English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
AQA English Language Paper Question 5, descriptive writing lesson. Complete 1 hour, well differentiated lesson with worksheets and differentiated tasks throughout. Includes peer assessment task and marking criteria. Ideal preparation for Section B of AQA Language Paper 1.
Suitable for KS3/4 - adaptable
Different level tasks for MA,LA or Core
Designed to fit Ofsted criteria for’ Good’ or above.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
Macbeth and tragedy - A fully differentiated lesson that I used for a revision session with Year 11 students but could be easily adapted for other age groups. The lesson focuses on Macbeth and how it can or cannot be considered a tragedy, allowing students to reflect on genre and consider approaches to AO3.
TWENTY fully resourced hour long lessons to prepare students for Section B or Question 5 of the AQA English Language Paper 1 exam, but easily adaptable for other specifications.
The lessons provide students with modelled examples, mark scheme analysis, visual stimuli, sentence starters and differentiated activities to prepare them for writing their own pieces in exam conditions.
Descriptive Writing Introduction
Descriptive Writing - Zooming in
Sentence Types
Building Tone
Using Colour
Dashes, Semicolons and Colons
Past and Present Tenses
Language Techniques
Sentence Openers
Sentence Openers (Lower ability)
The Middle of Narratives (Structure)
Descriptive Writing Examples and Analysis
Descriptive Writing Practice
Improving Descriptive Writing Review
Understanding Genre
Understanding Character Through Description
Narrative Writing - Narrators and Perspectives
Endings to Narratives and Descriptions
Exam Practice Pack
FULL scheme of work
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
51 A Christmas Carol quotes for displays or student revision from across the novel. Each quotation has a relevant picture to go with the quote that implies specific themes or ideas. Brilliant revision for Charles Dickens’ Victorian classic.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
Includes: 1 hr well differentiated PP, a mock exam-style paper based on GCSE English Language Paper 1 specimen papers and possible answers paper, for both the teacher and student to use in their self assessment tasks.
Could do over 2 lessons, a ‘mock mock’ to aid preparation for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1 Section A.
The questions focus on the Birdsong extract provided in AQA’s GCSE English Language reading resource. You can find this here: http://filestore.aqa.org.uk/resources/english/AQA-87001-RSB.PDF
Questions can be completed in timed conditions (with approximate times provided in the resources) to improve students’ abilities to work in exam conditions.
Many more inexpensive, high quality English resources are available at my shop:
Lead Practitioner’s Shop.
Macbeth Act 1 annotated copy with detailed notes on language, structure, form and context.
Perfect as a revision / differentiation document or as a hand-out for students. Useful for homework, intervention, tutoring, displays, exam revision and more.
Leave a review and we’ll send you another single resource for free. Just email us at info@englishgcse.co.uk once you’ve left your review.
All artwork is copyright EnglishGCSEcouk.
FREE Macbeth resources:
Tragedy and genre lesson
Key quote posters
Scheme of work document
Act 1 Macbeth revision poster
Lady Macbeth revision poster
Malcolm revision poster
Witches revision poster
EIGHT fully differentiated and resourced revision packs for both the English Literature and English Language new spec GCSE examinations. These packs offer ideal preparation for KS4 students as they enter into the busy exam season.
I will be continuously updating this bundle with new resources, so regularly check your downloads for updates.
A Christmas Carol in a one A3 page knowledge organiser that includes an incredible amount of detail including: character analysis, plot summaries, historical and social context, key language devices, key form and structural devices, key quotes, key themes and more. A brilliant Charles Dickens revision tool for teachers, students and parents. Includes both an editable PowerPoint and PDF file for easier printing. Recommend for A3 colour printing.
