English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
English GCSE and English KS3 resources by a lead practitioner. Everything I upload is tried and tested by both myself and my English Department. I always appreciate feedback, so please do leave a review if you get chance.
Leave a review and choose any other single resource for free! Just get in touch at info@englishgcse.co.uk
TWENTY fully differentiated and resourced lessons that focus on specific scenes from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and also introduces an adaptable introduction to Shakespeare’s life and the three main genres of his plays. These lessons include:
General introduction to Shakespeare and genre
The Prologue
Act 1 Scene 1
Meeting Romeo and Juliet
The Queen Mab Speech
Act 1 Scene 5: Fate and Free Will
Romeo and Juliet Meet (Act 1 Scene 5)
Act 2 Scenes 1 and 2 (Discovering Identities)
The Balcony Scene (Act 2 Scene 2)
Friar Lawrence (Act 2 Scene 3)
The Nurse (Act 2 Scene 5)
Tybalt and Mercutio (Act 3 Scene 1)
After Tybalt’s Death (Act 3 Scene 1, Act 3 Scene 2, Act 3 Scene 3)
Juliet, Paris and Romeo (Act 3 Scene 4, Act 3 Scene 5)
Juliet and the Friar (Act 4 Scene 1)
Juliet’s Death (Act 4 Scene 3, Act 5 Scene 1)
The Ending of the Play
Knowledge Organiser
Exam Practice Questions and Answers
Scheme of Work Document
Please keep checking your downloads as I will be continually adding to this collection.
Romeo and Juliet lesson on Act 1 Scene 1. A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that focuses on Act 1 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet. This 1 hour lesson analyses the way the servants are shown, how Benvolio and Tybalt interact with each other and finally the way Romeo’s father describes his son’s current mood.
More great English KS3, KS4 and KS4 lessons can be found here
Romeo and Juliet lesson on The Prologue.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that explores how Shakespeare’s plays were performed at The Globe but also looks at The Prologue to Romeo and Juliet and at how the playwright used contrast and adjectives to get across the tension established at the very beginning of the play. A brilliant lesson for both KS3 and KS4 students analysing William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.
Shakespeare introduction! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that introduces students to William Shakespeare’s, the world he lived in and explores the genres he wrote in as well. A great way to introduce any unit of work on Shakespeare that covers context but also specific elements of different genres of Shakespeare’s plays.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
A collection of TWENTY English Language Paper 2 Question 5 lessons (17 x1 hour and 3x 2 hour) that cover writing to argue, writing to advise, writing to persuade, letter writing and essay writing. A great collection of differentiated activities, modelled examples, scaffolded sentences and guided peer and self reflection that enables students to learn from others and improve their non-fiction writing in preparation for AQA English Language Paper 2 Section B or Question 5.
The suggested order of lessons is as follows (although this is by no means obligatory):
AQA Paper 2 Section B Speech Writing
Speech Openers
Churchill Speech Writing
Lincoln Speech Writing
Speech Structure
Newspaper Writing
Magazine Article Writing
Writing to Persuade - Football
Greta Thunberg Speech Writing
Black History Month - Essay Writing
Writing to Advise
Letter Writing - Writing A Formal Letter
Writing to Persuade - Letters of Complaint
AQA English Language Exam Prep/Mock prep lesson
Pack also contains:
Assessment planning for writing to argue - could be used as a separate writing to argue lesson
Assessment planning for letter writing - could be used as a separate letter writing lesson
Paper 2 Question 5 revision pack
Knowledge organiser for revision
June 2018 AQA exam review lesson if you use this paper as a mock/prep
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that explores how to approach writing to advise pieces and provides scaffolded sentences, a clear model and an opportunity for students to transfer and synthesize their own learning into their written pieces. Ideal preparation for KS3 students and KS4 students about to sit AQA English Language Paper 2 Section B.
A fully differentiated and resourced set of 2 lessons that looks at the controversial topic of fox hunting. This is ideal preparation for students getting ready for AQA English Language Paper 2 and the writing section. The lesson looks at essay writing but also writing to explain. Although teachers will spend a long time looking at letters, speeches or articles, the essay often gets overlooked. Definitely worth downloading this lesson.
