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Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!

Perfect Revision Notes meticulously handcrafted for GCSE subjects and subsection topics. Some notes are free to provide a sample of notes to see what we are all about!!!
Transport Systems, Plants, Organs - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Transport Systems, Plants, Organs - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Plant organ systems, adaptations, and detailed description and explanation of transport systems required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; The functions of the Xylem and Phloem, Detailed explanation and depictions of the structure of a leaf, Lead structure relating to adaptations and absorptions of sunlight providing the basis for photosynthesis, Very detailed table explaining functions and adaptations of each component of a leaf, Transpiration and effect of changing conditions on transpiration
Pathogens and Infections - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Pathogens and Infections - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Pathogens and Infections required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Detailed explanation of communicable diseases, Tables and explanations of all viral diseases required including symptoms, treatments and transmission, Bacterial Diseases + table of symptoms, treatments and transmission, Fungal and Protist infections with detailed knowledge of information required, Definitions and explanations of terminology surrounding how pathogens are transmitted
Ecology and Ecosystems - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

Ecology and Ecosystems - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to Aerobic+Anaerobic required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Knowledge of Communities and interactions, Abiotic and Biotic factors and their effects, Plant and Animal adaptations in ecosystems required by the spec, Food chains and levels or organisation Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Drug Discovery+Development - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science  Revision

Drug Discovery+Development - Notes Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to Drug Discovery and Development required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Different drugs and knowledge of them, How drugs are tested, The process of clinical trials, Control Groups, Detailed time-line and explanation of drug development and stages, Big Pharma influence Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Digestive System+Enzymes - Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

Digestive System+Enzymes - Biology AQA Combined Science Revision

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to the digestive system and functions of enzymes required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Detailed functions and structures of the digestive system, How and where food is digested, Very detailed explanations of Absorption and adaptations of small intestine + digestive tract What breaks down substances, Detailed notes on effects of temp, PH Enzyme action on Enzyme activity Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Respiration - Biology AQA Combined Science 2021+

Respiration - Biology AQA Combined Science 2021+

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to Aerobic+Anaerobic required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Process of respiration The effect of exercise on rate of respiration, Effect of temperature, Site of respiration in plants and animals, Plant respiration and difference in products Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Respiration - Biology GCSE AQA Combined Science

Respiration - Biology GCSE AQA Combined Science

This resource strictly follows the AQA Combined Science Biology specifications and outlines all knowledge relating to Aerobic+Anaerobic required for the exam. This resource puts together details of; Process of respiration The effect of exercise on rate of respiration, Effect of temperature, Site of respiration in plants and animals, Plant respiration and difference in products Perfect for exam revision, saving you immense amounts of time with the knowledge required concisely put together.,
Atomic Structure + Radioactive Decay - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

Atomic Structure + Radioactive Decay - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Atomic Structure and Radioactive Decay + half life for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; The Structure of an Atom in detail, Isotopes in detail and explanation, Development of the model of the atom, Radioactivity, Nuclear Radiation, Radioactive Decay, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Half Life, Radioactive Contamination
Magnetism+Electromagnetism - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

Magnetism+Electromagnetism - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to magnetism and electromagnetism required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Permanent and Induced Magnetism in detail and knowledge of magnetic forces and fields, Directing a magnetic field pattern using a compass experiment, Electromagnetism in detail and explanations including examples, Flemming’s left hand rule, Electric motors in detail,
Full WW1 Revision Guide - History AQA GCSE

Full WW1 Revision Guide - History AQA GCSE

This Revision Guide contains all knowledge required for the WW1 AQA paper however, not limited to the AQA spec and can be used for information in general for WW1. This Revision resource outlines how to answer different types of questions you could be asked and outlines all information required relating to the spec.
Waves+Properties of Waves - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

Waves+Properties of Waves - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to types of waves and their properties. This revisions resource also contains equations and experiments measuring waves in ripple tanks required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, Types of Waves, Parts of a wave in detail and explanation+definitions, Equations for calculating wave speed, Measuring speed of sound in air and water, Measuring waves in ripple tank detailed experiment required practical, Measuring waves in a solid required experiment, Electromagnetic Waves in detail and explanations and outlining of their properties in great detail, Uses and applications of electromagnetic waves
Unit 3.5 Literature - Satire and Fiction - (City Life) OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 3.5 Literature - Satire and Fiction - (City Life) OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Satire and Fiction in Rome on the OCR Unit 3 Culture Roman City Life paper 2 especially the Horace satires required for the exam. This revision resource contains over 2,000 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Origins and purposes of Satire, Horace Satires background, Horace Satire 2.2 background, details and quotes in table and analysis, Horace Satire 2.6, background details of satire and important quotes in table and analysis, Horace Satire 2.8, background and details of satire All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Life in Norman England - GCSE History Revision Notes AQA