Update: Now includes an A4 version for ease of printing, although A3 printing is recommended for the original version! :)
Everything you need to teach Macbeth! TWENTY+ HOURS' WORTH! Includes a 2 hour Macbeth overview (or revision /recap session), a complete GCSE revision guide, and NINETEEN lessons:
Macbeth Introduction
Introducing Macbeth and Banquo
Analysing The Witches
Introducing Lady Macbeth
Act 1 Scene 7
Act 2 Scene 1 - The Dagger Scene
Act 2 Scene 2
Act 3 Scene 1
Murdering Banquo
The Banquet Scene
Lady Macbeth's Sleepwalking
The End
Knowledge Organiser
Exam Practice Pack
With more to come! Keep checking your downloads as more lessons will be added shortly.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that introduce students to the Victorian period, workhouses, philanthropy and how Dickens uses Scrooge and A Christmas Carol to get across his agenda of philanthropy and providing welfare for the poorest in society. A really useful lesson for both KS3 and KS4 students. Fully differentiated throughout.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
An Inspector Calls 2x hours. A fully differentiated 2 hour lesson to prepare students for the AQA Literature Paper 2 exam. Could be used as an overview lesson or a revision session. Includes resources on historical context, character and themes to get your students ready!
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships Porphyria’s Lover lesson. A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that analyses the use of language within Robert Browning’s classic poem Porphyria’s Lover. Throughout the lesson we look at how the narrator uses language and structure to build a sense of obsession and control over Porphyria, including analysing key quotes and language techniques. A brilliant lesson for KS4 students preparing for AQA English Literature Paper 2 and easily adaptable for younger KS3 or KS4 students
An Inspector Calls - Sheila Birling. A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that looks at Sheila Birling and her interview with the Inspector - focussing on the theme of responsibility. Ideal preparation for KS3 and KS4 students preparing for English Literature GCSEs.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson for students that focuses on key quotes and themes from JB Priestley’s An Inspector Calls. Ideal exam and assessment preparation for a closed book exam.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Macbeth - A crime scene investigation style lesson to introduce KS3 and KS4 students to the main plot ideas and themes of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. All activities are fully differentiated.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
As we study A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, we analyse the beginning of Stave 3 and look at how The Ghost of Christmas Present is introduced to us and how the use of language affects the readers’ interpretations of the character. Moreover, we look at the use of imagery in the description of the Christmas activity taking place throughout the city as the Ghost and Scrooge travel through the streets. Fully differentiated throughout.
AQA English Language Paper Q2 lesson. A fully resourced, completely revamped and well differentiated lesson to prepare students to answer Q2 of the AQA English Language Paper 2 exam (Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives) and to write summaries. The lesson features two example sources, model answers, full summary answer model with two texts synthesised into the answer, fully differentiated tasks and an analysis of the exam question mark scheme to best prepare students to write their own summaries in exam conditions.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
A fully differentiated and resourced An Inspector Calls lesson that focuses on Gerald and Sheila’s conversation before he is interviewed by the Inspector and how he perceives Sheila when she is speaking to him and after when the Inspector comes back at the end of Act 1 and the beginning of Act 2. Ideal preparation for KS3 and KS4 students preparing for their AQA GCSE English Literature exams.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
TWENTY fully differentiated and resourced lessons that focus on specific scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and also introduces an adaptable introduction to Shakespeare’s life and the three main genres of his plays. These lessons include:
General introduction to Shakespeare and genre
The Prologue
Act 1 Scene 1
Meeting Romeo and Juliet
The Queen Mab Speech
Act 1 Scene 5: Fate and Free Will
Romeo and Juliet Meet (Act 1 Scene 5)
Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2 (Discovering Identities)
The Balcony Scene (Act 2 Scene 2)
Friar Lawrence (Act 2 Scene 3)
The Nurse (Act 2 Scene 5)
Tybalt and Mercutio (Act 3 Scene 1)
After Tybalt’s Death (Act 3 Scene 1, Act 3 Scene 2, Act 3 Scene 3)
Juliet, Paris and Romeo (Act 3 Scene 4, Act 3 Scene 5)
Juliet and the Friar (Act 4 Scene 1)
Juliet’s Death (Act 4 Scene 3, Act 5 Scene 1)
The Ending of the Play
Knowledge Organiser
Exam Practice Questions and Answers
Scheme of Work Document
Please keep checking your downloads as I will be continually adding to this collection.