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Maths & Cross-Curricular Resources

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My time zone and your time zone may be the same time zone. Maybe midnight for you and midnight for me are the same. Your month and my month could be the same month. But they could be different. Not every day. Not all the time. Not everywhere. But some times in some places on some days. Perhaps even on the day this was written.




My time zone and your time zone may be the same time zone. Maybe midnight for you and midnight for me are the same. Your month and my month could be the same month. But they could be different. Not every day. Not all the time. Not everywhere. But some times in some places on some days. Perhaps even on the day this was written.
Probability associated with compatible and combined event(s)

Probability associated with compatible and combined event(s)

The brief: "Probability: using diagrams for combined event including Venn diagrams and two way tables". Accordingly, this was possibly created in reaction to a "typo" in a challenge that was set; possibly created in reaction to an ongoing clash between the jargon of mathematics and Crystal-mark plain English; possibly not. This resource looks (constructively and positively!) at how one could find an event (singular) which features combined probabilities (think combined=compatible and hence of withdrawing, say, Queen of Diamonds from a pack of cards). This resource then moves into more traditional territory: combined independent events (plural!): each event with its own set of distinct mutually-exclusive outcomes. The resource encourages pupils to think about how to arrange data from these events and it can be used to lead them towards either (somewhat complex / technically flawed?) Venn diagrams or (more traditional and clear!) two-way tables [albeit a "sample space" would be preferable to both] as a means to clarify and present the raw data for speedy analysis. The language and symbols of set theory are used in places and may need decoding for pupils. The absence of a true sample space may render these slides "unsatisfying" for mathematicians likely to progress to the highest grades and on to A-Level; however, the faith was kept with the brief; next time... ;-)
Trigonometry and circles

Trigonometry and circles

Something inspired by thoughts on sun dials and a once-held belief that the world was flat; possibly a flat disc floating in water. In essence it may provide (at least) a "holding" answer to an old teenage question: "If zero degrees is north (a.k.a. "up" on a 2D map) for bearings questions, why is it east for more advanced trigonometry?". The STEM-Ginger Beer Glass answers a separate (but related) question (or begins to).
Bean Looking at Angles Again - Proportion Starter

Bean Looking at Angles Again - Proportion Starter

A gentle starter for those beginning to grasp proportionality. It enables extension by encouraging pupils to design their own questions (with answers). Proportionality is visualised using a familiar item (beans) that they may see at home. Recognising that such a familiar item may be used in this way may lead to experimentation beyond the classroom.
What is the chance of rain?

What is the chance of rain?

This is a light hearted starter for a lesson on proportion and chance or simply for a little thinking about proportion and chance before approaching another topic.
Cuisinere Macaroni - Proportion Starter

Cuisinere Macaroni - Proportion Starter

A gentle starter for those beginning to grasp proportionality. It enables extension by encouraging pupils to design their own questions (with answers). Proportionality is visualised using a familiar item (macaroni) that they may see at home. Recognising that such a familiar item may be used in this way may lead to experimentation beyond the classroom.
Entry AfL - Charts & Graphs

Entry AfL - Charts & Graphs

AfL tool to assess topics requiring teacher's input when starting unit on charts and graphs. Aligned with new GCSE mathematics curriculum. Can also be used as mid unit or end of unit test.
Maths assessment - year 7 - aligns with SOW provided on TES Resources

Maths assessment - year 7 - aligns with SOW provided on TES Resources

CHALLENGING practice assessment AND main assessment - with answers for both. Spring Term. New maths curriculum. Test covers(skill by skill - referencing DfE bullet points - in order taught & tested rather than DfE order): Number: Year 6: NPV:1,2,3,4 Year 6: NASMD: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Year 6: NFDP: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 Year 7: KS3: N1, N2, N4, N7, N5, N15, N10, N11 Algebra: Year 6: 1,2,3,4, 5 Year 7: A3, A8, A1, A4, A14, A2 Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change: Year 6: RP: 1,2,3,4 Year 7: RPR3, RPR2 Geometry & Measure: Year 6: M: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Year 6: GPoS:1,2,3,4,5 Year 6: GPaD: 1,2 Year 7: GM1, GM2, Statistics: Year 7: S:1,2 Probability: N/A
Maths assessment - year 8 - aligns with SOW provided on TES Resources

