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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
Ned Kelly English Unit - Language features in Black Snake + reading the rest of Chapter 1

Ned Kelly English Unit - Language features in Black Snake + reading the rest of Chapter 1

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. 1) Lesson PowerPoint The beginning of the PowerPoint introduces students to some of the key language features used in the novel Black Snake with definitions, examples and examples from Black Snake. The language features are colloquialisms, idioms, figurative language {similes / metaphors} & descriptive language {adjectives.} Afterwards there are some comprehension questions. Afterwards we look at a picture book – ‘Ned Kelly and the Green Sash’ written by Mark Greenwood and illustrated by Frane Lessac. As we read the story, students are encouraged to think about the language and visual features used and the effects they create in telling the story. Afterwards, the students can read the remainder of chapter 1 filling in the retrieval chart. If there is time at the end, there is a slide about how to identify factual information from evaluative language and a slide summing up the events in chapter 1. 2) A retrieval chart for students to summarise what they have learned while reading Chapter 1.
War poetry - Feature articles and their components

War poetry - Feature articles and their components

1) An exemplar feature article 2) A PowerPoint designed to teach students about the genre they need to write for their assessment. It includes tips for the exam and the criteria students have to demonstrate. It specifies the codes and conventions of a feature article (in terms of structure, visuals, paragraph length, cohesive ties, vocabulary etc.) It includes a suggested structure followed by a student's example. Afterwards there are questions about the article's intended reading, tone, use of language features etc. Examples of types of statements they may come across in their exam. If time there is another feature article example (resource 1) also copied into the final few slides.
Analysing Documentaries and articles - Explaining assessment and example PowerPoint

Analysing Documentaries and articles - Explaining assessment and example PowerPoint

Two PowerPoints: Explaining the assessment task (Create an informative multimodal presentation that discusses how bias may be present in documentaries and written articles) and the criteria. Learning about the features of a multimodal to prepare you for this task and looking at an example introduction written by a past student. Some example quotes from Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine to use as an example (and practice analysing). Advice on where to find further quotes. A PowerPoint for the following lesson teaching students how to analyse bias in media articles. Going through the 2 types of bias in texts (over exaggeration and under exaggeration). A quick practice of analysing bias in particular examples from Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine. Afterward the PPT looks at three articles about Chernobyl and students are encouraged to determine whether we believe their portrayal was: Balanced (correct), Bias through minor under-emphasis, Bias through extreme under-emphasis, Bias through over emphasis or Bias through extreme over emphasis. Prior to this, there is a brief explanation of what happened and some images and videos. It includes some questions for students to consider as they read the article. Finally, it includes copies of a PPT made by a past student for their multimodal for students to look at and draw inspiration from. One Word Document (A task scaffold) which contains planning steps for the assignment and a suggested structure. Other resources which can be given to students during in class drafting lessons or for homework.
Australian stereotypes - how to write a persuasive essay

Australian stereotypes - how to write a persuasive essay

This lesson is designed as part of an Australian year 9 English unit. The first assessment for this unit is a persuasive essay. This PowerPoint first explains the assessment and the criteria students will be marked against. Subsequently, it goes through essay genre conventions (defining terms like thesis statement, explaining what should go in an intro, body and conclusion, explaining how texts should be referenced in text and in a bibliography). This PowerPoint also includes example paragraphs from a range of texts which show Australian stereotypes including The Simpsons Australia episode, Crocodile Dundee and men of the open spaces. Handout - planning steps to be completed prior to writing Handout - scaffolding for essay which tells students what they must write for each paragraph.
Analysing documentaries - Language features used in documentaries

Analysing documentaries - Language features used in documentaries

In addition to analysing cinematic techniques (aka visual features), students need to analyse the effect of language features in their chosen documentary. This lesson introduces students to a range of language features to watch out for with examples from Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 and Morgan Spurlock's Super Size Me. These language features include high modality, rhetorical questions, emotive language, repetition and groups of three. It also includes a list of generic questions for students to ask themselves when watching documentaries.
Rabbit Proof Fence Student Workbook (film analysis)

Rabbit Proof Fence Student Workbook (film analysis)

This 32 page booklet has been designed as part of an Australian film studies unit focusing on the 2002 film The Rabbit Proof Fence. It includes activities exploring characterisation, the beliefs of the time and analysing the aesthetic features (film and language techniques) which students are to complete during and after viewing the film. While used for year 9 in this case, it could be applicable for any junior secondary grade. It could also be used during NAIDOC week. This booklet contains resources which would be useful for preparing students to write a range of genres including film reviews, feature articles, persuasive texts and analytical essays. There are questions about the events/themes/character’s perspectives and the effects of the aesthetic features. It introduces students to concepts such as textual structures, language features, visual features, film techniques and themes. It includes information about the socio cultural context of the film, articles about the women on which the film is based, key quotes from the film, scaffolded analysis activities for key scenes, an introduction to evaluative language and how it is used to describe films. The final pages include an explanation of how to structure an essay (along with planning and editing steps).
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Chapter 6