Life in Norman England - GCSE History Revision Notes AQA

This revision resources contains detailed explanations required for the History AQA GCSE Norman England Exam. It provides over 1000 words worth of knowledge explaining the functions of Norman society and life in Norman England, providing all of the knowledge in this subsection to achieve top grade level 9. This revision resource comprehensively explains and outlines; What did Norman villages look like: the structure of a Norman village, What did the buildings do and look like, What did Norman peasants do in a typical year, How much did Towns grow under Norman occupation, Different trades in towns that lead to growth including detailed table outlining and explaining all of the different trades that are required for the exam to have knowledge of.
Electricity and Circuits - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

Electricity and Circuits - Notes Physics AQA Combined Science GCSE

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to electricity and Circuitry required for the AQA Combined Science specification. This resource explains and outlines; Circuit Symbols in detail, Electric Charge and current explanations in detail, Types of circuits, Ammeters and Voltmeters, Current, Resistance and Potential Difference, Calculating Current, Resistance and PD, Resistors and graph diagrams for ohmic conductors, LDR’s and diodes, Series and parallel circuits explanations, Components in series, Components in Parallel,
Chemistry Paper 2 Topics and Explanations - Chemistry AQA Combined Science GCSE Revision

Chemistry Paper 2 Topics and Explanations - Chemistry AQA Combined Science GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to most knowledge required for the AQA Combined Science specification for Paper 2 Chemistry, written including the higher spec points. This resource explains and outlines; Crude Oil Formation, Fractional Distillation and Properties of Fractions, Cracking and Alkanes, Tests for gasses, Practical Experiment: Effect of temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid, Potable Water and Water Treatment, Waste Water treatment, Purity and Chromatography, Human Activities that cause Global Warming, Air Pollution, Early History of the Atmosphere, Oxygen increase in the atmosphere and Greenhouse effect,
Unit 1.5, Festivals Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.5, Festivals Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Festivals in Greece and Rome on the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains over 900 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; The Great Panathenaea, and events that took place in detail, Rhapsodic and Musical contests, Sporting Events, Tribal contests, All night celebration, Procession, Sacrifice, City Dionysia Officials. participants, evening procession and dithyramb, Pompe - grade procession, Opening ceremony, Prize Giving, Lupercalia, Programme, sacrifice, race, Saturnalia, Programme,public and private feasting, All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Temples 1.3, Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Temples 1.3, Myth and Religion - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Temples, Sacrifices and worship (Unit 1.3) in the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains over 1,500 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Function of a Greek temple and sanctuary, Detailed explanation of the temple building, Decorations in detail on Greek temples, Priests in Greece, A Greek Sacrifice, Steps in a Greek sacrifice and attendees, The Parthenon and the Temple of Zeus in detail, Parthenon Plan, Parthenon pediments and friezes, Temple of Zeus pediments and friezes, Roman priests, Priestly colleges in Rome, Roman sacrifice, Temple of Portunus in the Forum Boarium, Pantheon in Rome
Unit 1.7, Death and Burial - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.7, Death and Burial - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Death and Burial in Greece + Rome and the traditions and rituals carried out required for the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,300 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; Preparation of the body in Greece covered in great details and explanations, The funeral procession in Greece in detail, The burial of the Body in Greece, Festivals for the dead in Greece and details of how ancestors honoured and participated including the traditions that were carried out, *Anthesteria festival, Genesia festival, Wealth and Status in Rome and how this affected Roman burials and deaths, Funeral clubs, Preparations of the body in Rome, Funeral procession in Rome, Burial of the Body in Rome, Festivals for the dead in Rome in detail, The Parentalia, The Lemuria All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section
Unit 1.6, Myth and Symbols of Power - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

Unit 1.6, Myth and Symbols of Power - Notes OCR Classical Civilisation GCSE Revision

This resource outlines all knowledge required relating to Festivals in Greece and Rome on the OCR Myth and Religion paper 1. This revision resource contains almost 1,400 words in order to provide you with maximum handcrafted revision resource to achieve a level 9. This resource explains and outlines in great detail; The Centauromachy in great details and explanation, The portrayal of the Centauromachy in Greece on the Parthenon, The Amazonomachy battle and depiction at Bassae in Great detail, Analysis of a section of the Frieze at Bassae, Creating realism, easily recognisable scene and filling the space, Rome and Augustus covered in great detail, background and explanations around Augustus’ life and achievements, required for the exam, Augustus’ aims regarding architecture and promoting him and his family’s image, Augustus at Prima Porta, Augustus and the Ara Pacis in Rome on the Campus Martius All of these points are covered in extensive detail and provide you with immense knowledge of this topic section