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Maths & Cross-Curricular Resources

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My time zone and your time zone may be the same time zone. Maybe midnight for you and midnight for me are the same. Your month and my month could be the same month. But they could be different. Not every day. Not all the time. Not everywhere. But some times in some places on some days. Perhaps even on the day this was written.




My time zone and your time zone may be the same time zone. Maybe midnight for you and midnight for me are the same. Your month and my month could be the same month. But they could be different. Not every day. Not all the time. Not everywhere. But some times in some places on some days. Perhaps even on the day this was written.
Adding & Subtracting Fractions (on square dotty paper)

Adding & Subtracting Fractions (on square dotty paper)

With many thanks to Don Steward for inspiration on Saturday 16 March 2019 at ATM London, IoE, UCL, London. Cross links to ratio, sequences and gradient. Square dotty paper is set as back ground for slides; so you can build your own or print and ask your pupils to create their own. I’m certain you have access to more than enough questions on adding fractions. This merely provides pupils with a different means to answer them; visually/geometrically.
Diamond Jubilee Wheel - Measuring Time & Space

Diamond Jubilee Wheel - Measuring Time & Space

The United +Kingdom+ is a constitutional monarchy, so resources around the Diamond Jubilee are useful. Time: aligning 60 years' worth of facts in 60 minutes or 60 seconds! Simply colour in 25 years (silver Jubilee), 50 years (Golden Jubilee) and 60 years (Diamond Jubilee). Fractions: colour & discuss the first quarter of HM QE II's reign, the second quarter, or... maybe thirds, or twelfths, or... you get the idea.
Fractal Poetry & A Fractal Poem of Three

Fractal Poetry & A Fractal Poem of Three

Explore the poem (you're free to use it if you don&'t derive financial profit from it without sharing that profit with the author!); then invite your pupils to develop their own fractal poems. Maybe another one for triangles. Maybe have them write one using squares. It might be fun to extend the fractal! If you/they can: a proper challenge! :-) P.S. The first verse is explained if you make a hole at the top of triangle, cut out triangle & hang it from thread. It can then be spun (albeit it&';s not lit up!). P.P.S. Table centre-piece for group discussion é building activity also possible!
Dambusters - Constructions & trigonometry

Dambusters - Constructions & trigonometry

Help Dr Barnes Wallis's team to position the spotlights on the Lancaster Bombers for the Dambusters' raids led by Commander Guy Gibson. Willing suspension of disbelief required with respect to the numbers (unless you choose to alter them to match researched reality!). Timed for use on the anniversary of the raids (17 May 1943). Roll the theme....
Despicable Enlargement: world's tallest & smallest

Despicable Enlargement: world's tallest & smallest

Transformations - enlargement Arguably the ultimate 'shrink ray' opportunity and certainly a great opportunity to revise linear enlargement skills in a starter with Gru and Vector. Sounds are courtesy of http://movie-sounds.org.and images are courtesy of Google and First News. As ever, if there is doubt as to whether the images/sounds are subject to copyright, the no-profit, educational purposes and no-charge-advertising/no-charge-product-placement arguments apply: it's not about how much teachers should pay so much as it is about how much they should charge.
Trigonometry and circles

Trigonometry and circles

Something inspired by thoughts on sun dials and a once-held belief that the world was flat; possibly a flat disc floating in water. In essence it may provide (at least) a "holding" answer to an old teenage question: "If zero degrees is north (a.k.a. "up" on a 2D map) for bearings questions, why is it east for more advanced trigonometry?". The STEM-Ginger Beer Glass answers a separate (but related) question (or begins to).
Spinning Round in a Circle

Spinning Round in a Circle

Pupils are asked to label a circle with compass directions and angles. The trick is that the circle is already labelled: with months and times [in hours (12 and 24) and minutes]. All jolly confusing... until they stop to process, sort and think! The dice at the edges add potential for an extra question around how to randomly choose a time/angle for something! There is a second circle with weeks, suits of cards, letters of the alphabet and two marathons. More confusion! More thought. Where will your pupils take you with them...
What is the chance of rain?

What is the chance of rain?