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Chapter 6

A lesson PowerPoint. It begins with a proofreading activity (an excerpt from Chapter 5). Followed by a mini lesson on using an apostrophe to make contractions. This includes examples and non examples and a series of activities which progress through the I do, we do, you do phase of the gradual release of responsibility pedagogy. In upcoming lessons, students will write a persuasive essay to convince their readers of their perspective about Ned Kelly’s guilt or innocence. Students will read chapter six of Black Snake and complete activities so that they can use evidence from the novel to develop their argument about whether Ned Kelly was a victim, a villain or a hero. They learn about mood and tone and apply their new knowledge to the fictional passage at the beginning of the chapter. The PowerPoint ends with a summary of the chapter and some questions to be completed for homework. A handout with the activities for Chapter 6 which students will complete throughout the lesson. Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson.
Australian Stereotypes - Crocodile Dundee

Australian Stereotypes - Crocodile Dundee

Two PowerPoints for a 9 English Unit. The first PowerPoint includes a synopsis of the film and the film trailer is embedded. This is followed by a range of clips and viewing questions. It also includes information about how Indigenous Australians are portrayed in the film. Additionally, there is a section on exploring key quotes. Students have to pick out the slang and the beliefs of the protagonist which are indicated in the quote. The second PowerPoint is a paragraph writing lesson. It takes students through the various stereotypes in the film and includes some pre-writing (planning) steps. It reviews the PEEEL paragraph structure. It includes some scaffolding (suggested sentence starters) along with an example paragraph (which is colour coded to indicate which section it addresses). After this activity, there is information about modality and some examples of high and low modality words. There is also some information about linking words.
Crime fiction: Hard Boiled Fiction

Crime fiction: Hard Boiled Fiction

Introduction to the hard-boiled genre of crime fiction (Set in1930s - 1950s America) This PowerPoint examines the genre conventions of hard-boiled fiction, the typical protagonist of these tales & events that were occurring in American society at the time these tales were written, and how these influenced these texts. Students will watch a trailer for The Maltese Falcon Trailer (a famous example). The movie of The Maltese Falcon is dated 1941, during the War, but the story was published in 1930: it’s a tale of the roaring ‘20s. The PPT also includes a trailer for a recent example (the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire) which recreates this era.
Worksheet - the difference between objective and subjective texts

Worksheet - the difference between objective and subjective texts

This worksheet can be used as a one on one tutoring resource. Alternatively, you can take activities from here to use as fast finishers or homework activities. This document introduces students to key terms like fact, opinion and embellishment. It includes sentences and paragraphs and challenges students to identify whether they are subjective/objective. It also provides some information about zoos and asks students to write a subjective and objective paragraph about the topic. The second section explores how verbs, adverbs and well-constructed, extended noun groups can position the reader to form an opinion or judge a person. It gives an example of a famous Australian and shows how by changing a few words you can change the connotation of the text. It includes comprehension questions to check the students understanding. In the third section, a subjective newspaper article about the Vietnam war is included for students to analyse. There are comprehension questions which follow this. The final section introduces students to the concept of tone and gives them a list of different words to describe the tone of a text. Students then look at an advertisement and have to suggest the tone. Subsequently, they read a bias newspaper article and answer questions about this. Finally, there is a writing activity for students which encourages them to write persuasively.
Australian stereotypes - persuasive techniques

Australian stereotypes - persuasive techniques

A PowerPoint designed to teach students about 10 persuasive techniques. It includes examples, explanations of how they work and prompts to encourage students to write their own sentences using these persuasive devices. Devices taught in this lesson include: Alliteration Repetition Rhetorical Question Tone of Voice Metaphors & Similes Emotive language Hyperbole Expert opinion/use of quotes Anecdote/personal experience Inclusive language
Analysing Documentaries - Unit Introduction

Analysing Documentaries - Unit Introduction

This unit was designed for a year 10 English class in Australia. Within this unit students learn to analyse and evaluate how human experience is represented in new media texts and documentaries, including the use of images. Students will also develop a critical understanding of the contemporary media and analyse the differences between news media texts. This PowerPoint introduces students to what a documentary is and how they can have powerful social and political influence. The lesson goes on to outline the key features of a documentary and the two main types of documentaries (objective and subjective). It explains the difference and then includes a series of short clips for students to view and decide whether it is an objective/subjective documentary. It also includes a research activity (homework sheet) for students to investigate the works of Michael Moore.
Introduction to Remember the Titans and film techniques

