All my uploads are full, high quality lessons designed with a great deal of thought towards usability for both teacher and learner. If you like my resources please leave a review. Thanks!
All my uploads are full, high quality lessons designed with a great deal of thought towards usability for both teacher and learner. If you like my resources please leave a review. Thanks!
This is a full 1 hour lesson that investigates the effects of Hurricanes/Typhoons with KS3 students. The lesson is part of a unit on Extreme Weather, though it could easily be adapted to other place based examples or a general lesson on weather.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand how a tropical cyclone (hurricane / typhoon) can cause extensive social and economic damage to society.'
In the lesson we look at:
-Recap on causes of hurricanes/typhoons
-The geographical location of New Orleans (atlas work)
-The causes and conditions that led up to Hurricane Katrina
-The immediate and long term effects of the hurricane
-What it was like to be in the hurricane
The lesson is designed to be visually appealing, with 'to the point' content that's easy to pick up and run with at short notice.
Ease of use is my aim for both teacher and student, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes fully referenced handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please help me out and leave a review if you like my resources, they take a lot of time and effort to produce! :)
Happy teaching!
This is a 1 hour KS3 lesson that investigates the concept of the multiplier effect in a development context. The lesson is the third lesson of a unit on development focussed on Ghana, though the nearly all of the lesson is non-country specific and can easily be changed to suit another country. This lesson is also available as part of a bundle on development / Ghana.
Learning Outcome 1 – ‘I can explain what the 'multiplier effect' is and how it positively
This lesson covers the following themes:
- An overview of northern and southern Ghana and their differences
- An insight into what life is like in rural areas in northern Ghana
- Development challenges that exist in northern Ghana
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with full instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes labelled, organised, challenge / extension handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
These resources take me hours to pull together so please leave a review if they’ve helped you out in the classroom :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that investigates storm or flood hydrographs. The lesson is part of a unit covering 'Topic 3: Why is there a variety of river landscapes in the UK and what are the processes that shape them?' on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications or graded down for KS3.
Aim:- 'To be able to read a flood hydrograph and understand the human and physical geography reasons why areas flood.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Human and physical factors
- How to read a hydrograph
- How to identify different patterns in hydrographs
- Exam practice question
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a KS3 science resource covering food groups. Learning objectives are as follows:
- Why should a balanced diet include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and water.
- Why does a lack of some food types leads to deficiency diseases.
- Why do deficiency diseases work and how can I explain how to modify an unhealthy diet.
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that investigates the long profile of a river through a place based case study of the River Severn. The lesson is part of a unit covering 'Topic 3: Why is there a variety of river landscapes in the UK and what are the processes that shape them?' on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications or graded down for KS3.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'To know how river landscapes change between the different stages of the River Severn.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Long profile of a river
- The different stages of a river
- A place based example of the River Severn
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour lesson that investigates place knowledge of New Orleans in terms of its human and physical geography with KS3 students. The lesson is part of a unit on Extreme Weather and part of a unit bundle and a two part bundle on Hurricane Katrina, though it could easily be adapted to other place based examples or a general lesson on weather.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand New Orleans wider physical and human geography and how this impacted on the city during and after Hurricane Katrina.'
In the lesson we look at:
- New Orleans location.
- Its human and physical geography.
- How inequality exacerbated the effects of the hurricane.
The lesson is designed to be visually appealing, with 'to the point' content that's easy to pick up and run with at short notice.
Ease of use is my aim for both teacher and student, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes fully referenced, handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please help me out and leave a review if you like my resources, they take a lot of time and effort to produce! :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that investigates different types of weathering and mass movement. The lesson is part of a unit covering 'Topic 3: Why is there a variety of river landscapes in the UK and what are the processes that shape them?' on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications or graded down for KS3.
Aim:- 'To develop my understanding of erosional and depositional features and processes of river valley's in the UK.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Biological weathering
- Chemical weathering
- Freeze thaw weathering
- Slumps
- Soil creep
- Landslides
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that introduces the Burgess Model, urbanisation, counter-urbanisation, sub-urbanisation, de-industrialisation and regeneration through a case study of New York City. The lesson is part of a unit on urban change on the Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand that urban population, distribution and spatial growth change over time.'
In the lesson the students will explore a variety of locations in New York City ranging from CBD to the Outer Suburbs using 3D models and satellite images to identify changes in a standard set of attributes. As the journey commences we will highlight spatial links and difference between places. The Burgess model is applied at every step. New York was chosen as the subject to give some students some variety of place rather than simply focusing on the UK.
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that comprehensively covers river features such as meanders, floodplains, levees, interlocking spurs, waterfalls and deltas and how they are formed. It also looks at river sediment transportation and process. The lesson would also work as a revision sheet as we've found that students struggle with these processes and they're essential for progression in the exam.
The lesson is part of a unit covering 'Topic 3: Why is there a variety of river landscapes in the UK and what are the processes that shape them?' on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications or graded down for KS3.
Aim:- 'To understand that rivers have a range of features and these are formed through erosional and depostional processes.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Waterfalls
- Meanders
- Deltas
- Floodplains & levees
- Interlocking spurs
- Erosion and deposition
- Traction, suspension, saltation and solution
- The role of geology in river formations
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full lesson on bullying for PSHE, it covers:
- Why would I bully someone (with video)
- How do I know if I am bullying?
- Trust issues
- Abusing power / influence
- Humour
- Cyber bullying
- Conflict resolution
- Behaviour change
I hope you enjoy teaching the lesson as much as I did teaching it! Please feel free to leave a review as a lot of hard work went into this.