This is a light hearted starter for a lesson on proportion and chance or simply for a little thinking about proportion and chance before approaching another topic.
Area: Circles: Investigation

Area: Circles: Investigation

To be used after pupils familiar with use of #Pythagoras’ theorem, properties of #isosceles #triangles and #symmetry and sum of #internal #angles of a triangle. Gentle, steady, step-by-step progress.
Key Stage 3 in 2 Years - Progression Maps - Matching 2-Year Timeline - Spring Term (Y7)

Key Stage 3 in 2 Years - Progression Maps - Matching 2-Year Timeline - Spring Term (Y7)

Folllowing the timeline for the Spring term I have provided on this website, this breaks each objective into four steps: consolidating; developing; securing; mastering. Each objective is taken directly from the "new" UK National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 [where an objective is given for each bullet point (from page 5): https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/239058/SECONDARY_national_curriculum_-_Mathematics.pdf ] . Consolidating - is generally pitched for the weakest pupils: who are revisiting key stage 2 material that may have been first taught before year 6. Mastering - will generally pitched to stretch at or beyond expectations for key stage 3. Problem solving exercises will need to be set within and around material each week. Three hours per week has proven enough to deliver the material to the very most committed and able pupils (when accompanied with sufficient homework); however, five hours per week (and some looping back to earlier objectives if/when later objectives prove inaccessible) may suit pupils who would benefit from such an approach.
Prejudice, Protected Characteristics & Discrimination : Leaving Cleverland

Prejudice, Protected Characteristics & Discrimination : Leaving Cleverland

This is being posted in Black History Month: an important time in history, for a period, whilst curricula chose (for diplomatics reasons or otherwise) not to teach the young people of the UK about “the End of Empire” or about what preceded it or about life beyond what is now the Commonwealth - not to mention the tensions of integration in past decades as those, in the UK, who were less-well-educated and less-well-travelled had to get their heads around changes to the people and customs they were seeing. It was nothing new in some places. In others it was. “New” meant one thing in one place; another in another. Times have changed, of course, since the 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2010s. What we watch on the internet or TV from overseas feels closer to “home”. What those fortunate few (who can afford the medical insurance, passports, flights, etc) to travel and see overseas and report back has changed too. Often it is forgotten, courtesy of the internet or TV, that the USA is a long way further from the UK than Europe and Africa and the Middle East. It is often more expensive to get to as well. It is also forgotten, at times, that British and American (and indeed European) history are not quite so intertwined, at all times, as we might perceive or wish to believe: fog in the English channel has also been fog in the Atlantic at times. Indeed, there has even been fog between London and other British cities - and between London and the countryside. Everywhere is not anywhere. Anywhere is not everywhere. Even if ubiquitous retail chains like McDonalds, Nandos, Tescos, Morrisons and others may make us feel like the opposite is the case. There was a time, before the Empire (no I don’t mean Star Wars! that’s the point!), that David Olusoga advises saw the Catholic Church of the Mediterranean courting favour with African leaders. There was a time when King James I of England VI of Scotland had an Ambassador located in India. Presumably people travelled in both directions. Marco Polo and “Samurai William”, not to mention Caractacus in Rome, are worth a look too. There’s a big planet out there - and many of the issues raised by Black History Month are human issues: as applicable in Western China or South America or Eastern Europe as they are in the UK; but to different peoples. And, in that context, prejudice is an idea worth being careful with. So, just as the global history of all peoples matters in the other eleven months of the year too, here’s something to prompt a decent debate. It does not even limit itself to skin colour - which is, in itself, is refreshing - as every straight Christian male of African heritage and a certain age will doubtless appreciate.
Bean Looking at Angles Again - Proportion Starter

Bean Looking at Angles Again - Proportion Starter

A gentle starter for those beginning to grasp proportionality. It enables extension by encouraging pupils to design their own questions (with answers). Proportionality is visualised using a familiar item (beans) that they may see at home. Recognising that such a familiar item may be used in this way may lead to experimentation beyond the classroom.
Pythagoras - Can you see the rule?

Pythagoras - Can you see the rule?

A set of slides to introduce Pythagoras' Theorem like the Rugby Off-side rule: (i) with little extra information [maybe supplemented with explanation]; (ii) with movement; (iii) with different (technical) labelling.