Love and Relationships Mother Any Distance lesson. A fully differentiated lesson on Mother any distance by Simon Armitage from the Love and Relationships cluster that analyses how the narrator sees his relationship with his mother, and how he reflects on his relationship as he prepares to leave home. Includes key words, key quotes, differentiated activities and visually engaging and interesting resources for students preparing for AQA English Literature Paper 2 at KS4, but can also be easily adapted for KS3 students as well.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that supports students as they analyse two unseen poems and answer both unseen poetry questions (24 marks and 8 marks) in preparation for AQA English Literature Paper 2. With the exam only a few weeks away it is amazing how many schools focus so much of their energies on the anthology poetry in Power and Conflict and Love and Relationships but seem to sideline Unseen Poetry when it is worth 32 marks in total. This lesson is definitely worth getting if you want to help build students’ independence rather than them relying on you to spoon feed them all the necessary information.
Students find it really helpful to have step by step guides to each question for both English Language and English Literature. These revision slides go through each exam question in detail for this year’s AQA exams, including dates, times, questions, elements to include in each question and areas to consider in terms of planning and preparation. Students make their own notes before being walked through each individual exam. A fantastic resource to help prepare students for upcoming and very challenging English Language and Literature exams. Includes notes on approaching Macbeth, An Inspector Calls, The Sign of Four, Jekyll and Hyde, Power and Conflict, Unseen Poetry and all Language questions including reading and writing skills.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson on JB Priestley’s An Inspector Calls that helps students to learn key quotes and divide up quotations into different categories and genres. Ideal preparation for KS4 students about to sit their AQA English Literature Paper 2 exam and for KS3 and KS4 students analysing the play as well. Definitely worth a download! Includes a huge pack of key quotes as well.
Revise Macbeth with key quotes! A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that supports students in the run-up to the AQA English Literature Paper 1 exam by providing detailed and relevant revision activities. The lesson also includes a detailed pack of key quotes from across the play that is divided up into characters, but the lesson supports students to approach learning quotes from the viewpoint of different themes as well. Definitely worth a download as we fast approach the exam!
Update: I’ve added about 15 pages of quotes, activities, a PETAZL paragraph model and activities and more! Now includes a huge bank of quotes for students to analyse and make notes on.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that supports KS3 and KS4 students in preparing for an assessment on Act 1 Scene 7 of Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Includes a model and scaffold to help support students make notes in preparation for an assessment. Planning skills are essential for all students as they move towards terminal GCSE exams and being able to take notes and prepare essays are integral to future success. Well worth a download!
An easy to use reading comprehension pack with three sections of differentiated questions. This activity focuses on the rights and wrongs of the Sugar Tax. It can be used in form time as part of literacy focus, or in an English lesson for KS3/4 GCSE comprehension training.
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that guides students through analysing unseen poetry for Section C of AQA English Literature Paper 2. The lesson focuses around Condolence by Dorothy Parker but includes approaches for looking at any unseen poem. Includes differentiated activities, models, scaffolds and more to help get your KS3 and KS4 students ultra-ready for their English Literature exams!
TWENTY fully differentiated lessons for both KS3 and KS4 students on George Orwell’s Animal Farm. Ideal preparation for students working towards AQA English Literature Paper 2.
We analyze all the major characters introduced in Chapter One and some clues about context and deeper symbolic meaning. Students evaluate how each character is introduced, including Mr Jones, Boxer, Clover, Old Major and more.
Lesson 2: We look at Old Major’s speech to the animals in Chapter 1 and how he uses language to influence the animals into supporting his cause. Additionally, we explore the song Beasts of England and evaluate how it affects the animals on the farm.
Lesson 3: This focuses on the first half of Chapter 2. Students analyze key sections of the chapter to develop an understanding of characters, plot and also historical context. Recently revamped and expanded.
Lesson 4: We create summaries regarding the characters, and how plot and themes are developed in the rest of Chapter 2.