Introduction to Remember the Titans and film techniques

This resource was designed as an introduction to a film studies unit focusing on the moral issues and moral dilemmas that the characters faced in the film Remember the Titans. It has enough content to take a few lessons. This resource would still be useful for other films as it teaches students about various textual structures, language and visual features which directors use to influence how the audience responds to the film. It includes a summary of the film, a definition of dialogue and some examples for students to discuss (what it reveals about the characters), nonverbal communication, visual features to focus on e.g. costuming. It also goes through various cinematic techniques with a definition and an example from a famous film e.g. The Shining, Forrest Gump, Harry Potter and The Help (with post-viewing questions). The film techniques covered are panning, tracking, tilting, zooming, montage, transition, simultaneous time, slow motion, music, sound effects, shot sizes. It ends with a cloze strategy to check whether students have understood these terms. It then goes on to provide some historical context about the Civil Rights movement in the US.
Visual source analysis - story books

Visual source analysis - story books

Two PowerPoints which include scans from two picture book memoirs. The Little Refugee (Anh Do) - It includes pre-reading questions. The powerpoint also introduces key terms for analysing these visuals: visual components of a text such as placement, salience, framing, representation of action or reaction, shot size, social distance and camera angle. Body Language – A non-verbal form of communication including facial expression, posture & gestures. Salience – a strategy of emphasis, highlighting what is important in a text. In images, salience is created through strategies like the placement of an item in the foreground, size and contrast in tone or colour. There are also comprehension questions and an explanation of things to note about the illustrations. The Peasant Prince (Li Cunxin) - a more comprehensive lesson (for a higher class). It includes information about the author and the illustrator and the techniques she used. It introduces visual literacy techniques to look for e.g. use of colour vs black and white. Ways to describe colour e.g. vivid and muted. Colour theory - the connotations of specific colours. Describing the positioning of elements within the image (e.g. foreground & background). How to describe the settings within the story (there is a graphic organiser for them to fill in to respond to three images from the book). Nonverbal communication (explanations of body langauge and facial expression). Students have the chance to apply this to describing three figures in the book. Shot size, Angle and Mise en scene are defined and there are further activities for each of these. Other concepts are covered incuding reading path, salience, positioning, vectors, allusion, symbols and language features.
Aussie Stereotypes - True Blue + Kath and Kim

Aussie Stereotypes - True Blue + Kath and Kim

PowerPoint: Watching an Australian music video to identify the various Australian identities and pastimes it features (to discuss whether these are accurate or stereotypical). Watching an excerpt of a sketch comedy program called ‘Big Girl’s Blouse’ (1994) where Kath and Kim originated. The youtube link to the sketch ''Kim's Wedding'' is included. Post-viewing questions and answers are included.
A brief history of cinema

A brief history of cinema

A PowerPoint exploring the origins and evolution of film (1895-present). Information about The Seven Ages of Film and the advent of sound. Video clips from 'Singing in the Rain' which depict how film studios began to make talking pictures. Looking at the advent of colour in films with clips from The Wizard of Oz showing the use of technicolour. Information about the introduction of The American movie rating system in 1968. The phenomena of Midnight movies - with clips from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
War Poetry - Analysing Aftermath by Sigfried Sassoon

War Poetry - Analysing Aftermath by Sigfried Sassoon

A PowerPoint to guide students as they read the World War One poem ‘Aftermath.’ It includes information about the author’s background and encourages students to speculate about how that influenced him to write Aftermath. As they read the poem there are little discussion-prompting questions and annotations down the side. Afterwards, students will suggest an intended reading and explore how the language features contributed to this message. Finally, students will review what they have learned about WW1 as next lesson they will move onto a new time period. The handout with the typed questions from the PPT.
12 Essential English – Australian narratives unit – Dialogue + Tim Winton’s ‘Big World’

12 Essential English – Australian narratives unit – Dialogue + Tim Winton’s ‘Big World’

About the PPT: This lesson was designed to teach students about dialogue and how it can be used to reveal the personality of the characters. It begins with a definition of dialogue and an explanation of reported and direct speech. Some examples of each are provided and students need to identify which is which. There is an excerpt from the anthology ‘Growing up Asian’ which students can read as an example of how characterisation is driven through dialogue. There was also information about placing dialogue tags at the beginning, middle and end of a quote for variety. There is an activity sheet for variants to the word said. After checking the answers, there is information about how to punctuate dialogue correctly. Following this the story for today ‘Big World’ was introduced. Some of the terms that students may be unfamiliar with have been defined on the slide. After reading the story, there are some discussion questions which I use with the students. Students then share their responses for the retrieval chart. The lesson ends with a 5 question multi-choice quiz about punctuating dialogue correctly. Other resources: A copy of the Short Story and the retrieval chart Context: A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 4: “Representations and popular culture texts - Topic 2: Creating representations of Australian identities, places, events and concepts.” During this unit students learned about Australian social groups. They engaged with a range of short stories representing Australia. Their assessment was to write a short story which explored a gap/silence from one of the texts they studied in class.