all actu ANSWERS FOR MAIN ACTIVITIES CAN BE FOUND ON NEXT SLIDE AFTER ACTIVITY SLIDE INCLUDES ORACY ACTIVITY
AQA GCSE Sociology: Family- Family diversity

AQA GCSE Sociology: Family- Family diversity

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand family diversity. Includes a 4 marker with scaffolding to help students answer it. Progress check can be taught as ‘teaching to all’ activity by getting students to show the family diversity they think is the answer on their fingers (1-5)s Includes key term and definitions sheet for the lesson (new key terms and key terms students should have previously learnt that link to the lesson) ANSWERS TO MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Covers the following key terms: Organisational diversity, Cultural diversity, Social class diversity , Cohort/ generational diversity, Life course diversity, Secularisation, Monogamy , Polygamy , Polygyny, Polyandry , Arranged marriage Covers the following sociologists: 1969 Divorce Reform Act, 1970 Equal Pay Act, 2013 Marriage Act, The Rapoports Goode Covers the following key terms that you should already know: Dual-career family, Family form/ structure/ type, Nuclear family, Conjugal roles, Conventional nuclear family, Lone-parent family, Vertically-extended family, Cohabitation , Same sex family, Horizontally-extended family , Empty-nest family, Family diversity, Contemporary society, Gender roles Makes references to key terms students should know – Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson. RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology: Key term and definitions sheet - Research methods

AQA GCSE Sociology: Key term and definitions sheet - Research methods

6 page key term sheet for the research methods unit of GCSE AQA Sociology. Made for AQA GCSE but can be used for A-level and other specs (might need to add on key terns) Alphabetical order EDITABLE Includes: colour coding, examples and dome dual coding. Matches to the key term sheets and definitions used in my AQA GCSE lessons. Includes some key terms that link to the unit that students do not have to know but would benefit them if they did know.
AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic differences in achievement (cultural factors)

AQA GCSE Sociology: Education - Ethnic differences in achievement (cultural factors)

****Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement and the role of cultural factors in causing ethnic differences in achievement. Lastly, to analyse and evaluate the role of different cultural factors in causing ethnic differences in achievement. ****Cover the following sociologists: Lupton, Sewell, Clarke, Bhatti, Sugarman, Bernstein   ****Covers the following key terms: Ethnic differences in educational achievement, ethnicity ****Answers to all main activities included ****Key terms students should know Race, Ethnic groups ****Introduces students to the patterns of ethnic differences in educational achievement. ****Main activity is planned as a carousel activity that allows students to collect information on the cultural factors that might affect different ethnic groups and capture this on a sheet that I printed in A3. ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END
AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Merton's strain theory

AQA GCSE Sociology: Crime - Merton's strain theory

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand how the strain of anomie might lead to criminal and deviant behaviour. Describe the strain theory of crime and identify Merton’s four adaptations of the strain of anomie.   Cover the following key terms: Strain theory of crime and deviance Anomie strain of Anomie Definitions that might help we will cover: The American Dream Means Legitimate Strain Social structure (extension) Key terms you SHOULD know that link: Functionalism value consensus social order Consensus theory structuralism vs interactionism Determinism Meritocracy   Covers the following sociologists: Merton ****Answers for ALL activities included ****Includes a key term and definition sheet needed for the lesson ****Covers how to answer 4 marker ‘perspective’ exam question with a success criteria and scaffolding to help students answer it. ****RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT ****Starter activity gives the option of two 3 markers student can choose to answer and includes a student-friendly mark-scheme for each
AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 4 Gender & education- Why are girls doing better? (External)

AQA A-level Sociology: Education Topic 4 Gender & education- Why are girls doing better? (External)

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the role external factors have on why girls are outperforming boys. Covers the following key terms, policies and sociologists: Gender differences in educational achievement McRobbie Sharpe Epstein et Plummer Coffey 1970 Equal Pay Act 1975 Sex Discrimination Act Activities require pages from the AQA A Level Sociology Book One Including AS Level: Book one 3rd Revised edition by Rob Webb, Hal Westergaard, Keith Trobe, Annie Townend Answers to ALL activities included Includes 4 marker with a success criteria and scaffolding to help students with answering it. Detailed scaffolding included to help students develop AO3 analysis and evaluation skills needed in 10, 20 and 30 marker answers. Provides an overview of sub sections and lesson on Education Topic 4. Makes reference to content learn in research methods (PET issues) for starter activity.
AQA GCSE Sociology: Research Methods- Longitudinal studies

AQA GCSE Sociology: Research Methods- Longitudinal studies

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand longitudinal studies. Cover the following key terms: longitudinal study, cohort, cross-sectional study Covers the following sociologists: the UP series, The Millennium Cohort study Makes references to key terms students should know- CHECK IF THIS IS THE CASE - Promotes a spiral curriculum by making links to key terms that students might have previously been taught that link to this lesson. RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF PPT NO starter activity included ANSWERS TO MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDED Includes student-friendly mark scheme for a 4 and 2 markers Includes model answer for 4 marker Teaches students how to answer 2 marker using an item Includes so model 2 mark answers and answers that would not be awarded 2/2.
AQA GCSE Sociology- Research methods-Official and non-official statistics

AQA GCSE Sociology- Research methods-Official and non-official statistics

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the difference between official and non-official statistics, the advantages and disadvantages of using official and non-official statistics to investigate sociological issues or topics. Key terms included: Official statistics, non- official statistics Key terms and studies you should know what link: The Millenium Cohort Study (MCS)– The British Cohort Study (BCS) - Secondary vs primary methods and data – Data - Quantitative vs qualitative data Answers to main activities included includes key term and definition sheet for the lesson Resources can be found at the end of the PPT
AQA GCSE Sociology - Research methods - Structured and Unstructured interviews

AQA GCSE Sociology - Research methods - Structured and Unstructured interviews

Detailed lesson with lots of scaffolding based on adaptive teaching that help students understand the advantages and disadvantages of using interviews for investigating sociological issues (e.g. identifying the different types of interviews and their features, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of structured and unstructured interview and be able to apply out knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of structured and unstructured interviews to 4 markers). Covers the following key terms: Structured interview, Unstructured interview, Semi-structured interview, Group interviews (Focus groups), Interviewer bias/ effect, Interview schedule This lesson introduces students to all types of interviews but only looks at the strengths and weaknesses of structured and unstructured interviews. ANSWERS TO MOST ACTIVITIES INCLUDED RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE PPT