Maths assessment - year 8 - aligns with SOW provided on TES Resources

CHALLENGING practice assessment AND main assessment - with answers for both. Spring Term. New maths curriculum. Test covers(skill by skill - referencing DfE bullet points - in order taught & tested rather than DfE order): Number: N1, N2, N4, N7, N5, N15, N10, N11, N9, N3, N8, N12, N16, N6 Algebra: A3, A8, A1, A4, A14, A2, A7, A5, A6, A15, A11, A16, A10, A9, A12, A13 Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change: RPR3, RPR2, RPR8, RPR1, RPR7, RPR4, RPR5, RPR6 Geometry & Measure: GM1, GM2, GM8, GM9, GM3, GM4, GM5, GM10, GM11 Statistics: S1, S2 Probability: P1, P2
New Key Stage 3 Maths in two years: year 7 and year 8

New Key Stage 3 Maths in two years: year 7 and year 8

New Curriculum. Two-year timeline, scheme of work & termly (unit-by-unit) progress maps. Timeline prints best as A5 booklet for pupils, parents and staff. Same with termly (unit-by-unit) progress maps. Designed to incorporate your school's additional details. Editable.
Red Nose Day Maths Revision

Red Nose Day Maths Revision

Maths Revision for Red Nose Day. *All* monies I recieve from TES website (60% of what you pay) for this resource will be given to Comic Relief. I will keep nothing! What TES choose to do with their 40% is up to them! :-) You can: (i) run it as a plenary on screen. (ii) print the full set of 9 nose's questions on a single sheet of A4 and then photocopy onto a larger (A3) quiz sheet. Answers included for each option in format consistent with the option (one-to-one & block of nine).
Pub Garden Venn

Pub Garden Venn

A mini task. Defining and redefining 'the counted thing': one. Leads to creation of Venn diagram. Requires or tests recognition of circle, square and rectangle. Once they've understood the ideas, pupils can be encouraged to apply them when they are next in the garden of an English pub
Despicable Enlargement: world's tallest & smallest

Despicable Enlargement: world's tallest & smallest

Transformations - enlargement Arguably the ultimate 'shrink ray' opportunity and certainly a great opportunity to revise linear enlargement skills in a starter with Gru and Vector. Sounds are courtesy of http://movie-sounds.org.and images are courtesy of Google and First News. As ever, if there is doubt as to whether the images/sounds are subject to copyright, the no-profit, educational purposes and no-charge-advertising/no-charge-product-placement arguments apply: it's not about how much teachers should pay so much as it is about how much they should charge.
Revise solids: faces, surfaces, edges & vertices

Revise solids: faces, surfaces, edges & vertices

Builds on Ryan Brewer's set. Adds a few more complex solids, a clear 'top trump'(!) and an extra category: 'Platonic?'. Aimed at opening GM15 from new KS3 syllabus (or at revising / AfL during it!): 'use the properties of faces, surfaces, edges and vertices of cubes, cuboids, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres to solve problems in 3-D'. Assume Top Trumps logo OK to upload since Ryan Brewer has (and since others have used various images from cartoons etc). Presumably it acts as (in)direct advertising for their brand [for which, arguably, maths teachers/TES should be remunerated]!
Fractal Poetry & A Fractal Poem of Three

Fractal Poetry & A Fractal Poem of Three

Explore the poem (you're free to use it if you don&'t derive financial profit from it without sharing that profit with the author!); then invite your pupils to develop their own fractal poems. Maybe another one for triangles. Maybe have them write one using squares. It might be fun to extend the fractal! If you/they can: a proper challenge! :-) P.S. The first verse is explained if you make a hole at the top of triangle, cut out triangle & hang it from thread. It can then be spun (albeit it&';s not lit up!). P.P.S. Table centre-piece for group discussion é building activity also possible!
Classifying countries

Classifying countries

A simple taxonomy activity. It might be upgraded by duplicating the sheet for years from 1937 through to 1945. It is left to colleagues to debate whether the Anschluss and similar events represented an invasion or not; and whether Spain and other countries were truly neutral.