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Musical instruments

Musical instruments

Listen to a variety of musical instruments and investigate how they make sounds in more detail. Explain how to change the pitch and loudness of instruments made in session E and then try out each other’s instruments. Discuss what children have learnt during Strand. Suitable for Y5 pupils.
Appliqué – Cutting & Sewing

Appliqué – Cutting & Sewing

In this session children complete their Appliqué by cutting and sewing the pieces of their design before proudly displaying it in the classroom. They take time to reflect on the whole dyeing and designing process and evaluate the finished product.
Present and Future Technology

Present and Future Technology

Children discuss what technologies could be displayed in a 2012 exhibition in a similar way to the Festival of Britain in 1951, and then at a similar event in 3012.
Magnetic Materials

Magnetic Materials

Following the discussion about types of material in session 6, chn move on to explore magnetism. They look at which solid materials are magnetic and experiment to find out. They record their results in a systematic way. Suitable for years 3 and 4.
History of Cars

History of Cars

Children listen to a memoir of an elderly person's first car and then look at modern day car brochures looking for features which are new, and write a list of features they would like to see in future cars.
Make a Map

Make a Map

Children learn all about Britain and the different countries that make it complete. They write simple labels and create their own personal map of Britain, positioning favourite places and familiar landmarks. Suitable for Years 1 and 2.
Explore sight

Explore sight

Focus on the sense of sight. Play ‘Kim’s Game’ and identify some animal eyes. Discuss sensitivity of eyes and safety. Collect and group information about eye colour and create a pictogram of the results. Draw pictures of animals that can see in the dark. Suitable for Year 1 pupils.
Rusting nails

Rusting nails

Look at an irreversible change. Children set up an investigation to answer questions about nails rusting. Will they compare nails made from different materials or find out whether or not both water and air are needed for rusting to occur? Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Dramatic Conventions Weeks 3 - 5

Dramatic Conventions Weeks 3 - 5

Children look at a variety of prepared scripts and broadcasts, both radio and TV. They discuss different types, then focus on news and short animations. Children write their own scripts and create a 90 second audio broadcast which they record. Suitable for Year 5 and 6.
Adinkra Block Printing

Adinkra Block Printing

Selecting appropriate tools and techniques chn create potato stamps of their own Adinkra cloth symbols, ready to block print on a cloth.
Grow Your Own

Grow Your Own

Children compare a food journal they have kept with a food pyramid which gives the recommended servings of different food groups. The need to include fruit and vegetables is highlighted and children design a garden to grow their own.
How Are We Changing The World?

How Are We Changing The World?

Children consider ways in which we use the land and how it has changed since WW2. The four main ways are human land use, industrial agriculture, deforestation and urban sprawl. Children help decide the future of the imaginary Grousebrook Valley in the Peak District NP.


Demonstrate a water rocket to children, they then make their own, adding fins, nose cone and design a launch pad.
Food Security

Food Security

Children begin to consider issues determining food security. This session helps them to understand that food security is not only an issue for African counties but is a global issue also affecting us here. Children work in groups to discuss different causes.
Food chains

Food chains

All plants and animals living in a habitat are interdependent. In this session the children investigate a number of feeding relationships and create food chains to show the transfer of energy from the producers through the consumers. Suitable for Y6 pupils.
Festival Of Britain Architecture

Festival Of Britain Architecture

Children look at Festival of Britain architecture especially the Skylon and Dome of Discovery. They choose to make a Skylon, Dome or to design their own futuristic piece of architecture.
Windrush Migrants

Windrush Migrants

Listen to a poem written by an immigrant on the SS Windrush. Discuss how he felt about leaving his home and the reactions of some British people. Children compare the climate in the Caribbean with that of Britain and write imaginary letters home from a migrant.


What do we mean by Britain? Establish which countries make up the United Kingdom, Great Britain and the British Isles. Discuss again the different peoples who make Britain what it is today. Children make jigsaw of British Isles showing different peoples.
Fun with gases

Fun with gases

Candles burn, water fizzes, paper swirls spin and chalk gets dropped in vinegar in this practical session. Children then answer the call of the Fizzy Water company to find out if their water is fizzier ice cold! Suitable for Y5 pupils.