Lesson 5: This lesson focuses on Chapter 3 and supports students in analyzing the behaviour of the pigs around the other animals including Boxer, Squealer, Snowball and Napoleon.
Lesson 6: This lesson focuses on Chapter 4 and supports students in analyzing language and structure.
Lesson 7: We look at the importance of the Windmill in Chapter 5, at what happens between Snowball and Napoleon and how Napoleon uses the puppies to tighten his grip on power.
Lesson 8: Now we focus on Chapter 5 and the opening to Chapter 6. We look closely at the battle between Snowball and Napoleon as well as Squealer’s use of language to appease the animals and their initial anger.
Lesson 9: This lesson focuses on Chapter 6, historical context and creating analytical paragraphs.
Lesson 10: We explore the symbolic significance of the windmill in the text and students develop a more detailed understanding of context.
Lesson 11: We find out how tension is building in Chapter 7, the significance of Mr Whymper and why Snowball is portrayed as to blame for everything or a scapegoat. Additionally, students explode quotes and develop their language analysis skills.
Lesson 12: Recap Animal Farm by George Orwell through an engaging escape room lesson! It is filled with codes, puzzles and activities to get students to revise characters, themes and contexts as they work in groups or ‘escape crews’ to get out of the Windmill! Includes answers for every mystery and puzzle (see the notes attached in the PowerPoint) and is a brilliant way to help students in their learning.
Lesson 13: Animal Farm lesson that focuses on Boxer and how he is presented in Chapter 7 plus earlier parts of the texts. We explore how Napoleon’s trials and executions of many animals mimic those of the Stalin show trials of the 1930s, as well as how the animals react to the death and destruction they witness.
Lesson 14: We explore the cult of personality around Napoleon and how this links into historical context, as well as analysing the key events of the Battle of the Windmill and why the pigs’ discovery of alcohol might be the beginning of the end for the animals on Animal Farm.
Animal Farm lesson that explores how Boxer leaves and what happens to him, how the animals react to this and how they are manipulated by Squealer, and how and why Moses is allowed to stay at the farm despite spreading ideas about Sugarcandy Mountain.
Also includes an escape room revision lesson, knowledge organiser and full scheme of work document!
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Sign of Four - A fully differentiated lesson that looks at an exam-style English Literature question for Paper 1 on The Sign of Four by Conan Doyle and reviews the theme of class, the use of language in the extract and how the extract can link to historical context before students review their own answers and then peer assess each other’s work. Easily adaptable for other exam questions and for other exam boards.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that assists students with comparing Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson and Exposure by Wilfred Owen. A very useful lesson for KS4 students about to sit their Power and Conflict question as part of AQA English Literature Paper 2. Also includes detailed annotated notes on both poems. Well worth downloading!
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - A fully differentiated and resourced lesson that looks at a model answer for the AQA English Literature Paper 1 exam on the theme of secrecy in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Ideal preparation for students in KS4 about to sit their Literature exams or for KS3 students moving towards GCSE standard answers. A must-download for any English teacher!
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources
Sign of Four - A fully differentiated 1 hour revision lesson to prepare students for AQA English Literature Paper 1. Includes a mock exam question and a model analytical paragraph to help supports before their first English exam. Includes a pack of useful quotes from EVERY chapter and helps students to explore themes as well as plot and character.
Check out our English Shop for loads more free and inexpensive KS3, KS4, KS5, Literacy and whole school resources.
AQA English Language Paper 1 and Paper 2 Knowledge Organisers
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Sections A and B package
AQA English Language Paper 1 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5 package
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A package
AQA English Language and English Literature revision package
An Inspector Calls whole scheme package
An Inspector Calls revision package
Macbeth whole scheme package
Macbeth revision package
A Christmas Carol whole scheme package
A Christmas Carol revision package
Jekyll and Hyde whole scheme package
Jekyll and Hyde revision package
Romeo and Juliet whole scheme package
Power and Conflict poetry comparing poems package
Power and Conflict poetry whole scheme package
Love and Relationships poetry whole scheme package
Unseen Poetry whole scheme package
Or check out some Citizenship GCSE, RE, PSHE + RSE resources at EC Resources