Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
Interactive and adaptable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; assemblies; Citizenship and special days.
Created by experienced teacher in:
Learning Difficulties/SEN
Entry Level provision
Graduate/post graduate qualifications in History; Politics; Law; Education and SEN.
The European Union
PowerPoint Quiz
UK Brexited Quiz: What do you know about Brexit and the European Union?
• 32 slides
• 30 Multiple choice questions following the referendum on June 23.
No Smoking Day 2017: March 8
Two PowerPoint presentations about smoking:
1. No Smoking Day
• What’s in a cigarette?
• What are the health risks of smoking?
• Some facts!
• What are the health benefits of quitting?
• Why do people start smoking?
2. No Smoking Day Quiz: 20 Questions about smoking
A Bundle of activities that introduce the idea of citizenship and how to be a good citizen.
Includes short PowerPoint presentations; activities on creating a citizen superhero; bingo cards and A Question of Citizenship quiz.
PSHE: Citizenship: Personal Safety in the Community
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets on personal safety and how to stay safe in the community
Could be useful for tutorials or with entry level students working on qualifications about independence and personal skills.
Citizenship: General Election 2017: A guide to the election
PowerPoint presentation on the General Election in June; what happened in 2015; the parties and what they stand for and their stance on Brexit.
PowerPoint presentation and work book to mark the the Battle of the Somme in 1916.
1. PowerPoint presentation.
2. Work book:
Task 1: Find out about the events and chronology of the Battle of the Somme. Make a timeline of events.
Task 2: Answer these questions.
1. Describe the role of Commonwealth soldiers in the
Somme campaign and its effects on their communities and countries.
2. Account for the role of the Pals Battalions in the Battle of the Somme.
Task 3: Task 3: You are a soldier on the Somme on July 1 1916. You have been keeping a diary; add your comments for this day.
Task 4: Write a mini biography about one of the key figures involved in the Battle of the Somme, focusing on their role in it.
Task 5: Read the quotes. Which do you agree with? Based on the quotes write your own account of the first day at the Somme.
3.PowerPoint presentation about World War One: 1916 covering:
Who fought in World One?
1916: An introduction
Month by month timeline including:
• Conscription for British men
• Battle of Verdun
• Where is Verdun?
• Easter Uprising in Ireland
• Battle of Jutland
• Battle of the Somme
• Where is the Somme?
• Tanks and air raids used for the first time
• Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister
• 1916: Imagine…The noise
• Shelled and shocked
Employability Skills: Health and Safety Signs
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets) to introduce and or recap the topic of health and safety signs.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
PSHE: Citizenship: Personal Safety; Crime and Staying Safe
PowerPoint presentation and task sheets on personal safety; crime and how to stay safe.
Could be useful for tutorials or with entry level students working on qualifications about independence and personal skills.
Citizenship: English Legal System: The Court Structure
1. PowerPoint presentation and quiz on the court structure in England and Wales. (31 slides)
2. Work book with tasks on the court structure in England and Wales. (12 pages)
3. Two Word bases activities based on the court structure in England and Wales.
Contents of pack:
PowerPoint presentation that includes:
Learning outcomes:
• Define four words you don’t know, either from reading the PowerPoint or by using a dictionary.
• Demonstrate an understanding of Martin Luther Day by taking part in three quizzes.
• Sort and sequence important events in his life.
• Sort fact and opinion about Martin Luther King.
• Answer a question about Martin Luther King.
Three interactive quizzes about Dr. King.
Video clips.
An interactive timeline of events in his life.
• Quiz answers task sheet
• Reading, sequencing and writing timeline of events task sheets.
• Fact or opinion activity task sheets
• Written work task sheet.
• Martin Luther King day word search.
Employability/Work Skills: Workplaces/job titles or skills?
A short PowerPoint presentation and task sheets to introduce the topic of employability skills and particularly the difference between workplaces; job titles and skills.
Would be useful for entry level students studying for any employability qualifications or in preparation for work placements.
Citizenship: British Values: Democracy
PowerPoint presentation and work book that covers:
Learning outcomes
• Define different types of government
• Match key words with definitions
• Find and state examples of representative democracy
• Know that the UK is a constitutional monarchy and a representative democracy
PowerPoint quiz with questions and multiple-choice answers across gay characters and celebrities; politics and history. (41 slides)
Video shows clips from this and my LGBT Awareness resource.
Citizenship: Political Parties
A PowerPoint presentation that introduces the idea of political parties and covers in outline the political parties in the United Kingdom.
1. Define a Political Party.
2. Outline the main parties in the United Kingdom.
3. Assess what the parties stand for
Citizenship: General Election 2017: Quiz (People; Parties and Logos)
PowerPoint quiz with 30 questions/multiple choice answers on the people; parties and logos we’ll see so often over the next few weeks.
LGBT Awareness: Key Words and Symbols
PowerPoint presentation that covers what LGBT means; the symbols of the rainbow flag and pink triangle; where in the world it is still illegal and requires students to use their gaydar to identify LGBT celebrities.
Video shows clips from this and my LGBT Awareness Quiz resource.
British Values: Democracy
Prime Ministers 1916-2017
26 mini biographies and quiz questions about British Prime Ministers, from David Lloyd George (1916) to Theresa May (2016).
PowerPoint European Union Quiz with PDF version
What do you know about the European Union?
• 40 Questions
• 20 Questions - EU Images Quiz including questions on countries; cities; football and treaties
• 20 Questions - EU Quiz on the history and make-up of the European Union
46 slides in total