A Tarsia jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 types of fruit and vegetable in English and Spanish for your students to match up. Simply match each fruit or vegetable with its translation in order to fit the 24 jigsaw pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Each Spanish translation also comes complete with its definite article (el or la) in order to help learn the gender of each word.
Tarsia puzzles are great as lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
A Tarsia jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 countries of the world in English and German for your students to match up. Simply match each country with its translation in order to fit the 24 jigsaw pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Tarsia puzzles are great as lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
A Tarsia jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 countries of the world in English and French for your students to match up. Simply match each country with its translation in order to fit the 24 jigsaw pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Tarsia puzzles are great as lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
French Vocabulary Practice Fruit and Vegetables
French Vocabulary Practice Items of Clothing
French Vocabulary Practice Sports
A collection of 7 Tarsia jigsaw puzzles for practising German vocabulary. For each puzzle simply match up each English word with its German translation in order to fit the pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Tarsia puzzles are great as German lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The pack includes countries of the world, fruit and veg, clothes, sports, transport, parts of the body and animals.
The jigsaws are in printable PDF format with answer sheets included.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
Spanish Vocabulary Practice
French Vocabulary Practice
A set of 45 printable worksheets covering addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers.
The pack contains:
Fifteen 2-digit addition worksheets - 5 without carrying, 5 with carrying and 5 mixed.
Fifteen 2-digit subtraction worksheets - 5 with borrowing, 5 without borrowing and 5 mixed.
Fifteen 2-digit addition and subtraction mix worksheets - 5 without carrying or borrowing, 5 with carrying and borrowing and 5 mixed.
Each worksheet features 20 questions with space for pupils to write their working and answers.
Answer sheets are included for all worksheets for easy marking.
These worksheets make excellent warm-up activities for maths lessons and are great as practice for numeracy hour or for use as quick summative assessment.
All worksheets and answer sheets are in printable PDF format.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
Arithmetic riddle packs
Mixed operations
Get your students practising their squares and cubes of numbers up to 12 and square roots of different integers with this maths practice Tarsia jigsaw puzzle.
The puzzle features 30 questions where the answer to the square, cube or square root needs to be found in order to match the 24 triangular puzzle pieces into one large hexagon.
Jigsaw puzzles are great as maths lesson starter activities and equally useful as group activities where formative assessment can be done as you listen to your students discussing their understanding with each other.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
Using surds Tarsia jigsaw puzzle bundle
Algebra Catch-up Booklet
Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions Tarsia jigsaw puzzle bundle
Substituting into algebraic expressions Tarsia jigsaw puzzle bundle
A Tarsia jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 types of fruit and vegetable in English and French for your students to match up. Simply match each fruit or vegetable with its translation in order to fit the 24 jigsaw pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Each French translation also comes complete with its definite article (le, la or l’) in order to help learn the gender of each word.
Tarsia puzzles are great as lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
French Vocabulary Practice Animal Names
French Vocabulary Practice Items of Clothing
French Vocabulary Practice Sports
A Tarsia jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 countries of the world in English and Spanish for your students to match up. Simply match each country with its translation in order to fit the 24 jigsaw pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Tarsia puzzles are great as lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
A collection of 7 Tarsia jigsaw puzzles for practising Spanish vocabulary. For each puzzle simply match up each English word with its Spanish translation in order to fit the pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Tarsia puzzles are great as Spanish lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The pack includes countries of the world, fruit and veg, clothes, sports, transport, parts of the body and animals.
The jigsaws are in printable PDF format with answer sheets included.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
French Vocabulary Practice
German Vocabulary Practice
Two simplifying algebraic expressions Tarsia jigsaws which require your students to collect like terms in order to simplify each expression.
Each jigsaw puzzle features 30 algebraic expressions spread over 24 triangular jigsaw pieces. Match each of the expressions with its simplified form in order to piece the triangles together and solve the puzzle.
Maths jigsaw puzzles are excellent as a maths lesson starter activity or as a group activity to get your class discussing their understanding as they work together to complete the puzzle. This can be used as formative assessment, allowing you to check students’ progress without setting tests.
This pack features two puzzles:
Puzzle 1 - Beginner: All expressions feature a combination of a, b, c and integers.
Puzzle 2 - Advanced: All expressions feature a combination of x, y, x^2, y^2, xy and integers.
All files are in printable PDF format with answer sheets included.
