An interactive escape room lesson that explores the key components of good customer service. There are six fun task cards that include activities relating to the features of good and bad customer service. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to some of the benefits and limitations for a business when implementing good customer service.
Lesson Objectives:
•To be able to identify the components of good customer service
•To be able to explain the benefits and limitations of good customer service
Six task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
Learning Objectives
• To be able to explain what is meant by mass and niche marketing.
• To be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of mass and niche marketing.
Students should be able to explain what is meant by niche and mass marketing, and what the advantages and disadvantages are for each method of marketing.
Three Main Activities
Lesson Plan
About this item
An interactive escape room lesson that explores business partnerships. Six fun task cards are included that explore the advantages and disadvantages of operating as a partnership. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to partnerships and the main features of this form of business ownership.
Six task cards to complete the escape room relating to partnerships
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
About this item
An interactive escape room lesson exploring total quality management. Six fun task cards are included that explore the advantages and disadvantages of total quality management, the importance of quality, and how businesses benefit from good quality.
Six Task Cards
PowerPoint with Starter and Plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer Sheet for Teacher
Answer Sheet for Students
An interactive escape room lesson that explores personal finance. There are six fun task cards that include activities relating to personal finance. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to some of the key concepts of personal finance, such as budgeting, managing your money, and saving.
Lesson Objectives:
•To be able to explain the key features of personal finance
•To be able to understand how to manage your personal finances
Six task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that explores the key components of good customer service. There are six fun task cards that include activities relating to the features of good and bad customer service. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to some of the benefits and limitations for a business when implementing good customer service.
Lesson Objectives:
•To be able to identify the components of good customer service
•To be able to explain the benefits and limitations of good customer service
Six task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that explores the features that impact where a business chooses to locate. There are seven fun task cards that include activities relating to how a business chooses the best location.
Lesson Objectives:
•To be able to identify the key factors that help a business decide where to locate.
•To be able to explain the main factors influencing a businesses choice of location.
Seven task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that introduces students to what is meant by e-commerce. There are seven fun task cards that include activities relating to the what is meant by ‘e-commerce’, alongside some of the advantages and disadvantages of buying and selling online.
Lesson Objectives:
• To be able to identify what is meant by ‘e-Commerce’.
• To be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of e-Commerce for both the business and consumer.
Seven task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
Interactive escape room lesson for teaching about communication in business. Easy to prep lesson, clue cards need to simply be printed in advance. The lesson provides a fun introduction to communication in business. It explores different communication methods, what is meant by communication, and the importance of good communication in business.
Five task cards to complete the escape room
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet
About this item
Students should be able to explain what is meant by cash flow forecasting. Featured in the resource there is a PowerPoint that explain what is meant by cashflow forecasting, the importance of cash in a business setting, and examples of cash inflows and outflows.
Learning Objectives
•To be able to explain what is meant by cash flow forecasting.
•To be able to explain the key features of a cash flow forecast.
Three Main Activities
Lesson Plan
An interactive escape room lesson that explores the purpose of supply chain management. There are seven fun task cards that include activities relating to what is meant by ‘supply chain’ and the key features of supply chain management.
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to define what is meant by ‘supply chain’.
To be able to explain the features of a supply chain.
Seven task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that introduces students to multinational companies (MNCs). There are seven fun task cards that include activities relating to the what is meant by ‘multinational company’, alongside some of the advantages and disadvantages of operating across the globe.
Lesson Objectives:
• To be able to define what is meant by the term ‘multinational company’.
• To be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of operating as a multinational company.
• To be able to explain the key features of a multinational company.
Seven task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that explores World War One. There are six fun task cards that include activities relating to World War One. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to the features of World War One.
Lesson Objectives:
• To be able to understand and learn the general causes of the World War I and the countries that were involved.
• To be able to explain the impact of World War One and how it ended.
Six task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
Interactive escape room lesson for teaching trade unions. Easy to prep lesson as everything is prepared and the task cards simply need to be printed in advance. The lesson provides a fun introduction to trade unions. All of the key words are included in the lesson, such as industrial action, mediator, striking, etc.
Five task cards that focus on the key terms relating to trade unions.
PowerPoint with information explaining the purpose of trade unions.
Lesson Plan explaining different teaching activities that could be used.
Answer sheet for every activity that is included in the lesson.
About this item
An interactive escape room lesson about cash flow forecasting. Easy to prep activities, the task cards simply need to be printed in advance. The lesson provides a fun introduction cash flow forecasting and examples of cash inflows and outflows.
Five task cards to complete the escape room relating to cash flow forecasting
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students to complete
An interactive escape room lesson that explores the different sectors of industry. There are six fun task cards that include activities relating to the key features of each sector of industry. The lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to the different industries that operate in each sector, and how sector has different aims and objectives.
Lesson Objectives:
To be able to define the terms ‘private sector’, ‘public sector’ and ‘the mixed economy’
To be able to explain the aims and objectives of the different sectors of industry.
Six task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that explores assets and liabilities. There are seven fun task cards that include activities that feature examples of assets and liabilities and the definition of each of the terms.
Lesson Objectives:
•To be able to identify examples of ‘assets’ and ‘liabilities’.
•To be able to explain the importance of identifying assets and liabilities in a business setting.
Seven task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
An interactive escape room lesson that explores the various wonders of the world. This lesson provides a fun and interactive introduction to the different wonders of the world, such as the Colosseum, Petra, and much more.
Lesson Objectives:
• To be able to identify the seven wonders of the modern world
• To be able to identify the seven wonders of the modern world
Six task cards
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students
About this item
An interactive escape room lesson about sole traders. Easy to prep activities, the task cards simply need to be printed in advance. The lesson provides a fun introduction to sole traders and the advantages and disadvantages of operating as a sole trader.
Five task cards to complete the escape room relating to sole traders.
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet for teacher
Answer sheet for students to complete
Interactive escape room lesson for teaching about business activity, limited resources, and the need to choose. Easy to prep lesson, clue cards need to simply be printed in advance. The lesson provides a fun introduction to business activity.
Five task cards to complete the escape room
PowerPoint with starter and plenary
Lesson Plan
Answer sheet