Happy teaching!
This is a full GCSE 1 hour lesson that covers land use and land use changes through ARCGIS - Though you could use another program easily. The lesson is part of a unit on urban change and challenges on the new Ed-Excel spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications. The lesson is geared up for ARCGIS and contains clear and detailed instructions on how to work through the activities, however you could take the concept and apply it to other software without much effort.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand the characteristics of different urban land uses and the factors that influence land-use type.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Commercial, residential, industrial land uses.
- How to identify land uses, using a map and satellite images.
- Common map characteristics of residential and commercial areas.
The lesson's core task is to use mapping software to identify 5 areas and describe the urban form, this will build students skills for later in the unit.
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that introduces urban site, situation and connectivity through a case study of Rio De Janeiro. The lesson is part of a unit on urban change and challenges on the new Ed-Excel spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand how site, situation and connectivity of a megacity, at various scales have affected its growth and function.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Megacities
- Urban growth
- Economic change
- Regeneration
- Site situation and connectivity
The lesson looks at the factors that shaped Rio in the first place focusing on place, space and scale.
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read. I have also included a sample question in the pack for G&T students.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour KS3 lesson that introduces a unit on rivers, beginning with a place study on Egypt in preparation to study the River Nile. The lesson is the first lesson of a unit on rivers, though it could easily be adapted to other themes or used as a standalone lesson.
Learning Outcome 1 – ‘I can describe the physical and human geography of Egypt'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- What is human and physical geography?
- Map skills : Identifying human and physical features
- A comparison of the UK's geography with that of Egypt
- An Egypt country fact check
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with full instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes labelled, organised handouts (including SEN) with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
These resources take me hours to pull together so please leave a review if they’ve helped you out in the classroom :)
Happy teaching!
This is a 1 hour KS3 lesson that investigates the north-south divide between rural and urban life in Ghana. The lesson is the second lesson of a unit on development, though it could easily be adapted to other themes or used as a standalone lesson on the country itself. This lesson is also available as part of a bundle on development / Ghana.
Learning Outcome 1 – ‘I can identify the challenges that exist living in urban and rural communities in Ghana.'
This lesson contains 5 worksheets and a presentation. It covers the following themes:
- An overview of northern and southern Ghana and their differences
- An insight into what life is like in rural areas in northern Ghana
- Development challenges that exist in northern Ghana
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with full instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes labelled, organised, challenge / extension handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
These resources take me hours to pull together so please leave a review if they’ve helped you out in the classroom :)
Happy teaching!
This is a 2 hour '16-18’ lesson that investigates river discharge and it’s relationships to channel characteristics, stream flow and hydraulic radius, for A-Level and IB Diploma students. While it is purposely not A-Level exam board specific the geography is universal and can be easily tailored. The lesson is the first in a unit on freshwater and rivers.
Key Aim:
Define stream / river discharge and examine its relationship to:
Stream flow
Channel characteristics
Hydraulic radius
Ease of use is the aim, the lesson includes a compact presentation with labeled, organised, handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read. If there are any issues with the files or if links are broken I’m happy to help.
To protect my work on TES I have zipped the worksheets together, however I hope you have an indication of what they look like in the preview files. When you download they are easily unzippable on Windows or Mac.
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that covers population and spatial urban growth through a case study of Rio De Janeiro. The lesson is part of a unit on urban change and challenges on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand how population growth has affected the pattern of spatial growth and changing urban functions and land use in Rio de Janeiro.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Urban growth
- Urban function
- Land use and change
- Economic change
- Regeneration
- Mapping; satellite images
The lesson looks at the factors that shaped Rio in the first place focusing on place, space and scale.
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that introduces population growth through a case study of Rio De Janeiro. The lesson is part of a unit on urban change and challenges on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand reasons for past and present trends in population growth and economic investment and growth, using Rio De Janeiro as a case study.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Population growth
- Rural to urban migration
- Push / Pull Factors
- Interpreting population charts
The lesson looks at the factors that shaped Rio in the first place focusing on place, space and scale.
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
A bundle of three lessons covering the cause and effect of (mid-latitude) storms in the UK. I have also included an additional lesson as an introduction to the topic.
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that investigates urban challenges and opportunities through a case study of Rio De Janeiro. The lesson is part of a unit covering urban change and challenges on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications.
Learning Outcome 1 - 'I understand the opportunities and challenges for people living in a megacity due to rapid population growth.'
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Life in favelas
- Opportunities and challenges for rural-urban migrants
- Negative multiplier effects / cycle of poverty
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!
This is a full 1 hour GCSE lesson that investigates sustainable bottom up development through an urban case study of Rio De Janeiro. The lesson is part of a unit covering urban change and challenges on the new Ed-Excel B spec, though it could easily be adapted to other specifications or graded down for KS3.
Learning Outcome 1 - I understand the advantages and disadvantages of community and NGO-led bottom-up strategies for making Rio more sustainable.
This lesson covers the following themes:
- Key word definition
- Comparison of bottom up and top down development
- Worldwide examples of bottom up development
- In-depth investigation and evaluation of 5 different bottom up projects in Rio's favelas
- Higher level worksheet
Ease of use is the aim, so the lesson includes a compact presentation with instructions and guidance in the notes section below each slide, it also includes referenced, differentiated handouts with printing instructions and is of course, proof read.
Please feel free to leave a review :)
Happy teaching!