More DoingMaths Activities can be found in the DoingMaths TES Store.
Related resources
Solving Inequalities Tarsia jigsaw puzzle
Algebra Catch-up Booklet
Converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions Tarsia jigsaw puzzle bundle
Substituting into algebraic expressions Tarsia jigsaw puzzle bundle
A Tarsia jigsaw puzzle featuring 30 clothes in English and Spanish for your students to match up. Simply match each item of clothing with its translation in order to fit the 24 jigsaw pieces together and complete the puzzle.
Each Spanish translation also comes complete with its definite article (el or la) in order to help learn the gender of each word.
Tarsia puzzles are great as lesson starter activities and equally useful as a group task for assessment for learning.
The jigsaw is in printable PDF format with answer sheet included.
Two Tarsia puzzles requiring students to factorise various quadratic expressions or expand brackets. The pieces go together end to end forming a circular chain when completed.
Puzzle 1 consists of expressions of the form x^2 + bx +c, while puzzle 2 increases the difficulty level by using expressions of the form ax^c + bx + c.
Answers to both puzzles are included
This Functional Skills workbook uses decorating examples to practice many of the core skills of Functional Skills Level 1. With 8 pages of activities including:
Calculating the areas of floors and walls
Working out how many tins of paint are required for a room
Reading off measurements on a tape measure
Calculating the hire price of equipment
Comparing costs in different sales.
Functional Skills used include:
Number work
Areas and perimeters of rectangles and compound shapes
Reading from tables
Basic proportion
Using worded formulae
Calculating simple percentages and fractions of amounts
Converting between metric units
The workbook comes in pdf format with full answers included.
Two Tarsia puzzles requiring students to solve various quadratic equations. When solved, the pieces join together in one continuous chain.
Puzzle 1 consists of solving simpler quadratics of the form x^2 + bx + c, while the more challenging puzzle 2 requires students to solve equations of the from ax^2 + bx + c.
Full answers to both puzzles are included.
A Tarsia puzzle which involves looking at quadratic expressions and completing the square. When answered, the puzzle pieces then fit together end to end to make a circular chain.
Full answers are included.
A Tarsia puzzle containing questions on simple probability in both fraction form and worded, such as probabilities with dice and playing cards, picking coloured marbles from a bag and even the probability of winning the National Lottery. Answer the questions correctly to connect the pieces together into one large triangle.
Perfect for a fun starter or an informal test to check students’ progress.
An answer sheet is included.
A collection of time worksheets and activities covering telling the time on analogue clocks and converting between 12 hour and 24 hour time. Great for Key Stage 1 analogue clock reading and Key Stage 2 converting between 12 hour and 24 hour clocks.
Included are:
Reading analogue clocks - One worksheet on reading time to quarters of hours and one worksheet on reading to five minute intervals.
Fill in the clocks - Three worksheets of varying difficulties from half hour intervals through to five minute intervals requiring pupils to draw the hands on the clocks.
Converting time - Three worksheets involving converting between analogue, digital 12 hour clock and digital 24 hour clock.
Puzzles - One chain puzzle on converting 12 hour clock to 24 hour clock and one chain puzzle on converting between analogue and digital time.
All answers are included in the pack.
12 printable Mathematician of the month posters. Each poster is on two sides of A3 and features pictures, information, trivia and questions on a mathematician who was born in that month.
From people renowned for their maths such as Isaac Newton and Evariste Galois, through to less well-known mathematicians such as Katherine Johnson and G. H. Hardy and people more famous for other things such as Florence Nightingale, each month highlights some of the mathematics of each person along with further information about their impact on the world.
Perfect to put up as a changeable display each month and great for showing pupils that there is more to maths than just arithmetic and quadratic equations.
The posters come as PDF files with two A3 sheets for each mathematician. Each month of the year is included (maybe August could be put up in September).
This is an algebra catch-up worksheet and activity set aimed at lower attaining secondary school students who are struggling with algebra concepts.
Designed to take them back to the beginning with simple activities about creating and simplifying expressions and substituting into them.
The set includes the algebra catch-up booklet of 13 pages, which can be used either as a booklet to work through or as individual worksheets, and a match-up activity to check understanding of collecting like-terms.
Perfect for individual or small group catch-up sessions, this set also works well as an introduction to algebra for younger pupils.
Answer booklet included.