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What do we mean by Britain? Establish which countries make up the United Kingdom, Great Britain and the British Isles. Discuss again the different peoples who make Britain what it is today. Children make jigsaw of British Isles showing different peoples.
The Union Flag!

The Union Flag!

Waving the flag! Using the Olympic timeline the children identify the last four countries and cities to host the Summer Olympic Games. The flag for Great Britain is pulled apart to see which countries make up the Union Jack.
Beautiful Batik

Beautiful Batik

Focus on the beautiful batik found in Mozambique. Explore the visual and tactile elements, including use of colour and pattern. Children use sketchbooks to copy and explore sections of these designs concentrating on composition and subject matter.
Variety of Species in the Rainforest

Variety of Species in the Rainforest

90% of the world’s animals and plants live in the 6% of the world that rainforests cover! In this session the class splits into groups to find out more about animals that have rainforests as their habitat. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

Oceans, seas, rivers and lakes

Following their personal choices in session 1, children research the countries they identified. They mark physical features on their maps, including rivers, lakes, deserts and mountains. They also identify the oceans and seas. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
We Are Britain KS2

We Are Britain KS2

Read some poems from We are Britain by Benjamin Zephaniah and ask what these children have in common. Discover where in the world children in the class came from originally – locally, elsewhere in Britain, another country? Write poetry about each other in BZ style.
Living Life In The Rainforest

Living Life In The Rainforest

The Rainforests are home to some 1.5 million people worldwide. But what is life for them really like? Chn take a close look in this session as they delve deeper into the forests and find out about life in the Jungle using books and ICT.
Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

The way we are damaging the planet we live on is not sustainable! Children find out about sustainable development and look at some of the changes that we need to make. Children think of both positives and negatives for these changes.
Water Cycle in Miniature

Water Cycle in Miniature

On Earth we still have the same drops of water that touched the lips of the dinosaurs! In this session children use all that they have learnt in the previous session to create a self contained bottle garden. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
Plantain Parties

Plantain Parties

Children discuss how all cultures have celebrations and festivals – special days in which special foods are eaten and shared. In parts of West Africa a child’s 5th birthday is special as many do not live to be five. Children make fried plantain and decorate plates.
Spotlight on South Africa 2010

Spotlight on South Africa 2010

In 2010 the eyes of the World will be on South Africa and a country where once no sports teams visited will be a focal point for 32 teams and their fans. Children find out more about the 9 host cities and create tourist guides for each.
Italy & The UK

Italy & The UK

Following the work in Session 11, chn consider how Italy fits into the categories of countries in the modern world. After a discussion of the difference between developed and developing countries, children identify the differences between Italy and the UK. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
The Weather Today

The Weather Today

Children learn the differences between weather and climate. Are we the cause of changes in the weather? What might we have done to make this happen? Children are given some websites to research and the activity is to produce a leaflet for younger children to explain this.
Headdress to Impress!

Headdress to Impress!

The Kayapo Indians who live in the Rainforests of Brazil are famous for their ceremonial headdresses. In this session children use the internet to study their designs before creating their own to wear in the classroom.
The Water Cycle Experiment

The Water Cycle Experiment

In this session children get a better understanding of why there is so much rain in rainforest regions. Chn create simple explanations in wordsildren pictures and diagrams. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
More than a game… Saving The Environment

More than a game… Saving The Environment

Who says learning can’t be fun! Children play and interact with a variety of computer games in the internet, all with a serious message. Children evaluate which are the most fun to play but also best at getting that message across.
Weather In The Future

Weather In The Future

Discuss extreme weather events from present and past. Using data they have been given about England’s weather over the past 30 years, some children draw a climate graph and predict what will happen in the future. Other children create a weather forecast for 2050.
Children and Water

Children and Water

Using an informative and clear leaflet downloaded from WaterAid, children read and discuss how children in parts of Africa are affected by lack of clean water and sanitation. Facts are collected before creating own posters and leaflets entitled ‘Children and Water’. Suitable for years 5 and 6.
Food Crops and Fufu

Food Crops and Fufu

Children are introduced to the idea that there are some staple foods which exist in all cultures. These are usually carbohydrates, and in many African countries they consist of foods made from Maize or corn. Children make fufu.
Mountains to Seas

Mountains to Seas

Using an exciting presentation, children look at a variety of images from across Africa, the largest landmass on the planet. They begin a research project to find out more about a particular type of landscape, possibly linking this to their chosen country. Suitable for years 5 and 6.